Bruunhilde, I take magnesium almost every night to help me relax and to keep the teeth clenching down (which it hasn't been helping with at all lately - time to dig out the mouth guard again). It wasn't doing anything for the constipation though. I picked up some Benefiber, which is 100% tasteless and dissolves completely. Been stirring that into my coffee the last couple of days and it seems to be doing the trick.
SS, I've been feeling "off" a lot lately too. A couple of weeks ago, I felt like I was on top of the world. And lately I've been feeling more like the world is on top of me. No particular reason to be feeling this way! I've been trying to just accept it and look at what might be lying underneath the surface. I'm continuing to obsess over things, making mountains out of molehills in my head. Bac related or not, it's hard to say.
Rusty, I'm glad you figured out why you caved! Skipping doses will definitely do that to you. Sorry to hear that you're starting to experience insomnia now. I've been there and it sucks! Maybe it has something to do with the time difference as well though?
Yesterday was my birthday, and I went out to dinner at a great restaurant with my family and some friends. I had planned for a couple glasses of wine, which is what I stuck to. I probably could have just had 1 and sipped on it all night though, because I really wasn't feeling it. My head was feeling kind of weird, even before the wine, maybe because I was so darned hungry! It was very easy not to have more. And I very easily could have had less, but I didn't want to waste it because it wasn't cheap and I wasn't paying for it!
Yet another side effect I've noticed - I bruise really easily lately! I've always been slightly accident prone, and tend to find bruises that I have no idea how they got there. But lately I've had a LOT more!! Feels like my skin is more fragile. Anybody else?
Thanks for all of the support. :l Having been feeling kinda yucky for a few days now, it's nice to come on here and read everybody's replies and encouraging words.
