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My progress with Baclofen

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    My progress with Baclofen

    Congrats Isolde! Let us know what the doctor says. Do your research on the ADs, some of them may conflict with Bac.

    I had similar SEs, but after a few weeks at the same dosage, they all went away for me. I am staying at a high dose, but titrating down very very slowly (about 25mg/month) since the switch.



      My progress with Baclofen

      Congratulations Isolde on hitting your switch! Fantastic news.
      Hope it goes well at the doctors.
      Insomnia is still a killer for me too. I too get the closed eye visuals - sort of flashing red when the pills are pulsing, and the ringing in the ears too. They seem to have lessoned a bit when I have taken Al out of the mix.
      Hope it goes well for you.
      Full English
      1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
      2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
      Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


        My progress with Baclofen

        I had relative insomnia for several months after going AF. I don't know if it was the bac or the lack of al. At any rate over the last 2-3 months it is much better. I still just get about 6 hours but that is much better than the 4-5 (or less at times). I tried to have something quiet to do in middle of night. Considered taking a 2nd Job! Luckily I feel this is sorting itself out. My doc said it takes about 6 months or so to normalize the neurotransmitters in an alcohol dependent person who quits.
        Good luck, hang in there, it is much better than the coma/sleep of al or the insomnia of withdrawal.


          My progress with Baclofen

          That's good news for me Sunny who's neurotransmitters are in a right pickle!
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            My progress with Baclofen

            I'm stepping down to 120mgs today, from 135. Oddly enough, the SEs have been getting worse instead of better. The ringing in my ears is driving me crazy!! It used to only be really bad if I yawned or stretched, but has gotten louder at all other times now too. At least I am sleeping ok. Although last night I was back to tossing and turning and the annoying dehydration was back. Still absolutely no desire to drink, and am getting to the point of not even thinking about it anymore. Was at 135mgs for a week, so am ready to go down to 120.
            As I posted in another thread, I saw my doc and he agreed to prescribe baclofen for me. As the prescription was sent to my mail order service (I have to do it through them due to my employer's insurance), I'm not sure what the quantity is, but they're 20mg pills. I told him I was currently at 135mgs, but figured my maintenance dose would be around 80mg. So we'll see when it shows up! Even though I was telling him about all of the forum members that had success with baclofen and how I thought it had the potential to be the gold standard in alcoholism treatment, he didn't really seem to be listening to me. That's not like him. And I think he was mostly just annoyed w/me because I was 2 years overdue for my check up and I was supposed to have had blood work done before coming in. And then I went in to him with a whole laundry list of items that I wanted to talk to him about.
            He made it through my list, including the anti depressant. After a brief background fill in (runs in my family along w/anxiety, have been dealing with it off and on for as long as I can remember, etc.), he agreed that it might be a good option for me. But he didn't want to prescribe me too many things at once. Even though I've already been on baclofen without doctor supervision (he prob. wasn't too keen on that either!) for more than 3 months. I can understand where he's coming from though. Turns out that Cymbalta's not a good fit for me. It ended up sending me to the ER last Saturday. Long story. I'd checked to make sure there were no drug interactions w/it and the baclofen and that it wasn't too high of a dose. It just didn't agree with me, it was almost like an allergic reaction that sent my heart rate and blood pressure through the roof and scared the crap out of me.
            I shared that with my doc too, to which he replied, "Well, that will teach you not to take medications that aren't prescribed for you!" To which I couldn't argue. But that was probably another strike against me at that appointment! I almost feel like I need to get back in his good graces now - get my blood work done, show up for my next appt., etc. :H

            Another side effect that I'm having is actually a good one - food doesn't really appeal to me much anymore. I eat until I'm full (doesn't take long lately) and then I just stop. Which is how it's supposed to be. That combined with cutting out AL has led me to effortlessly drop a few pounds. Anyone else experiencing that in relation to food? I don't know if maybe it's just not hitting my pleasure centers the same way any more or what. But I'll take it! And I was a major foodie! I read food magazines and food blogs and planned new restaurants to try all the time. And now I just don't find it really interesting any more. That's another thing that I will need to find a new hobby to fill in for!
            I'm thinking it'll be exercise. I haven't had a lot of time lately (been working a lot), but I'm actually itching for a good workout. I need to re-join a gym. And I can attest that baclofen causes your muscles to take longer to fatigue. There were a few threads going around about that phenomenon a few months ago. Sometimes at work when I need to go up 11 flights, I'll actually take the stairs. My legs would be burning after just a few flights. But now they don't at all. My heart is still pounding by the end, but my legs are fine. It'll be interesting to see how this transfers over to working out. I'm looking forward to finding out!
            Better Living Through Chemistry

            Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

            Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


              My progress with Baclofen

              I can attest to the muscle fatigue. Don't do much exercise, apart from swimming a couple of times a week. I used to ache the next day if I pushed it, now no pain. Either in the pool or the next day. My lings can't keep up though, Bac has done nothing for my 3 packs a day smoking habit!

              Hear you on the SEs not abating, pain in the butt. Titrating down as fast as I dare!

              Don't like your Doc too much. lol
              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                My progress with Baclofen

                I am exercising daily and believe that since there is some effect of bac on the reward circuitry there may be an effect on overeating. There was at least one study that showed Compulsive Eaters were helped by the drug. This could be the effect.
                I have lost 48 pounds in 6 months since starting to exercise and diet. I am 12 pounds from my goal of 136. I have lots of energy but still occasional insomnia in that I can stay up quite late. But I find if I "put myself to bed" I can usually sleep. Don't know if this is my underlying nature or the bac.
                Good to hear from all of you. Hope the SEs diminsh soon, Isolde


                  My progress with Baclofen

                  48lbs?! my god that is a small child. that's amazing.:goodjob::goodjob:


                    My progress with Baclofen

                    Why does something that makes you sleepy keep you awake?


                      My progress with Baclofen

                      I can't figure that out either shiny


                        My progress with Baclofen

                        Unwanted weight gain from baclofen

                        I too have experienced weight gain of 5 pounds on just 30 mg per day. I have only been on baclofen for 20 days and experienced immediate relief from craving and ability to have maybe 1 or 2 beers a day or nothing at all. Almost could care less. But the weight gain??? Does that go away? :new

                        help4me;1002515 wrote: So happy to read your progress Isolde & Publius. Both of your experiences are mimicking mine. Right now I'm on month 2 and at around 150-190 (I did go higher one weekend in an attempt to get to my switch --220--, but got extrememely sick and terrible SE' quick. Although I thought I hit the switch, but maybe I came down too quickly as I have given in to the wine a couple nights since...)

                        Anyway, I'm happy to read your posts. The one major set back for me has been weight gain. I've gained about 10 pounds this month and all in my stomache area. I'm feeling extrememly bloated and hoping next Monday to start a better eating plan to curb that. ugggg.. not sure I can take another 10 pounds this month. sure hoping that SE stops!

                        Good luck to all. We will get there!


                          My progress with Baclofen


                          Congratulations on your weight loss!:yay: I have lost weight on Baclofen...about 10 lbs. ...I think because it makes me nauseated. It's been a lifesaver for me....60 -90 mg. per day.....helps me sleep at night, knocks out my appetite and anxiety and has given me more AF days than I could have ever dreamed. I have my life back. I spend more time working out than recovering from a hangover.

                          Isolde, I have never been a food addict, but I have found that I am eating way, way, less....if I have more than moderate portions of food then I am extremely uncomfortable. I guess I can put up with the nausea.

                          Finally...regarding your weight gain...when I first quit drinking....for about four days, I was craving sweets and anything salty...chips, fries, etc. Could that be why you're gaining weight? I know it's frustrating so I'm just offering some thoughts.


                            My progress with Baclofen

                            I initially allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted for the first 5 months. I didn't want to be addressing both bad habits. After I felt securely abstinent I went on the diet and exercise regime. Don't be distressed in the first few months. Your brain is just still healing from the alcohol abuse. Eat at least as reasonaably as you can and exercise some. It became clear to me at 5 months that my abstinence was real and I could lose weight healthfully for the right reason. Having succeeded on one problem (al) it seemed more possible to succeed on the other. In some ways the diet& exercise is harder than the abstinence which now seems effortless in comparison. Glad I didn't wait.


                              My progress with Baclofen

                              Excellent advice, Sunny!

                              My Addictions Counselor told me to just grab a hold of and enjoy one victory at a time...for you being AF (alcohol free)...then a few months later starting to tackle the rest. "The rest" for many of us way more than just weight gain! But to shed pounds like that has gotta be SUCH a wonderful boost to your already great victory of being AF. Now, you are weight free! What another wonderful accomplishment...and thanks, to be sure because of your being AF (LOTS of calories in booze!).

                              Your victory is fuel for OUR victory, Sunny. Thank you for sharing your life and victories with us here!!!!

                              KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.


                                My progress with Baclofen

                                How are you Is?
                                And I gotta ask, with all due compassion, but with no real understanding of where you are... Was your plan always to moderate?

