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Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

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    Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

    Hi all, I'm new here. Started my Baclofen on October the 1st. Curious to know the dosage info, I actually did read through the entirety of the now closed discussion. I can totally understand why it was closed because it clearly lost it's original purpose at the end, which is too bad. But, having read the whole thing, I'd like to share what I learned and my overall impression of it. I'm hoping that my new experience and exposure here will help to crystallize and validate the original purpose of the thread.

    I learned that the dosage amounts vary, from as low as 30 mg, to an average of around 140 mg to very high dosages in the 300 mg range. Frequency of dosing also varies, from spreading the total daily dosage over periods an average of 3 to 4 times per day to a high of taking it hourly. I sensed an over-all caution and warning against taking too high of a dosage, especially if not supervised by a physician. It seems that many are obtaining their supply of Baclofen via online pharmacies, but whether their dosage is being monitored by a physician is unclear (perhaps I need to re-read!?).

    I learned that many have self-administered and increased their dosage a varying rates, with rapid increases generally discouraged, allowing the body and mind to comfortably adapt, increasing the dosage every few days or more until they found their "switch", the point at which the desire for "AL" (alcohol) is eliminated and sobriety is achieved. For some the "switch" did not occur until they had taken massive (300+ mg range) amounts of the Baclofen, but for most the switch occurred in the 150 to 200 mg range. Once the switch was achieved, most then "titrated" down to find the lowest dose that effectively maintained their new-found freedom from alcohol. Extra caution was given to those most severely addicted, especially those totally dependent upon alcohol who consume huge amounts from morning till night. Those in that condition need special attention from caregivers and their doctors.

    Dr. Ameisen, his book and his experience, is copiously referred to throughout the Thread. He is clearly (obviously) the main inspiration and guide for most of those involved in this site. An excellent reference was also made to the "Consolidated Baclofen Information" thread, which I found particularly useful, given my academic background, as it includes a lot of both general educational and scientific references.

    Dr. Fred Levin is also mentioned, who appears to be a Psychiatrist, familiar with Dr. Ameisen and the use of Baclofen for alcohol and drug treatment, and who has apparently privately offered his assistance to those eager to use Baclofen but do not have another physicians help. I doubt that he would have been actively monitoring this thread, but you never know. It's tragic that this issue seems to have brought the thread to an end. Seems to me there was a huge misunderstanding between a couple of the threads contributors here?

    There was a fairly liberal mention in the thread urging others to explore alternate, "Natural" means and methods to treat alcoholism, via Vitamin therapy etc, which helped me to realize how much our AL use affects our bodies nutritional balance. I found that interesting, but it seemed to distract a bit from the original topic of the thread, which was why I was taking the time to read it.

    Overall, I found the thread served its original purpose, especially when taken in its entirety. I think most people who do take the time to read through it, "rationally" will find, upon consolidation of the varying ideas, opinions and links, an excellent Baclofen dosage guide. Clearly, few physicians are available to help us otherwise. My doctor (GP) who has been practicing about 15 years now here in Canada had never heard of Baclofen being used for the treatment of alcoholism. A quick check on his computer, referencing a site he described as "Evidence-based", however, gave him enough information to agree then and there to start treating me with it.

    So, based on the helpful information that I have gleaned from this entire site, and in particular the now "Closed" Dosage and Frequency thread, along with a cursory read of Dr. Ameisen's book, I have successfully titrated up from 10 mg per day to 60 mg over the past 15 days. I started on a very low dosage because I am very sensitive to medications and wanted to be extra cautious about the potential "SE's" (Side Effects), especially the potential allergic reactions. Happily, the SE's have been minimal; some fatigue each time I increase the dosage for a day or two and a bit of dizziness now and then. From about the 3rd day onwards I am so happy to report a marked decrease in my interest in alcohol and especially since hitting about the 30mg mark my interest in alcohol has progressively lessened and now at 60 mg has "almost" disappeared. That, and when I do drink, I am finding that I can "almost" easily stop after having just a few drinks, which is a significant accomplishment for me. I have been battling my alcoholism for several years, using every method available, including Nutrition and Vitamin therapy, Aromatherapy, God, Faith, Alcoholics Anonymous, Rational Recovery, Anti-depressants, Benzo's, intensive addiction counselling and Cognitive Therapy....and NOTHING has done what Baclofen has done for me in 15 short days. I'm confident that, given how well the Baclofen is already working, I will be reaching my "switch" very soon.

    In closing, I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to the Dosage and Frequency thread. Within it I found invaluable information to help me and I think others who use its information with "Rational" and clear thinking along this as yet dimly-lit path upon which we are treading, using Baclofen for alleviating or rescuing us from our alcohol addiction. It seems that we are all pioneers on a journey that I have no doubt will eventually lead to wide-spread usage of Baclofen for alcohol and drug dependency.

    As for me, I am more than delighted and look forward to becoming "dependent" upon Baclofen if that is what it takes for me to be free from this horrible disease that has already cost me the loss of two relationships, two wonderful women who loved me but couldn't live with me and watch me slowly but surely destroy myself and my life. And, more recently, has come very close to causing me the loss of my job also---but I'm now optimistic that that disaster will be soon be averted---ALL thanks to Baclofen and the efforts of those promoting and supporting it, like Dr. Ameisen and those of you here on this forum. I wish you all the very purpose for which we are here---FREEDOM from that which will surely kill us, our addiction(s), and the continued freedom to express ourselves right here.

    You all take care.

    KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.

    Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

    Dabhar;981634 wrote: ...and NOTHING has done what Baclofen has done for me in 15 short days...
    Isn't Bac just amazing?! Welcome to the club Dab & glad you "came out" and joined in. Fantastic research you've done and you're well on your way. I love reading first posts like yours.


      Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

      Hope and expect things continue well for you and look forward to reading future posts.
      Welcome to the forum.
      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


        Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

        Welcome! A very concise and informative summary - thank you for posting that. Great news that you are finding success on baclofen. I am too, it just took me a long time to get up to 75mg, which is the point I am able to control my intake. Isn't it amazing to find a pill that helps. A little pill.... and here I've beat myself for two decades. Thanks for joining in - I found this particular thread encouraging to me also, even though it took a bad direction.


          Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

          Dabhar (and others),

          There was a thread earlier on this forum on different individuals' baclofen dosages and switches... very long and full of good information about each individual's dosages, their weights, and at what point they reached the switch (plus their maintenance dose):

          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.


            Thanks for your warm welcome, folks. I am looking forward to hanging with ya'll through this amazing journey to Freedom.

            Take care

            KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.


              Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.


              Thank you for your comments and summary which are valued by, I am sure, all here on the forum.

              Best wishes




              Olivier Ameisen

              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

                Update on Paul - he hit his switch!

                Quick update for all who have been following Paul's story.....

                HE HIT HIS SWITCH YESTERDAY!!!

                Three weeks less two days after starting a slow titration; and 9 days into a fast titration.

                His switch was at 330 mg; although he went higher than than for a few days.

                Much more to report later. We're all exhausted and elated - Paul the most so.
                Just wanted you all to know as there have been so many PMs asking for updates.

                Those of you on the journey - keep going - it really does work. It's a miracle.

                Without Otter's courage to share I don't know where we would be now but it would be a very scary place. Now we have peace and optimism in our livesa again.


                  Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

                  Great news
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                    Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

                    That is such great inspiring news, Susanna! Congrats to Paul!!!

                    Thanks, too, Dab for that awesome consolidation of info above. Love it...

                    I"m on day 8 ish and up to 90 mg's. I'm going to up it to 120 over the weekend... wish me luck. I haven't drank for 2 days now and am beginning to feel the effects of pushing away the thoughts of drinking. I am feeling soooo hopeful with this!!!
                    Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                    My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


                      Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

                      Thanks for the recap, Dab. I'm really glad you did that. I also found the thread useful, but can overlook the important stuff when I'm distracted. Which I think I always am.
                      Great news about Paul! You've crossed my thoughts every day.
                      Muchthought, I hope I'm on your path!


                        Dosage and Frequency take on its demise.

                        wonderful news, bloody wonderful, love saffy
                        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs

