I haven't posted on these boards in awhile but I've relied on them for quite some time. I just wanted to share the success that I've had with baclofen.
I started taking it last July '09. Had a lot of success with it but was never AF for a stretch. Also had side effects--mainly extreme tiredness and nausea. I stuck with bac throughout the fall and then had a terribly stressful winter, spring and summer. During that time, I titrated down to a pretty low dose--sometimes as little as 10-20 mg/day or even none. This is going to sound crazy (but we all do crazy things when we're drinking and stressed, right?)...but the reason I titrated down to almost nothing was because I WANTED to keep drinking. In a crazy way, bac took away my physical cravings to drink but I still had a psychological void to fill. It was really self-destructive and stupid.
So as I went lower and lower on bac, I drank more and more and more. And, of course, my life became worse and worse and worse. I won't bore you with the stories, but I ended up in the hospital a few times (both are long stories). Finally, I ended up checking myself into detox for 5 days--which was miserable but worth it b/c I completely re-set my head, if that makes any sense. When I got out in late July, I titrated up on bac extremely fast--had some bad side effects but, since I wasn't drinking AT ALL, the SEs weren't that bad and they quickly went away.
Fast forward to today. I've been completely AF for over 2.5 months. That may not sound like much, but it is a miracle for me. I've been trying to cut back and/or quit drinking for years. I was one of those alcoholics who drank throughout the day and was just generally a mess without booze. Since July, I've been taking ~100 mg of bac/day. I also go to the occasional AA meeting and I now take lexapro. My life is completely different--I'm able to work again, my marriage is no longer falling apart, I've lost 15 pounds, my friendships have improved, and I'm HAPPY for the first time in a long time!

So, for me, baclofen on its own wasn't enough--it's really taken me being in the mindset of truly wanting to stop drinking. I know a lot of people are able to mod on baclofen. I used to sort of be one of those people who thought I could do that. But I learned about myself that I needed to be the kind of person that just didn't drink AT ALL on bac. That seemed to be the key for me--as I stayed sober longer and longer I started appreciating all of the huge benefits that sobriety was bringing me and this helped. Baclofen was key--I don't plan on titrating down any time soon. I really think I learned my lesson!!