Getting back to "normal" here! I went to a hockey game with my brothers and dad on Tuesday, and I was a bit worried. I knew they would all be drinking, and was concerned that it would be weird that I was the only one not drinking. But I was determined not to drink, not after feeling like shit on Monday. As usual, I worked everything up in my head to be bigger than it needed to be. My dad didn't drink at all due to an upset stomach, and one of my brothers only had a few beers since he had to get up early for work. Plus, they all knew that I'd called out of work on Monday for a hangover, so no one really thought anything of it.
In any case, I was proud of myself. I took an extra 20mg before going to the game to be on the safe side. I felt pretty good on that 140mgs total, so I thought that I'd bump back up to 140 for a little while, assuming the insomnia didn't come back. I was feeling it on Wednesday though, getting the bac buzz back - tense body all over, difficulty concentrating, sky high libido. And by the afternoon I was feeling all kinds of weird. Just downright uncomfortable. I've also been dealing with really bad back pain for a few weeks that is only getting worse with each passing day, until I was almost in tears on the way home from work yesterday. I really didn't see the need to compound all of that, so decided to stick at 120mgs.
Another testament to bac rewiring the brain. In the past, xanax hasn't really done a whole lot for me. Klonopin has been my gold standard for completely relieving my anxiety, helping me sleep, and making me feel nice and relaxed the next day. I took it one night last week when I'd been having trouble sleeping and woke up panicky. And now xanax works wonders at letting me sleep without making me feel weird or drugged at all (I also only ever take half of the lowest dose). So bac has obviously done something to my brain to change how certain substances affect it. Just an interesting little side note.
The jury is still out on the effectiveness of generic bac from India vs. prescription baclofen. 120mgs feels like 120mgs to me.
Anyway, doing well, not drinking and not desiring to. Switched my dose up a little bit when I started taking the 20mgs doses of the Rx. I had been taking my smallest dose at night before bed (10mg). I have it spaced out more evenly now and my nighttime dose is 20mg. This seems to be helping me sleep better thoughout the night, w/out all of the tossing and turning I was experiencing before. So now it's 20-40-40-20 throughout the day.