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is baclofen dose weight specific?

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    is baclofen dose weight specific?

    I just got a prescription from my doctor for baclofen but she refuses to prescribe more than 30 mg per day, so it looks like I will need to go online for more. I was wondering if the switch dose has anything to do with how much a person weighs. Thanks for your input!

    is baclofen dose weight specific?

    I don't think anyone really understands the chemistry that causes one person to hit the switch at 75 mg (me) while others need four times that amount or more. If it was a direct correlation between body mass and baclofen required that would mean this forum is populated by 44 stone porkers, which, while possible, seems statistically unlikely.

    Tell your doctor to get stuffed. 30 mg/day baclofen has recently been proven to be utterly useless in combating alcoholism (I didn't make that up, there's a scientific paper about it, somewhere. Incredibly, the researchers didn't try greater quantities of baclofen and so concluded that baclofen itself is useless; which makes me, and Lo0p, Moglor, Sunnyvelentien etc and all the others here who have had great success with it a bunch of liars...)

    Since you're going to have to order more baclofen if you are to have any hope of success, you might as well forget the prescription. 30mg might eventually do as a maintenance dose, after you have hit the switch but even I (who "switched" at 75) find 40 mg/ day a bare minimum. And you don't want to be mixing brands. You might as well find a good cheap online supplier and stick with it.


      is baclofen dose weight specific?

      sink, are you in the u.s.? If so, it would be cheaper to get a consultation and a prescription from Dr. Levin than to buy online. I decided to take that route after checking the prices of the online pharmacies (and the shipping! ouch!). Baclofen's on the $4 prescription list at several national pharmacies (Target, Walmart). Sunnyvalenting said that she gets 240 10mg Bac pills for around $30 at Target. Just a thought, if you're trying to save $$.


        is baclofen dose weight specific?

        Sinkorswim: Do some cruising around the forum here. 30 mg per day MIGHT help you, but based on the information you wild find here, is barely the starting-point dosage. I'm taking 60 mg/day and it is just barely giving me the choice to not drink. Still, I am choosing to keep drinking. So...take a look around here and then show this information to your doctor. If she is a true physician, she will be compelled to help you out and up your prescription. If took MY GP 60 seconds to find the info about Baclofen online...and then he said he would support me, regardless of the dosage, to be FREE from my alcoholism.

        Most GP's dont have the time or inclination to keep up with the "cutting-edge" if you go in armed with the latest and point her in the right I said, if she is a TRUE physician, she will do the same of mine.

        Good luck!!! And, take care.

        KOKO my friends! "Keep On Keeping On" your Baclofen journey.


          is baclofen dose weight specific?

          swim There is some evidence to suggest that the majority of people hit their switch between 2.5 and 3.5 mg per Kg of weight.

          I fell into that category. I hit at 250mg. I weigh 80 Kg. So I hit at 3.125mg/Kg

          Taking this into account, you have a fighting chance of getting there if you are a 12Kg waif. Good luck.
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            is baclofen dose weight specific?

            At 118kg, I hit my switch at 265.2mg or 2.3mg/kg.


              is baclofen dose weight specific?

              Thanks for all the advise. I SHOULD tell my doctor to get stuffed! I told her about the stuff I'd found online and that 30 mg would be useless against alcoholism but she wouldn't budge. Why bother to prescribe something for an off label purpose if you're not gonna prescribe enough to do any good? Just humoring me I guess.


                is baclofen dose weight specific?

                Actually, the dose range in a recent open label study showed a range of from 15/day to 300/d with an average of 145, I believe. So it is possible that you could get at least some if not complete relief on the lower dose. If you approach it as an enhancement to your own natural will power and other tools you may have learned along the way it could be helpful. Keep an open mind and give it a real try. Who knows it might be just the adjunct that helps you. You could also pulse dose it at times of temptation. I think we are just beginning to learn how this drug may best be used.
                Best of luck and look for a doc who will work with you on this if you need to.


                  is baclofen dose weight specific?

                  Take whatever the Doc will give you and if necessary suplement it online. It will be enough to get you started.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg

