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Gift of the day....

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    Gift of the day....

    We all need positive feedback....good news....things that will encourage us to keep on keeping on. So, I welcome YOUR daily, hourly, input....of good news....of good things happening to you today that help you and will ultimately help US to keep on keeping on. That's why we are here, no?

    Blessing to you.

    KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.

    Gift of the day....

    You are right Dabs.... and today's one for me was being sober at the Xmas party at my mum's rest home. I laughed ......... because it was Xmas they rolled out the wine, but actually all I wanted was a cup of tea :H:H Positive stuff? My mum has lost 2 children to alcoholism related illness. I'm proud that I have taken steps that mean I wont be the third.
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Gift of the day....

      OH WOW!

      Thank you "Miss Behaving" for your input. Great stuff!!!! Very touching.

      Come on everyone...please join in to the daily Gifts!!! We all need this so much!!!


      KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.


        Gift of the day....

        My gift atm are your posts, Dab. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, grumpy and discouraged, and found all of your thoughtful and encouraging words.
        Ha! Now I'm grinning, ready to take some more baclofen and start the day with a smile.
        Thank you!


          Gift of the day....

          Thanks Dabhar for starting this thread. Makes me feel good just reading these posts here.
          I have had so many positive things happen this week. Probably my highlight was to wake up one morning and think - 'I'm Happy', 'I genuinely feel happy'. I have wanted the no booze thing for such a long time, and BAC has given it to me. It is good to feel good.
          I thank BAC, Dr A and this Forum. Thank You.
          Full English
          1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
          2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
          Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


            Gift of the day....

            Ok I wasn't going to do this yet but I can't hold back. My husband hit his switch last week!

            He thought he did last Thursday, then got drunk on Friday evening, (last week, not the one just gone) which was demoralising all round. He went up to 325mg this week and hasn't drunk since and hasn't wanted to.


              Gift of the day....

              Great news, Ally! Does he post here too?

              On the good news front, I cleaned half my garage and did some contract work instead of laying in bed all day recovering from a hangover, because "I don't drink!"



                Gift of the day....

                Shout out for AllyB and hubby
                Way to go
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                  Gift of the day....


                  Bravo to AllyB for the wonderful news about hubby. Thank you for reporting the "Good News" here today!

                  And, thank you to all who have reported in today with YOUR good news. All great stuff and food for we starving-for-good-news alcoholics.

                  MY good news for the day is that I easily stopped tonight after having 6 PINTS of beer! Normally, I would wander down the street to the next closest pub for another couple...but tonight came home with no more desire.

                  I increased my Bac from 50 to 60 mg/day a couple days ago. Zero side effects, other than the lingering Vertigo, which seems to have been my constant companion since starting Bac.

                  Anyway! Tonight was a victory, stopping at 6! Some may think that that is hardly a victory, but for ME it is!!!

                  Let's all continue to report our good news we all continue on this magical and wonderful journey with the REAL secret in our flask---Baclofen...all thanks the Oliver A!!!

                  I'm going to bed tonight with a smile on my face and a happy reflection of gratitude in the mirror...gratitude for being able to stop at six and for having a place where I can just be me, with all of YOU!

                  Keep on keeping on my friends!!!


                  KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.


                    Gift of the day....

                    moglor;1017094 wrote: Great news, Ally! Does he post here too?
                    He posts here occasionally, this is him;


                      Gift of the day....

                      I spoke to my doctor today and told him about Arbaclofen and Autism. He asked me to send him the link posted here. He was very interested. The article on plainly shows the significance of the Gaba B receptor in autism, alcoholism and addiction. I think taking that approach with doctors may go further in increasing knowledge of baclofen use than promoting it as a treatment for alcohoilsm, such is the nature of the medical profession. Anyway, I felt like a "mole", infiltrating his practice and spreading some heresy about addiction having an organic cause which was no different from a "clean" illness like autism. Call me odd but it made my day.



                      Olivier Ameisen

                      In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                        Gift of the day....

                        Better here.

                        I just put this on my own intro thread, but I think its better here. I don't want the focus to be on ME...rather I want the focus to be on EVERYONE. Lets keep posting our GOOD NEWS here ok?

                        Here's mine from today:

                        Have increased my dosage to 70 mg/day now. A little vertigo, but no other significant side-effects. Drinking today took EFFORT....almost a bother to find the corkscrew for the wine that my boss gave to me for Xmas. Imagine that, my friends...feeling it an EFFORT to drink! THAT is wonderful progress. Thank God for Baclofen and for Dr. Amesien.

                        Y'all take care. Thanks for being here!
                        Dab :h

                        KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.


                          Gift of the day....

                          Today's gift was brought to me by all of the recent successes here on the bac threads. It gives me hope and inspiration.
                          I am in regular contact with someone who gave up on bac months ago, early on in the journey, and is suffering greatly. While that makes me very sad, it is also a reminder...
                          Both things serve to keep me motivated and focused on the goal.
                          I just bumped up to 140mg/day and while the SEs are uncomfortable, they are in no way life altering. I have an incredible support system, both virtual and real, that also helps to keep me moving forward. As does the fact that I'm drinking significantly less! And it's often a chore... ha!
                          Best to all, and thank you.


                            Gift of the day....

                            My gift yesterday was that I thought I wanted a cold beer. I poured myself half a glass to have with dinner (after being 7 days AF having hit my switch). I didn't enjoy it, didn't finish it, and just wanted to brush my teeth afterwards. So apparently the lower dose of 135mgs is still working!

                            I'm also getting a normal night's sleep now and don't feel so drugged waking up in the morning. Yay!
                            Better Living Through Chemistry

                            Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                            Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                              Gift of the day....

                              Today's gift was a kick from a friend about staying the course. Hope you all are too.
                              Good news Is.
                              There are definitely nights when it's an effort for me to drink, too, Dabs. Still willing to push through it, though. *sigh*

