Baclofen will not give you just a hand. It will push you to take a giant leap forward. From about 100 mg, I felt it was an all-in-one pill. Sleeping pill-antidepressionpill-anti alcoholpill. I dramatically reduced my consumption on alcohol. My psychiatrist told me that his other patients thought that that was good enough for them. I went for the switch and titrated up, untill today. SE's can be huge, but bareable. It brings you back to the point where you can make rational decisions again, not only with alcohol, but also facing al kinds of 'enemies'.
I still keep 2 cold beers in my fridge just to test myself. Sometimes I take one, and I don't finish. Sometime I open one, and don't touch it. I play in pubs and restaurants, I play easily sober now. For me it is a magic pill, because it allows to break the circle that you are in, take a deep breath and work on solutions and take notice of past things. Only because of that, you should give it a real good try. By result I think I reached the switch, but since everone here says that you should 'know' tthe 'switch' I'm titrating up still. But I think there is no 'halleluja'-feeling for me since I'm on 375mg/d now and my personal maximum is 400 mg/d, which I'll reach tonight.I weigh 78 kilograms. I should strongly advice you to keep a MD in sight, and read as much as you can on WMO. You'll recognize a lot, and thereby worry less. My psychiatrist is making contact now with Dr. Levin, and I got his contactdata from WMO. Well, all I can say: go for it!