I cross lines without worrying much when I believe in what I'm saying, Ally. It sometimes makes me unpopular. Don't much care. So, I'll probably keep crossing "that line" when it seems appropriate to do so. I'm having fun this weekend because I'm crossing all kinds of lines at a "gay pride" event in a conservative community. People will be ticked off at me - I don't much care.
If someone left MWO, it wasn't because I was "chasing" anyone. Unless you have a different definition of "chasing" than I do, so it would be helpful for me if you would explain that accusation (you did make an accusation).
Good that you had a good reaction to bac, and I'm sorry to hear about the TMJ - it is murder, and I solved mine in a rather radical manner.

I think I may have had a migraine once, but I'm not sure. It was the most incredible pain I've ever known, followed by barfing, followed by another 60 minutes of amazing pain - then I went to sleep. I've also been told it might have been something else, but I'm very happy not to have migraines if they are anything like that! You have my sympathies.
Good that he's clear on the kidney thing. It would be good if he were the one posting here. What are you getting out of your posts, Ally? Did you know there is a "family member" forum here? Near as I can tell, you are posting an account of someone else's experience of *sudden* high-dose bac. If you are reading that I'm not comfortable with that, you are reading correctly. Seen it already. Didn't lead to good things.
Whatever anyone else's motivations are, I am not in the least worried about being unpopular, so long as I am presenting the truth as best I know how.