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Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

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    Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

    I have woken up at 5am and im finding it hard to breath, it this a side effect of Baclofen?
    I have been increasing my dose by 10mg a day is this too fast?
    I have a cold so i dont know if its the Bac ?
    Is there anything i can do to help my breathing before i call a ambalance?


    Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

    If you are having trouble breathing, I would call 911 asap!
    "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
    Sam - AF since 12/11/10


      Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

      Sat with back dood open its freezing cold but i feel a lot better now.
      Is breathing difficulty a side effect of bac? If it is im going to taper back a bit today.



        Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

        Thats door not dood LOL


          Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

          Breathing SEs are common with Bac but don't worry.

          Never heard of any one dying because of it.

          A little voice within is saying "you haven't heard because they couldn't get to the computer" but again don't worry. That is only a little voice. The big voice is saying keep going.

          10mg a day dose increase sounds a lot. How much are you taking, how long now, drinking habits? Would all be useful. I would post those before starting to taper.
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

            On a side and not to hijack your thread and BTW. I think being scared might be a SE of Bac
            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


              Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

              I'd agree, Ig.

              Bounce, I hope you're feeling better. I've had breathing issues too, especially at night. Sitting up helps. And maybe some claritin or something? Not benadryl et. al. Contraindicated because of the breathing thing. It passed for me, though chronically congested. (sure the cigs don't help, and don't know if it's bac, ftr)

              I can't speak to your titration, because I'm a snail in that area. But long term success being the goal, taking some time might not hurt. Maybe you could look at the other threads for some guidance.

              Good luck. Hang in there.


                Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

                Hi Im taking 50mg of Bac 4x a day so 200mg total . I ran out the first time so had to taper down.
                I have been taking it this time for 20 days, Stocked up this time.
                Not drinking at all.
                I can stop drinking for 20 days without Bac.
                I normaly drink 120 uk units a week.
                Just taken 10mg claritin to see if it helps , My breathing has been good all day now its night its getting difficult again.
                I was going to taper down 10mg a day down to 120mg which is where i was before i ran out first time, Then I am going to go up more slowly. I was thinking 20mg a week?
                Is this a good idea or should i just stick it out at 200mg ?



                  Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

                  You say you haven't been drinking for 20 days. Don't know if your talking English or American Units but either way that's still a lot to stop dead.

                  What was your experience last time you came off Bac?

                  Do you want to have a beer, vodka, what is your drink? Maybe you hit your switch at 10mg a day, just saying. Maybe take morning off work and try a drink in the morning when the hospitals are fully staffed, just saying. Do not take the italics as advice but merley a thought.

                  I would be loath to taper down myself. Your at this level and Bac is definitely working for you.

                  You haven't suffocated yet and by all accounts the SEs reduce when you stay at a level long enough.

                  Bac is known on these forums to be generally uncomfortable so you will be prolonging general discomfort by tapering down. If its possible live with this for a little longer and keep your sights on the goal.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                    Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

                    If you are having significant shortness of breath don't rely on this board for med advice. See a doctor and have them check you out. For all you know you could have bronchitis, heart failure, pneumonia, a pulmonary embolism, COPD, or some other cause of the shortness of breath. It could have nothing to do with the bac. Also if you are having no trouble staying AF don't increase the dose!
                    Good luck and keep us posted


                      Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

                      Hi just to let you know where i am now.
                      The Breathing problem was just a blocked nose due to having a cold LOL.
                      As ignominous says the feeling of been scared was a side effect of the Bac.
                      I?m taking 40mg a day and I?m drinking again.
                      I would like to increase my dose again but i can?t if it?s going to make scared.
                      Is there anything i can take to counteract this side effect?



                        Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

                        Bounce, glad you're back. That's pretty funny about the cold, don't you think?
                        I was scared a lot, too. I think I was so used to dealing with hangovers that I attributed every pang or insecurity to bac. Which is not to say that it hasn't been decidedly uncomfortable at times.
                        It's helped me to come here and share it with other people, or read about their experiences. I try and weigh my lack of comfort against a shortened lifetime of alcoholism and the very real, very scary things that could lead to. (Wet brain scares me no end.)

                        And the bottom line is that this medicine is safe. Read the research, if that helps. So hang in there. Find a titration schedule that works for you and stick to it.
                        Good luck!


                          Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

                          Good to see you around Bounce

                          Baclofen seemed to open my mind to a world of new opportunities in general. Some of the thoughts were so new that being scared was a perfectly normal reaction!

                          I would suggest digging deep and finding some courage to stick with the course. I personally was terrified of what I was doing to my children's mental development by being drunk every night. So it is easy for me to say as I only had to choose between 2 fears.

                          Take it slowly if that works for you but try to stick to the schedule and remember you have people here waiting for a reason to write something new to you!

                          Bac may not be the most comfortable ride to sobriety but its the only one that actually got me there.
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                            Baclofen and Breathing help im scared

                            Hello Phil,

                            I replied to your post about the breathing before. Don't know where it has gone to. I have had serious breathing problems fro the beginning of BA. as well. especially at night. Has a very negative impact on my thinking, also during the day when it starts to clog up. I need to have my nose spray with me all the time now, otherwise I panic. I wasn't sure it had anything to do with Bac. Your post suggest that htere is a connection. Very interesting! I ma tapering down now and very curious if the nose problem wil be resolved in time. Hope for some more reactions about this issue.

