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Sobriety. Whatever that is.

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    Sobriety. Whatever that is.

    Up again

    Can't tell if your for real. Your husband's quote sounds very much like something you would say but then again it's likely that I'm being too cautious.

    Also your little girl voice ties in exactly with the 'airhead' Tracy that manifested itself when you started posting here.

    Consequently I'm surprised that someone with your skills doesn't draw another conclusion from your lower octave voice.

    Sorry. once again, for my engulfing self centered protection mechanism kicking in. But I know you'll understand on all levels. LOL.
    Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


      Sobriety. Whatever that is.

      My husband's words are his own, but he would no more post to online forum than he would purposely cut off his own thumb. Not the type and I'm not not one to sock it.

      The rest is irrelevant to me, save this:

      ignominous;993283 wrote: Consequently I'm surprised that someone with your skills doesn't draw another conclusion from your lower octave voice.
      I honestly do not understand what you mean. Could you please explain?
      * * *


      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
      - Vernon Howard


        Sobriety. Whatever that is.

        I don't know where to start.
        He's gay!
        I've been offline, obviously. But for some reason carry you people with me. It was very get back on.
        I woke up at 4:30am and thought, hmmmm, I wonder if this is the bac. Then I remembered that I've been waking up at 4:30am for years. What do you think? Is it the bac???
        Poor baclofen, it's currently taking the blame for all my woes, from congestion to neurosis. At least my husband's off the hook for the moment.
        It was a super-fun (kid speak, sorry) couple of days. But I have to share this relevant story:
        I went with friends WAY outside of my drinking circle, which includes my couch and my dog atm. (and a very close few who know the story, thanks to some sage advice from Sunny I get in the car, we've got a couple of stops to make and the husband says, "Wife, why don't you drive, I'll have a couple of beers. NE do you want a beer?"
        My response: Oh NO! If I drank now, I'd be asleep by early afternoon." (Guffaw. Who the feck do I think I'm fooling?)
        I jump out of the car at the convenience store to get some nuts. Get back out to the car, wife is in the driver's seat, husband is buying beer. I kid you not. These people are not drinkers. (Ok, well he clearly is, but they don't plan wine with dinner. Don't keep beer in the fridge. And not because, well, you know. He likes to drink and was cutting up without the kids. She had A drink last night.)
        Ig, it'll be nice when I fit into my skin, but Hannibal Lechter is seriously creepy. My husband taunts me with the whole "Put the lotion in the basket" and it's not sexual at all.
        Fecking creepy.
        Tracy, I get what you mean. I wish there was some sort of balance between mellow and WHOA! But that's what most people can distinguish with lots of things. Like booze. Or adrenaline.
        This, For The Record, is time to get a handle on the beast.
        And as for posting? It makes me feel really vulnerable. There are thoughts on here my husband doesn't know about, and stupidity (my own) that is a reflection of the fact that this is (relatively, in my case) anonymous. I'm looking for my own sanity, as many are.
        So I took the bac with me, and took the bac, and drank, (shocker) but was socially appropriate I think. I certainly wasn't the most snookered person at the table. :h


          Sobriety. Whatever that is.

          Hey Ne

          Glad your trip went of without a hitch. You've got the film and I also feel that I've been oiling up my new skin all my life. 30 years of preparation, if I try it on now maybe I'll get 30 years of use out of it.

          Posting makes me feel vulnerable but anonymous means safety to a great extent. Trying it in the real world is great so far. Went back last night and couldn't find them, so no follow up. Also entirely uncertain as to what my reception would have been like and how I would have been able to act.

          Good to see you back

          Tracy, you have clear analytical abilities and insight.
          EDIT: You clearly have analytical and deductive abilities as well as some insight
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            Sobriety. Whatever that is.

            BTW on a purely positive aside and to make a contribution to the feel good nature of this site. I fixed my computer arm by mousing with my left arm. A little uncoordinated to begin with but now adequate and I've also improved my ambidextrous skills which can only be for the good. Particularly if I have my right arm amputated someday. And easier than learning 'speech recognition'
            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


              Sobriety. Whatever that is.

              Eerie silence
              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                shhhh. it's too quiet.
                Maybe other people are actually scratching things off their to-do list instead of lurking in MWO or playing on fb?
                What time is it there again. (Don't pin yourself down, location wise, just a pm or am will do. lol) Sunny Sunday afternoon here.


                  Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                  Your an angel, its after 11pm after another hot sultry day, end of rainy season. What does fb stand for.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                    Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                    The ultimate time-vampire. Oh, right, that's MWO.
                    Trust me, no angels in the room I'm in. The beast is here. The dog, and she's pretty perfect but not very angelic.


                      Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                      Have you ever used the live chat or am I coming on a bit strong?
                      Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                        Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                        I've tried it. I was drunk and then felt like a real heel afterward. No. Not too strong. You're propositioning what? lol
                        I'm seriously to chat it is.


                          Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                          How do you start typing
                          Yes having trouble
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                            Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                            Type in the window below the square thingy. Hit enter


                              Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                              I don't know why there are so many women here. Especially since in AA meetings I feel the men greatly outnumber the women. Word of mouth maybe?


                                Sobriety. Whatever that is.

                                Could be or just a place that is known for its feel goodness. Sorry for the abrupt end to the chat it was becoming very inconvenient from my end. Boy, but is was FUN.
                                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg

