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So long, and thanks for all the fish*

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    So long, and thanks for all the fish*

    tiptronic_ct;996342 wrote: I like warm and fuzzy.
    :l :l :l :l :l :l


      So long, and thanks for all the fish*

      Topsy-Turvy-Tracy;996290 wrote: Whatever, whacko. PM is a really, really, really good place for you, AllyB. You could also start your own email list. You could do many, many things (including getting the family forum in gear, which is where you actually belong on this site). I'm glad you are finding a place to be, because believe that I am not going anywhere, no matter what kind of whacko accusations you make, no matter what anybody says, no matter how many people you manage to PO. I'm not here for anybody else, and I am not here for any other reason that to try to become AF.

      You, OTOH, are a disease that plagues this forum - in all your various incarnations under any screen name.

      PM is a very, very, very good place for you. I hope you find what you need there.
      I rest my case! If anyone was in doubt about what a nasty bully you are they aren't now. I just really, really wish I'd stood up against you properly the first time you started bullying someone else instead of moving it to PM. All it achieved was allowing you to run people off the board. Well no more Tracey. You don't get to bully people the way you do and ruin a resource that so many people were finding helpful without being challenged on it.


        So long, and thanks for all the fish*

        Tracy, I reached my switch a month ago at 280mg/day after 6+ months of painful titration. It is truly magical. In the month or so that you've been a member, your grandstanding, bully-ing, and "going after" people on this forum have contributed to an unpleasant atmosphere around here that is the main reason I have not gone public with my story. Your holier-than-thou attitude against those of us who have to self-prescribe baclofen without the help of a qualified medical professional is naive and just plain repugnant. What will you do if 80mg/day doesn't work and *you* find yourself unable to find a doctor willing to prescribe an effective (high dose) level of baclofen for your drinking? Will you just give up and drink yourself to death? It sounds like that's what you'd have us all do. Anyone who has read my posts probably knows that I have a wealth of information to share. You have made this forum an unpleasant and unwelcome place for me to want to interact and share. You seem like the kind of person who would rather be "right" (and loud) than fair, healthy, and sane. And always, always when confronted with concerns about your behavior, you shoot back with attacks and indignant rationalizations, never giving a thought to examining your *own* actions. I'm not looking for answers from you to any of the questions I've posed here, nor will I participate with you in any arguments about what's been going on here. I'm just hoping you chill out, listen more, bark less, and stop being the baclofen police on this forum.

        -tk Baclofen 260mg/day reached my switch on September 26th, 2010 at 280/mg and it fucking roolz.
        TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


          So long, and thanks for all the fish*

          congrats, terry!!! :goodjob:

          I reached my switch w/ baclofen in July, have been sober ever since and life is awesome.


            So long, and thanks for all the fish*

            An update

            My wife is doing really well. She has taken control of her own dosing and her doctors are now on board with her.

            I now know that if she does relapse there is an effective detox method using Baclofen.

            I think anyone who feels that the measure of how free they are is based on how many things they walk away from does not "get" what this forum is about and should make themselves even more free by walking away from this forum.

            Oh, and having read this thread more fully I will edit this post by saying that I have spoken to Dr. Phill, as has my wife. He called us at 1:00 in the morning to help... and that says it all!!!!!!! He is a very kind hearted human being who wants to help people. This is a "free" world and if someone wants to make money out of helping people then I think that is a good thing. Maybe his book will help someone; should we try to stop that? Maybe someone will get some help from him over the phone after reading or hearing about his book; maybe we should try and stop that? What kind of a sick place has this become?

            There are some comments on here which suggest that the "ideological purity" of this site in not allowing commercial promotions is more important than helping people recover from AL by whatever method. Maybe Phill is not everyone's cup of tea but he helped my wife more than any of her other doctors.



            Olivier Ameisen

            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


              So long, and thanks for all the fish*

              tiptronic_ct;994180 wrote:

              In future, my baclofen-related efforts will be directed at the creation of greater awareness of this treatment within South Africa. I?m very happy to have gotten an appointment with the head of psychiatric research (which includes addiction) at a prominent local university. That?s a start. I?ll see where the journey takes me.

              * Thread title with apologies to Douglas Adams
              Good on you Tigger.
              The peeps in SA need to know about meds that are available to help with this nasty addiction. Although I was lucky enough to have a GP that was willing to prescribe me Topa and later Bac, she had never heard of it being used for AL addiction before and hence wouldn't up my dose enough and therefore I never had success with it.

              Wishing you all the best on your quest to get it recognised :l
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                So long, and thanks for all the fish*

                I know, I know. I?m a loop groupie. It?s embarrassing really. But you misunderstand my fawning sycophancy. I don?t want to do you. I want to be you. (With say 18% body fat.)
                You and one other made this whole thing real for me. Specifically, baclofen and the optimism found in OA?s book. Maybe it?s because you put up a picture, or did all that work, or had a pretty graph. Maybe it was timing. Whatever.
                My fantasy is simply this: That some time in the distant future we meet and I get to tell my husband, ?This is loop, the guy that made it all possible.? Loop, mind you. Not your real life person.
                I apologize for behaving inappropriately. And I?m mortified that I?ve been following you around like a motherless puppy. That?s got to be annoying/creepy.

                But, hey, thanks for taking me right back to the cafeteria circa 1984 when the quarterback crushed me in.front.of.everyone. Humility indeed.

                I don?t think I?m the codie in question, but I?m sure someone?ll set me straight if I am.

                I can?t promise I won?t keep reading, I?ve got nowhere else to go re. baclofen. But I?ll shut up/lay off.
                If you?re the one leaving crap all over my computer could you stop? I don?t know what I?m doing and I?m likely to blow the thing up. I really need it this weekend unrelated to MWO.
                Has anyone else noticed the mostly reasonable discussion they?re having in general? Hurt feelings and differences of opinion, and no one is telling anyone to fuck off. Imagine that.


                  So long, and thanks for all the fish*

                  Are you fugging kidding me? :H

                  I was talking to psycho Tracy!!!

                  And it was a Please tell me you're just kidding and the joke is on me.

                  Naw you and me...we're good :l
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
                  Trolls need not apply


                    So long, and thanks for all the fish*

                    Nope. I'm a groupie. Hang on every letter.
                    But that's just funny.
                    I can't stand the meanness. i'm with Tip. I covet warm and fuzzy.
                    Glad we're good.


                      So long, and thanks for all the fish*

                      Otter;996784 wrote: My wife is doing really well. She has taken control of her own dosing and her doctors are now on board with her.

                      I now know that if she does relapse there is an effective detox method using Baclofen.

                      I think anyone who feels that the measure of how free they are is based on how many things they walk away from does not "get" what this forum is about and should make themselves even more free by walking away from this forum.

                      Oh, and having read this thread more fully I will edit this post by saying that I have spoken to Dr. Phill, as has my wife. He called us at 1:00 in the morning to help... and that says it all!!!!!!! He is a very kind hearted human being who wants to help people. This is a "free" world and if someone wants to make money out of helping people then I think that is a good thing. Maybe his book will help someone; should we try to stop that? Maybe someone will get some help from him over the phone after reading or hearing about his book; maybe we should try and stop that? What kind of a sick place has this become?

                      There are some comments on here which suggest that the "ideological purity" of this site in not allowing commercial promotions is more important than helping people recover from AL by whatever method. Maybe Phill is not everyone's cup of tea but he helped my wife more than any of her other doctors.
                      Phill has a way of irritating people. He misrepresents himself and he appears to be plugging his website. Often his posts are incomprehensible. And he doesn't respond the way we expect a rational, intelligent (and maybe sober) person to respond.

                      However, he has never spread disinformation about baclofen. He has always offered help to anyone anytime. I believe the first time he ever tried to "sell" anything on this site was with his new handbook (very recently). I don't think he stands to make much money on it either. He is probably trying to cover his costs. And I believe he is sincerely trying to disseminate information, good information, organized information assembled in one place about baclofen. I think we should applaud him for that, not deride him for it. We all have a lot to gain by anyone who contributes to the spreading of knowledge about baclofen, however he/she does it.

                      We give other alcoholics slack here. They can say irrational things, and we still accept them. They can be blubbering idiots, and we still accept them (although we may poke them, too). They can be drinking when they post, and we still accept them. What we don't accept is people spreading false information and people abusing other people, or just being abusive in general. In such cases, if the moderators don't seem to be noticing, it is our job to alert them of such.

                      If Phill irritates you, tell him (either on the threads or by PM). I've given him a piece of my mind, both publicly and privately. He always responds, although the responses are often cryptic and rarely satisfying. But hey, he's just a person and an alcoholic like you or me. And he is reaching out to help people.

                      In his own clumsy way.

                      But hey.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        So long, and thanks for all the fish*

                        p.s., I do feel this thread has been hijacked and I apologize for being a part of that.

                        I'm very sad that Tip will no longer be contributing to this forum. It is a great loss for all he has helped, is currently helping, and could have helped in the future. I wish he would reconsider his decision. I hope he will at least read the posts here and chip in on the occasional post where he realizes that he has valuable information that could profoundly affect individuals. However, I'm happy that he will continue to be a part of the community. And we all know where to find him.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          So long, and thanks for all the fish*

                          Me too Tip.
                          And Phil as far as I'm concerned post as much as you like or PM me or send me an email
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg

