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Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?

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    Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?

    Lowcountryman;990558 wrote: Another SE: after I saw my shrink I visited a friend and she told me I looked pretty dazed when she looked into my eyes. It made her laugh because I was smiling all the time.
    I've been finding that lately too! I just have a perma smile plastered on my face most of the time. I might not even necessarily feel happy at the moment, I can be perfectly neutral, but there's the grin that doesn't go away!
    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


      Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?

      I don't have the perma-smile, but I'm the most mellow me that I've ever known. It worries me sometimes, that I don't worry more.
      * * *


      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
      - Vernon Howard


        Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?

        I've been told on 3 separate occasions by:
        Happy drinker, "You're looking and acting more together"
        Successful business man heavily into his own brand of Budhism, " You've cut down on drinking haven't you"
        Son of a pub owner who got brought up in a bar, "You've cut down drinking but even if you haven't you're alright, I can tell"

        I admit that I denied cutting down my consumption on the last 2 occasions. I didn't want the conversation to go to 'why?" and, if I do relapse I don't want to add to my woes. So to any one who thinks I'm brave, think again. Also I wanted to scream out that it wasn't me they were seeing it was Bac.

        Don't know why I posted here, something about people seeing me in a more positive light
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


          Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?

          The same happened to me, even while I was still drinking.

          Usually terribly hung over and in a rush to get to work, I wasn't the friendliest of people. Not mention irritable and impatient.

          After I remained calm and composed for the third day in a row of running very late in getting the kids dropped off at school and hitting rush hour traffic, my wife wanted know what was going on with me

          ***hangs head in retrospective shame***
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?

            I started taking baclofen at the beginning of Feb '10. I hit the switch early on and continued taking baclofen for about 8 months. I started lowering my doses little by little and have been off baclofen for about 10 days now - I have not had any cravings since I hit the switch and continue to have no cravings. I have not drank any alcohol since Feb 8th and plan to abstain for good. I have no need to drink alcohol, it serves no useful purpose in my life so why would I even go there anymore? My quality of life and overall well being is better than it has been in many years and I owe it all to baclofen and the support of people here.


              Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?

              Road, so much thanks for your reply.

              That gives hope 8 months is really very hopefull. Good for you!

              I've titrated up to about 200mg a day now. There's still craving but the SE's aren't that bad for me. A little high feeling sometimes but still better than the continuous hangover. After a few beers I get drunk so fast that it's no longer 'fun'. Smoking a cigarette makes me feel like the first time I smoked: high. I didn't feel like smoking yesterday and got my first pack only at 15.00 hours, which is really unbelievable since I like to wake up with coffe and cigarettes and smoke all day long.

              I'm gonna stay on 200mg because my daughter is with me this weekend and I don't want ' strange things' to happen. After that, I'm going for it.

              I honestly believe that even ' only' 8 months abstinance would get my life back on track and thus making it easier to remain abstinant. Would that be wishfull thinking?


                Any stories of longer-time Baclofen users?


                I combined naltrexone (TSM) and baclofen. I had to go pretty high with baclofen (380mg/day), but after hitting my switch and titrating back down, I never felt like I needed to continue taking it. I took 20mg/day or so for a while, then stopped. I have been AF since July.

                Well, almost. I've had small amounts of alcohol on a few occasions, and have definitely lost my taste for it. Last night I was at a party and decided to have a beer. I drank one beer and had no desire to have another. Before baclofen, I drank 70+ units/week.

                Hang in there and stay the course. SE's might get more bothersome as you titrate up, but the end result is fantastic and so very worth it.

                Good Luck!
                TSM started 1/22/2010; Wks 1-6: 78u/wk
                Baclofen + TSM started 3/5/10; Wks 7-25: 52u/wk
                Alcohol free and indifferent since 7/15/2010

