I am on a mission to find a doctor. Just on principle. The situation surrounding baclofen, and possibly other life saving treatments is beyond absurd. I won't preach to the choir, but I refuse to let bull keep me from the medical help I, and others, need. Absurd.
Without going into all the details, I have interviewed a doc via phone, interviewed one via his receptionist, talked to several nurses, been told repeatedly that I need to see a shrink in addiction. Been there. Not paying $250 for an intake I can't follow up on.
Finally thought I'd found The One. (cue chorus of angels) Unconventional treatments, bright guy, right credentials...
I sent his name to a friend in the field in another state to check out. Guess what? He was fired and his license suspended in '97 for not caring for his patients in his old folk's hospital. And (cue the scary music) treated for alcohol and cocaine. Okay, bygones, I can't blame the guy for suffering from the same disease. Fast forward 13 years. He was just removed from probation in July for not following up with his drug addicted patients... That's just evil. (Not that the other isn't, but he was in a hospital with other physicians.)And, get this, stockpiling class III and IV meds at his community service drug treatment facility. And after he quit they found some locked in a file drawer in his office. And to top it off? He has no certification or education in addiction treatment or management. Again, not a deal breaker, except that he EXPLICITLY promotes himself as an addiction specialist. Which I suppose he is. It's the specializing in treatment that he's missing. Poor bastard.:upset: