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recent conversations with Dr. Levin

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    recent conversations with Dr. Levin

    I had two conversations last week with Dr. Levin regarding titration protocol and managing SEs. I’ll recount them as best I can. Where I've quoted him, I wrote down exactly what he said during our phone calls.

    He described the switch as ‘noticing after 3 weeks that you haven’t thought about having a drink.’

    Regarding titration after the switch he said:
    “If I understand Olivier’s directive you are to stay at the switch dose indefinitely.”
    If you don’t have [debilitating] side effects, it’s better to stay where you are and wait and see if they subside.

    Side effects:
    Obviously concerned I asked about the SEs and what to do if they are debilitating at that level. He said that the body will adjust, and that it’s important to keep a steady level in the blood stream, that the body will correct for the amount in due time by excreting what is unnecessary.
    “If you have significant side effects it’s understandable to make a change and becomes a good idea to lower it down and …to go down slowly.” He feels strongly, as I shared on another thread, that the goal is success. So titration up, or down, should be based on being able to manage life. (my interpretation, I suppose.)

    “The way to manage SEs is to take at least 3 doses, or sometimes 4 or even 5, so the amount that goes into your blood stream is [consistent.]
    That’s worked a number of times with patients of mine…”

    He also thinks that SEs might be related to underlying physical issues, to titrating too quickly or because of other meds.

    (He recommends using in order to find out about contraindications. I was able to register using the free 3 month subscription. The list of contraindications is rather long. It seems to mostly include CNS depressants. Also included are muscle relaxants—acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen used in conjunction with some other med can result in psychomotor impairment. Lots of other things I’ve heard mentioned around here from chamomile (german) and some ADs to topa… please check it out if you can.)

    He repeatedly emphasized that discontinuing bac suddenly could have dire consequences. (Seizure is one he mentioned.) And that if a doctor were to recommend discontinuing I should call him immediately. He was very clear with me that doctors don't know much about bac, much less high dose bac. Though he didn't say it that way, ftr.

    He said that 140mg/day, 240mg/day and 340/mg/day are ‘important’ levels in regards to the switch.

    Dr. Ameisen was recently a guest in Dr. Levin's home in Chicago. He was there at the invitation of the chair of psychiatry, Dr John Csernansky.
    He gave the lecture "Addiction: a cure at last" that he had also given as inaugural grand rounds at St-Lukes Roosevelt (Columbia University), at Bellevue/New York University and more recently at Harvard Medical School among other universities in the US and in Europe. The talks are very well received and physicians who attend them often start treating patients according to the protocol he has discovered.

    There's more and I'll follow up with another post. But this is everything we talked about re. titration and SEs. I think.

    recent conversations with Dr. Levin

    contacting Dr. L

    I asked him if I could continue to give people his home number and he very enthusiastically agreed. He also said that we could share his office number, which allows for a lot more flexibility for those calling from various far-from-Chicago time zones. (Anyone who wants the number can post here or pm me and I'll share it via pm. several other people have it, too.)
    He was especially adamant about those of us concerned about drug interactions calling to get advice if we felt we needed it.
    I also made it very clear that I was taking notes to share the info here, ftr. He was also enthusiastic about that.
    I’ve talked to him a half dozen times. He prescribes for me, and I’m in Virginia, he in Illinois. I offered to pay him once before and he said he’d bill me, which I could then submit to insurance. Depending on their response we could discuss his fee, but that he wasn’t trying to break the bank.
    I spent 20 minutes on the phone with him, and we agreed that he would bill me $130 per session. (ouch. I want ig’s rate. ha.) But again, I’d talked to him several times without any charge or any mention of money at all until I brought it up. Though perhaps, based on Seeking's experience, and from Ig's, that he's charging now for consultation.


      recent conversations with Dr. Levin

      interesting Neva and I do not use bac. I was wondering about supplements and there effect on bac re: SE's
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        recent conversations with Dr. Levin

        "He was very clear with me that doctors don't know much about bac, much less high dose bac."

        You should have seen the look on my doctor's face when I asked her if she'd prescribe me baclofen. Had I said "Any chance of group sex with you and your sister?" she might have looked less astonished. (I'll refrain from testing this theory, however.)

        My feeling is, the only real knowledge out there is scattered around on forums like this, written by people with first hand experience of baclofen. We owe a huge debt to Dr Ameisen for pointing us in the right direction but ultimately the medical profession has done an appalling job of informing itself about this hugely important drug and is not really in a position to be trusted in this matter. (check out the pioneering study in which baclofen was found to do jack-shit for alcoholism-- because they only tested it at 30mg/day! Great work, team!)

        Individuals like Moglor and Lo0p (and countless others, I am sure - M & L's are the "baclofen journeys" that I happen to have stumbled upon and been inspired by) are the real experts in this arena, and no matter what Ameisen says at this point, they are the "guys in the trenches" I would look to for advice. But not for group sex.


          recent conversations with Dr. Levin

          I'd be down for either... Just throwing that out there...

          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            recent conversations with Dr. Levin

            Techie- beatle made the argument on her Kudzu thread that bac is itself a supplement and not a medication. (10/28/10) That said, there are several things that I recognize as supplements on the site, and I couldn't begin to disseminate all of the info found there.

            I did specifically ask Dr. Levin some time ago about vitamins in general because I was taking a lot of them, and he said they weren't an issue. But just to be completely clear, he was referring to me and my case in that instance.

            See, the doctor thing is definitely frustrating. As is trusting a doctor a thousand miles away, for the record. (I might try the diversionary tactic the next appointment. "Dr. knucklehead, if you don't want to participate in xxx, would you just treat my alcoholism??? I'd really appreciate it.)

            Lo0p. glad to hear from you. and lol. Which reminds me, Dr. L also said that he prescribes from Walgreens because he worries that other pharmacies use different manufacturers and that may lead to side effects also. Sorry I didn't include it in the original post.


              recent conversations with Dr. Levin

              Hey Neva, it's great that this doctor Levin is there, in an ocean of useless members of his profession - but what exactly do you need consulting about, regarding baclofen? I only ask because you seem to have had a lot of success with baclofen - as I have - and it seems like a fairly simple process, once you've hit the switch at least. For your 130 bucks is he going to tell you the answer to life the universe and everything as well? (What can he tell you that we don't know already?)

              Hey Lo0p, let me nip out and buy a crate of Sternburg Export. What I desperately miss is that millisecond when you're just about to get totally fucked up in which even the worst idea ever had idea remarkets itself in your head as E=MC squared, and why the hell didn't anyone think of that sooner, and, holy shit, they did...


                recent conversations with Dr. Levin

                Very interesting, neva. Thanks for the info. I am very much looking forward to talking to him.


                  recent conversations with Dr. Levin

                  I remember that millisecond See. Lovely description! Ha.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                    recent conversations with Dr. Levin

                    Seeking. Good for you, btw! I've learned a lot from talking to him, though not as much as I've learned here.
                    See, I take comfort in having a doctor. period. And no he hasn't as of yet divulged the secret to the universe, but he perhaps has some wisdom about finding a life. I'm staking mine on it.
                    Glad you're doing so well. It's been rather bumpy for me, but I'm happy with where I am atm...
                    :l people


                      recent conversations with Dr. Levin

                      neva eva;1019542 wrote: Dr. Ameisen was recently a guest in Dr. Levin's home in Chicago. He was there at the invitation of the chair of psychiatry, Dr John Csernansky.
                      He gave the lecture "Addiction: a cure at last" that he had also given as inaugural grand rounds at St-Lukes Roosevelt (Columbia University), at Bellevue/New York University and more recently at Harvard Medical School among other universities in the US and in Europe. The talks are very well received and physicians who attend them often start treating patients according to the protocol he has discovered.
                      This is an update in the first post.


                        recent conversations with Dr. Levin

                        Thanks neva, for the updates w/Dr. Levin. I called him a few weeks ago and got a healthy prescription for 5 months of baclofen, which he followed up with an invoice for $50. He said I could pay or not, since we had not discussed payment during our call. Anyway - he was indeed kind and attentive.

                        LoOp - I think I've said this elsewhere, but you are truly funny. Thanks for the laugh.
                        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                          recent conversations with Dr. Levin


                          My psychiatrist is prescibing me large doses of Bac. I'm now on 350/375 mg/d. Results a remarkable, but I don't 'feel' 'the switch' yet. Since my psychiatrist has no experiences with these high doses and knows nobody who prescribing these doses, he would like to know more about this. As far as he knows he's the only one in the Netherlands willing to prescibe these doses to his patient. We already tried Lexapro (a-d) and Refusal (disulfiram, like Antabusw) So, could you mail me his email or contact-data?
                          (I also send you a pm, but I myself seem to forget, wonder how that comes, to check my inbox.



                            recent conversations with Dr. Levin

                            I pm'd you, Low. But ftr, Dr. Levin works at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL. Anyone can find his email address through their website. My experience is that email is not the best way to get in touch with him, if you need immediate information.
                            I hesitate to post contact information here, should I?
                            There are also several members of MWO with his numbers.
                            Best, Low.


                              recent conversations with Dr. Levin

                              bump for cantwait

