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Baclofen Handbook

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    Baclofen Handbook

    Just for your information, I have produced a detailed Baclofen Handbook.

    baclofen -

    This is not profit generating, but it will allow me to keep the web site and other anti-alcohol ventures going.

    These are the various sections. 140 pages and 30,000 words for those who know about these things.
    And almost 90 side effects and complications. 18 months of experience.

    Important information for Physicians
    Section I – An Introduction to the Handbook
    What is this Handbook?
    Who is this Handbook for?
    So, what is this all about? – Triple-A Syndrome
    Why did I write this Handbook?
    How to use this Handbook
    Fundamentally important concepts for the new ‘Baclofen taker’
    Some very basic definitions
    Why does this matter?
    Some very basic Neurology
    Why Baclofen and not some other drug?
    Baclofen and people like us

    Section II – The Complete Baclofen Process
    Obtaining Baclofen
    The weeks before your Baclofen arrives
    Your Baclofen has arrived – starting your Baclofen
    Titrating up your Baclofen
    Timing your Baclofen
    Your Controlling Dose
    Your Maintenance Dose
    PRN Baclofen
    Occasional, Intermittent or Ad Hoc Baclofen
    How long do you need to take Baclofen for?
    Stopping or ‘Coming Off’ Baclofen – Titrating Down
    Restarting Baclofen
    Acute Baclofen withdrawal
    Ensuring, protecting and storing your Baclofen
    Baclofen & Alcohol
    Stress Tests
    The Breathalyser Challenge
    Combining Baclofen with other alcoholism management medications

    Section III - A Formulary & Data Sheet for High Dose Baclofen
    Presentation & tablet size
    How does Baclofen work? Basic Baclofen pharmacology & pharmacokinetics
    Dependence on Baclofen
    Tolerance to Baclofen
    Withdrawal from Baclofen
    Driving etc whilst taking Baclofen
    Baclofen & Pregnancy
    Baclofen & Breast Feeding
    Baclofen & Exercise
    Baclofen & Smoking and other Addictions
    Does Baclofen cause malformations and / or cancer?
    Drug Interactions with Baclofen

    Section IV - Associations, Side Effects and Complications of taking High Dose Baclofen
    Common Associations
    Side Effects & Complications
    Central Nervous System / Psychiatric
    Peripheral Nervous System / Neuromuscular
    Cardiovascular System
    Respiratory System
    Urinary System
    Gastrointestinal System
    Skin & Hair
    Allergic Reactions
    Sweating & Temperature Control
    Sexual Changes
    Baclofen Overdose
    In Conclusion – your new life with Baclofen
    About the Author

    Baclofen Handbook


    I have to hand it to you! You have shown perseverance in the face of adversity.


    You've been busy since your most recent thread fiasco.

    Let us hope that this isn't a case of:

    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Baclofen Handbook

      tiptronic_ct;981364 wrote: Phill,

      I have to hand it to you! You have shown perseverance in the face of adversity.


      You've been busy since your most recent thread fiasco.

      Let us hope that this isn't a case of:

      Ha Tip!

      That is exactly what I look like after the last year or so!!

      Give me a chance. I mean well.



        Baclofen Handbook

        Give the book a go.

        It might help.

        I'm looking into the InHouse Pharmacy thing. News to me.



          Baclofen Handbook

          Send me a complimentary copy
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            Baclofen Handbook


            ignominous;982901 wrote: Send me a complimentary copy
            Good one ignominous!

            Excellent idea...perhaps we could ALL receive a complementary PDF copy at least!???

            Just kidding. No offense B4A. It looks like you've done a tremendous amount of work on the book. I wish you much luck with it.


            KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.


              Baclofen Handbook

              looks like a bit of money grabbing wankery to me...


                Baclofen Handbook

                If it's responsibly written and there is a market for it, nothing wrong with making money. I wouldn't work for free.

                Phil, what are your creds? Do you have personal experience with baclofen?
                * * *


                ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                - Vernon Howard


                  Baclofen Handbook

                  Sigh. Isn't it against the rules to peddle stuff on here?


                    Baclofen Handbook

                    Tracy the air head
                    Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                      Baclofen Handbook

                      neva eva;983128 wrote: Sigh. Isn't it against the rules to peddle stuff on here?
                      I doubt it. This site peddles lots of stuff, including the book "My Way Out." Near as I can tell, there are no rules and there never was, to my memory.
                      * * *


                      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                      - Vernon Howard


                        Baclofen Handbook

                        Tracy the clever antagonist
                        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                          Baclofen Handbook

                          Ig, what is wrong with you? What is going on in your head that you think personal attacks make for helpful discussion?

                          Maybe you should try posting sober sometime, just for the novelty of it.
                          * * *


                          ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                          - Vernon Howard


                            Baclofen Handbook

                            That's what I'm aiming for Trace, without of course loosing the creative license that being 'f@#ked up' allows me
                            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                              Baclofen Handbook

                              I don't understand what "you are aiming for."

                              Could you explain that, please?
                              * * *


                              ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                              - Vernon Howard

