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Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

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    Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

    Hello all!

    I'm pretty new to this community and I'd just like to say thanks for all the information/support I've been able to get by lurking for the past few months!

    A little bit about me: I'm a 24 year old male recovering from crippling and nearly fatal alcoholism. From the age of 20-24 I drank myself nearly to death despite two trips to inpatient rehab and a stint in long term intensive outpatient as well. I also tried antabuse,Campral, various antidepressants, anxiety medications, exercise, diet, cognitive behavioral therapy, sober living, intensive 12 step participation, and probably many things that I am forgetting to mention without being able to scrape together more than 90 days of consecutive abstinence.

    I am the type of alcoholic who drinks to extreme excess each and every cycle. It is truly an insane affair and usually ends with a barely breathing me laid out in the ICU.

    Anyways! Now for the good news- for the past several months I have been doing absolutely great. I read Heal Thyself, which got me interested in exploring GABAb agonists as a possible treatment for my own alcoholism. I broached the baclofen question with my psychiatrist (the only doctor I see), but was shot down quickly on the grounds that baclofen hadn't held up under clinical trials (the extremely low dose one mentioned by Ameisen).

    Frustrated, I searched for other compounds with easier access that shared a GABAb agonist profile, and landed on Phenibut. I received my first batch of Phenibut a few months ago and have not had a drink since. The extremely odd thing is that the abstinence has been nearly effortless. The anxiety and panic-inducing cravings are so dulled that I haven't had any problems avoiding alcohol, and hence my life has taken a 180 degree turn for the positive.

    Although I am happy with the results I am getting under Phenibut, it comes with some serious drawbacks. As many of you know, high dose Phenibut comes with significant nausea, "hangover" feelings, visual disturbances, etc. Worst of all, the Phenibut is not a viable source for long-term therapy as it rapidly loses its efficacy and requires increasingly large doses to suppress craving. This leads to a nasty dependence cycle and I am very concerned that it may soon not be an option for treating my alcoholism.

    I want to switch to baclofen asap. The problem is that I dont have insurance, and my psychiatrist is unwilling to prescribe it to me. I do not have any problems paying for a doctors visit to get baclofen, but I really dont have the money to shop around looking for one who may be willing.

    My ultimate question is this: Does anyone know of a baclofen-friendly doctor in or very close to Washington state who may be willing to work with me? I have no problem traveling from my home in Spokane, WA to see them on a monthly/bimonthly basis. Any suggestions would be so very appreciated. This is really a matter of life and death for me.

    If you have a suggestion but dont want to post it publicly, you can PM or email me as well.

    Thanks all that best of luck to all of you!

    Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

    Hi, Moon. Glad you've found some relief.
    I'm sure that there are other members who can and will weigh in with their experience/knowledge of phenibut. I seem to remember some alarming things about it.
    You can call Dr. Fred Levin, in Chicago, for a Rx for Baclofen.


      Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

      Wow, call a Dr. from Chicago for an Rx? Really? Would you mind telling me a little bit more about how to approach it and what to say when I do call him?

      Also, does he just phone the prescription in to a pharmacy near me or mail a written one or what?

      I've never heard of anything like this before! Thanks so much for the reply.


        Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

        Yes, that's pretty much the way it worked for me. I called him, talked to him for about 15 minutes? not sure how long the first time. He asked me to get Walgreens, which I think is the pharmacy he prefers, to call him. He gave them the rx, with 5 refills. Unreal, huh?
        There is lots of information you will probably want to check out on consolidated baclofen thread, consolidated side effects thread, and several others. Also, I know I've read something about phenibut on here, just don't remember what or where. You can look it up via the search button, I'm sure.
        Finally, I think it's generally a bad idea to put your email on here without disguising it a bit. Opens up the door to spam and the like. As in don't use the @ sign. or .com. You can edit your post to change that.
        I'll pm you the number. He has asked that we call during the week between 7 and 9pm central time. Please keep in mind that he's at home and helps a lot of us.
        Good luck and keep us posted!


          Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

          Thanks again for the great information. I will be giving Dr. Levine a ring Monday night. I am a little bit nervous about the call though. Should I mention this forum specifically or just state that a patient of his suggested that I call?

          Also, a quick side question: My insurance comes back on January 1st, and I was wondering if he can bill it or if it's a cash only basis with him. I don't care too much either way, but it would definitely be a bonus if he could.

          Thanks again so much- you're awesome


            Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

            I understand your anxiety, Moon. It took me weeks, maybe longer, to call him. I told him that I found his name here.
            I wrote down what we talked about, though that scrap of paper is long gone. I did post it on here somewhere. If you put his name into the search engine lots of stuff will come up.

            He did ask me to have some tests run, based on some unusual results from tests I'd already had done, before I started on bac the second time.

            I don't know about the billing. In my case he was going to send a bill, which I haven't received and have me send it to the insurance company. We were going to go from there. For others he may have prescribed without charging. I was able to use my insurance for the rx.

            Welcome and good luck


              Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

              TheMoonIsDown;1006227 wrote: This is really a matter of life and death for me.
              I could not agree more, in my case it might not be that bad, but I'm very curious to watch your progress. Please keep us updated!


                Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

                Good luck with baclofen!
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                  Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

                  Hiya, KTMAdv!


                  The Moon is Down hasn't been back since November. I hope he found a way out!

                  Lots of info here, KT. Let us know how we can help.



                    Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

                    Drs. in WA state

                    I'm also searching for Drs. in Washington state that will prescribe Baclofen...any suggestions? Btw, Dr. Levin is NOT able to write prescriptions in WA, OR or CA.


                      Baclofen-friendly doctors in or near Washington State?

                      Miranda1;1689755 wrote: I'm also searching for Drs. in Washington state that will prescribe Baclofen...any suggestions? Btw, Dr. Levin is NOT able to write prescriptions in WA, OR or CA.
                      He's not writing prescriptions anywhere, last I heard.


