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Side effects of Antebuse.

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    Side effects of Antebuse.

    Hi all,

    I am new to this so just a really quick introduction..

    I have had a drinking problem for years and finally admitted it properly just over three months ago. Through extensive medical help I have now been sober for just over three months.

    I am on a high dosgae of Antebuse and just wanted to get any feedback from others that are on/have been on this. i am feeling pretty low at the moment, wake up with headaches (very similar to a hungover feeling), my memory is shocking, I have break outs on my skin, I have had a huge loss of sex drive and just generally feel a bit 'blah'.

    I am not due to see my consultant for another month and just wondered if anybody recognised these as side effects? I need this medication still at the moment to keep off alcohol but I hate the way that it is making me feel.

    Any help reallly appreciated.
