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Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

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    Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

    Hello MWO friends, :new: I recently started on BAC (thanks to all of your success stories and info) and did 10 mg X 3 times a day before going up to 20mg X 3 times a day, then 30 X 3 times a day. The day I titrated up to 90mg, I did have some wine (about 5 or 6 glasses). I woke to the most miserable hangover I have almost ever had. However, I also woke to not wanting to, ever again. Today is day 2 of not drinking and went down to 80 mg. (20mg X 4 times) and still feel that way.

    My question is: When you hit the "Switch", how did you feel? What were the signs (besides not wanting to drink) that you were there? Did you feel sick the day you hit it? I feel like 90mg is too early to hit that switch and I'm just curious about how you felt?

    Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

    My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.

    Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

    Sounds about right. I drank at 3x25, suffered for it and stayed off the booze for at least a week after that. Only when I got complacent and forgot to take the baclofen did I drink a bit again, and even then it was a tiny amount compared to my normal bingeing quantities.

    If you don't feel like drinking, and you feel fine, then "you've hit the switch". So I don't see any need to increase your dosage.


      Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

      I haven't hit the switch and I'm presuming you want some, solid based on experience, input.

      Sorry. I have a need to write now.

      In MHO you've hit it, don't taper down yet. Let your body and more importantly your mind and lifestyle get used to not wanting to drink for maybe 6 months or 2 years first.

      You feel like 90mg is too little , too easy, spend some of that gathered energy to look at the long term picture.

      I know I'm probably the most active poster (any comments wil be digested before being replied to)but again let me thank you for MYWO
      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


        Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

        The switch simply refers to complete indifference to alcohol. Not even take it or leave it.

        You simply don't give a damn about it, and don't think about drinking. You'll see a bottle of wine / vodka / whatever next to a soft drink or a cup of tea, and you'll prefer the soft drink or tea.

        For me it happened gradually (over about a three-week period) - alcohol became less and less important. I started forgetting to buy more. I became abstinent at 240mg and totally indifferent at 270mg (space of three days).

        I hope for your sake that you're there - it is such a liberating feeling. You shouldn't be feeling ill, though... Maybe that's just some AWD symptoms?

        And as Ig has said: do not taper yet. You need to stay at that level for a while before thinking of taking less. 90mg is the accepted clinical dose for the "traditional" application of baclofen and very very safe.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

          ignominous;981264 wrote:
          I know I'm probably the most active poster
          Not even close :H:H:H

          You're on a paltry average of just over 6 posts a day. I'll rather not say what mine is... but it's way more...
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

            I just never drank on bac even at the low dose of 30/day. I had already gone a few days AF because i had had to travel to the clinic where they put me on it. I was never told to look for a switch. I am glad I hadn't come on to MWO before I went on it. I think it is sometimes confusing to look for a switch.
            After the fact I believe you are at the switch when you can use your best judgment (for me that was abstinence). Ie if you can stay AF you are at the switch. So if you normally drink and now are not you are likely there. Good luck and congrats. Don't imagine that will power has nothing to do with it.
            I remain AF now for over 9 months and only take 20 at bedtime (to sleep as much as anything)


              Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

              Sunnyvalenting;981281 wrote: I just never drank on bac even at the low dose of 30/day. I had already gone a few days AF because i had had to travel to the clinic where they put me on it. I was never told to look for a switch. I am glad I hadn't come on to MWO before I went on it. I think it is sometimes confusing to look for a switch.
              After the fact I believe you are at the switch when you can use your best judgment (for me that was abstinence). Ie if you can stay AF you are at the switch. So if you normally drink and now are not you are likely there. Good luck and congrats. Don't imagine that will power has nothing to do with it.
              I remain AF now for over 9 months and only take 20 at bedtime (to sleep as much as anything)
              Sorry, Sunny - but I must disagree.

              I could have remained abstinent at 240 with little effort, but 270 made me truly indifferent.

              There definitely is a switch.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

                Oh, thank you all for your replys. I've been following all of you and your progress for some time.

                Ig, I think you're right that I should continue on with the 90mgs. 2 days ago I would have argued considering how completely bleck I felt after drinking. I couldn't even imagine taking another dose. But I did (80)and the excruciating hangover slowly subsided and I slept well that night and still haven't wanted to drink. I'm back up to 90 today and think I'll just stay here for a while.... and not drink .

                Tip, I don't think I'm actually at the point of not thinking about it. Tonight, for instance, I have a small party to attend for work. Normally, I would plan to go there --have a couple glasses of wine --then go home and polish off another bottle. I have to admit, I've thought about having a glass, but the thought of continuing on to drink (at least right now) is turning my stomache. Most likely due to the fact that I never want to be as sick as I was the other day...again! Perhaps this BAC is, for me, a bit of a antabuse?! lol. I know different, but.

                Thanks again for replying. I'll keep posting with my experience as it progresses..... Would love any continued support.....

                Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


                  Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

                  I did drink tonight. It was a weird night though. After the work party thing, I could have stopped. I only had 3 drinks at the event.....and could have stopped. Something else prevailed, and I decided to keep on drinking when I got home. So far, 2 more glasses of wine. I know I'm going to pay for this in the morning......
                  Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                  My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


                    Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?


                    You've been on MWO for a while (at least judging by your join date).

                    Have you looked at the Toolbox Thread in Monthly Abstinence? I found it to be an invaluable tool alongside the baclofen and other supplements. It allowed me to throw all possible resources at my alcoholism.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

                      Looking back over threads, I found this post from birdy (Kelly). She is one of the smashing success stories here, and she, like Tip and Lo0p and many others, indicate that there definitely IS a "switch" (btw, she drank the whole time up to the "switch", and says she drank 10 beers the night before.)

                      She writes: "The switch is very real and is very obvious... (you) will know when (you) hit it. It is more than just the ability to decline alcohol - instead it is a true indifference. It is effortless to choose not to drink."

                      If you are interested, she has posted a very detailed story of her journey on the internet:

                      How High Dose Baclofen Cured My Alcoholism

                      I recommend anyone interested in baclofen, wherever you are in the process, to read this (it takes time, but it is worth it): It is comprehensive, very personal, and well-organized.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Hitting the Switch -- How do you know?

                        Thanks for that link, Beatle! I hadn't seen it before and you're right, her story is amazingly informative and helpful. Thank you Kelly!! :goodjob:

                        Thank you, Tip, too for the heads up on the toolbox thread. I'm off to read through that with my cup of coffee I have been registered on this site for a couple years, and have ordered the book, topa, tapes, and all that.... have not had much success and am hoping this BAC journey will finally get me there. I have hope.

                        I'm feeling good today. Stopped drinking after the second glass at home last night and did not have the excrutiating hangover as before. Last night I kind of felt like I was 'forcing' myself to drink when I got home.... weird and hard to describe. I have zero desire to drink today/tonight. Will end up taking 90mg's today.
                        Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                        My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.

