I have been drinking since my sophomore year in college. I realize that I suffered, and still do, from social anxiety which was what set it off--didn't know that at the time. I also have a essential tremor of the neck ( like Katherine Hepburn did) combined with sporadic cervical dystonia which causes a painful pulling of the neck muscles to the side and backward. This is greatly exacerbated in social situations due to the anxiety factor.
Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that alcohol would completely remove all those symptoms, both and psychological and somatic. However, the downside is alcohol dependence to which I plead guilty. (I have no desire or urge to drink during the day--only before and after dinner or at social gatherings from which I usually depart early and woozily.)
I went to a movement disorders specialist about ten years ago for help with my essential tremor and dystonia. He tried all the usual meds, including botox injections into the neck and Parkinson's medications--a condition I thankfully do not have. Baclofen was among them, but probably not in high enough a dose to be useful. Nothing worked. I gave up on that and relied on my primary care doctor whose uncle had the same neck tremors, and who became an alcoholic as a result. I don't know if he had concurrent social anxiety as I do.
My doc is a pretty flexible and sympathetic. He put me on benzos and neurontin, which help but not as much as alcohol. All this seems to indicate that the somatic and psychological symptoms are strongly connected with lack of endogenous GABA. He?s aware of my drinking and says I ?probably drink more than I should??to keep this low key on my medical record.
When I wanted to try Topamax, he let me. Didn?t work, and too many SE?s at higher doses. When I told him about the Sinclair Method he was amenable and gave me a prescription for 50 mg Naltrexone per day. I tried the Method for a year, but nothing happened so I gave up on that. I then asked if he?d write me a script for baclofen, but he said I was already tried or was taking too many psychoactive meds and demurred.
Hence my current regimen to manage my somatic and psychological problems with his agreement (besides seeing a slew of shrinks that didn?t help) are: Morning: two-300 mg Neurontin tabs, one or two 5-mg diazepam tabs, one or two 1-mg clonazepam tabs.
That carries me through the day until 5 pm when I embark on 6 to 8 glasses white wine, then zonk out at 8 pm or sometimes earlier. Around 2 am I awaken due the alcohol rebound and need to take two 2-mg lorazepam tabs to get back to sleep. As mentioned, I awaken at 7 am usually feeling fine and energetic with no hint of a hangover.
Any ideas or suggestions about adding baclofen at my age (probably have to order it on the internet from India) to this hefty brew, titrating up as Amiesen did?and hopefully losing the benzos along with the need for big Al? Or is this asking for trouble?