I couldn?t sleep last night. Since I am on Baclofen, now at 200 mg/day, my brain, for what is left of it, is making over hours.
Genetics, Traumas, War, Violence, Cynicism, Paranoia, Anxiety, I am sure most readers on this forum recognize as a cause for their addiction. Olivier Ameisen was mild in his assessment of the reluctance for funding of trials with high doses Baclofen. He thinks the Pharmaceutical industries and the doctors in the addiction clinics are the cause of lack of co-operating. I have an additional theory. What about the insurance and finance industry?
Since the last massive outcry for peace and change by the western world, in the sixties, Politicians, Maffia, Drug Barons, Movie industries, Finance and Insurance industries and War industries have combined their efforts to drown all movements toward peace. The possibility that Baclofen is a viable drug to cure addiction is a real threat to all these institution.
Creating fear is at the heart of anxiety, war results in trauma. Need I go on? It?s a vicious circle. In many parts of our planet there is war and violence. It is fair to say that 50 % of the inhabitants around the world are directly or indirectly affected by some sort of violence and they live in fear or are traumatized. Many these people are potential victims for addiction of some kind or turn to violence themselves.
Look at the political landscape now. Everywhere the Palins and Berlusconi?s are arising from the ashes spreading hatred and fear like dragons in all directions. They thrive on the collapse of the financial crisis and anxiety of the man in the street. What better soldiers can they recruit then dependant addicts? The more the merrier.
Please wake up and get out of the grip of addiction. I have kicked the habit and my outlook is so much more optimistic and secure. It feels great