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help mixin baco and topa

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    help mixin baco and topa

    this weekend in my never ending need to end this drunken journey i have been experimenting with topa (100mg tabs-have been up to 400 a day) and bacofene 10 mg well with in a 22 hour period i took 300mg of topa and 90mg of baco but I also drank 14 drinks well (well below my tolerence) i dont knw what happened i crashed my car unfortunately i smell like booze thank goodness nobody was hurt last thing i rember was going to bed at about 7 in the morning the gf said she called about 11 and i sound slurred and i talked about getting a pack of cigs next thing i know i was upside down. I am a good drunk i always stay home when im drinking i dont understand i have been trying to go over this in my head thought i would check in here to see if anbody else has had a simular exp. but i am stayining af and cutting back the meds just trying to make sense of it now thank you. nobody else understands they think i am trying to justify another drunken incident.

    post this some where else im in a baclo fog now so sorry if i sound drunk

    help mixin baco and topa

    here is the second post i made there this morning before i found this link:

    thanks for the link but i was wondering if anybody actually mixed high doses of baco and topa? then was a dumby and drank on it like i was i came back down to 30mg today and i'm still groggy on whats next i failed AA, Failed campral, Failed topa, now i iam failing at baco. i have the aniexty issues that dr. ameisen talks about in his book i was so hopeful this time I was going to make it. Be sober and be able to leave the house have sex and be freaking normal what the hell is wrong with me. i have spent just as much on trying to get freaking sober as trying to get drunk ugggggg.


      help mixin baco and topa

      Welcome Lilred - sorry to hear about your experience - hopefully you are okay? When you took the Topa - did you titrate up as you are supposed to? I have been on Topa, starting at the beginning a couple of times, but once I started in the middle - and it didn't work. SO - I had to go back to the very beginning again - Topa works very subtly and just starting out at a higher dose didn't work for me - nor for a few others either (see the Starting Topa with a question thread). I haven't taken Bac so can't answer that question for you. Maybe try the Topa again, but follow the titration schedule to the letter. It also still requires a modicum of willpower - it isn't a magic pill! PM me if you have any questions. I wish you all the best on your journey.

      Hugs, Sun x
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        help mixin baco and topa

        Wow, the combination of that much topa and that much bac (especially because it sounds like you didn't titrate up slowly) AND that much alcohol absolutely sounds like a recipe for disaster. I'm glad that no one was hurt - crashing your car smelling like booze could've ended up SOOO much worse for you. Take this as a GREAT BIG SIGN!
        I hear that you want to do something about your drinking. But you didn't get to the point that you are at in one day and you're not going to fix it in one day either. Mixing that many meds with that much alcohol was totally reckless. Both meds can have some really strong side effects. Both of them together could make you feel like you're totally out of your head, even without adding alcohol into the mix. If you seriously want to get better and get sober, you need to try and do so responsibly. I suggest picking one med and sticking it, implementing a slow and safe titration schedule. If Topa has not worked for you in the past, I would go with baclofen. Many here (including myself) have had great success with it. You will find a great wealth of information including many personal testimonies on baclofen in this forum. Continue to post here and we will all be happy to help you with your journey.
        Better Living Through Chemistry

        Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

        Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


          help mixin baco and topa

          i'm getting back down to 30mg a day for about a week or so and see if the brain fog lifts. then i will try again i am just frustrated with my life at moment. Now i did mostly move slowly on the bac it it was when i started getting impaitient and had four days off and figured i could up my dosage each day. Hey never said i was a smart guy.


            help mixin baco and topa

            lilred1978;1013149 wrote: i'm getting back down to 30mg a day for about a week or so and see if the brain fog lifts. then i will try again i am just frustrated with my life at moment. Now i did mostly move slowly on the bac it it was when i started getting impaitient and had four days off and figured i could up my dosage each day. Hey never said i was a smart guy.
            So, the 30 mg is the baclofen and your still on the topa too? How quickly did you increase dose on the topa before starting the baclofen? I've been on both but never together (still on bac), and the mind-fuck of each is very substantial on it's own. It might be in your best interests to choose one, while also exploring more conventional approaches to recovery.

            There is no "magic" pill that makes everything better. Any approach is going to involve massive amounts of emotional discomfort, very likely physical discomfort, and a new way of approaching life - but, at the very least, it shouldn't involve car crashes. If you had been busted as a drunk driver in a one-car accident in the US, you would be quickly freed of about $10,000 in fines and court costs (to say nothing of court-mandated recovery treatment). Slow is better, having some professional help is better still, and having real life social connections in recovery (not depending on anonymous messages from anonymous people) on top of all that is the best there is - still very far from a "magic" cure though.

            Good luck.
            * * *


            ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
            - Vernon Howard


              help mixin baco and topa

              No i dropped the topa completly just doing the bac now going to look up a good titration schedule this evening.

