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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Hiya, peeps!
    It took me a minute or two (hundred) to get over the kerfuffle.*** I still have the urge to wade in to the muck. That was a doozy, wasn't it? Not just the dead thread, but the temper tantrum that came before it from our fearless leader. (?!?) And! ***Edit: Lots for me to look at in my own participation, too. ouch.

    It's fun for me to think about the fact that you four (grat, redT, DG and Mario) have been at this business of living fully--sober--for quite a bit longer. And each with a different path. But do you remember the first year of milestones??? wooohooo!

    Couple of big things happened in the last week or so. Two of them are very sobering.
    Ed received a letter from a woman we know who is in prison. She killed two men while driving drunk. They were on their way home to their families from their second jobs late at night. She was on her way home from a bar.

    And we lost another one. I didn't know him well, but he made me laugh on a regular basis. We shared enough PMs over the last year and more that even though I didn't know his real name, I felt like we were friends. It's hard not to take it personally, isn't it? I am bereft at the sea of nameless, faceless people I meet here that are soon lost in the wake of kerfuffle or worse...

    I turned 42. That in itself is no big thing. But I started on this quest for cured a year before I turned 40. I didn't want to wake up on the anniversary of what was to be the second half of my life hungover. And not only was I hungover on my 40th birthday morning, remembering the night before filled me with shame and remorse.

    41 found me hungover and miserable, too. I was struggling to figure out a way to take bac in spite of the horrible SEs. I started it, for the third time, a week later, on Oct. 4th. I knew that it was that or nothing, and that I wasn't going down without a herculean effort to get well.

    I woke up without a hangover for my 42nd year and didn't even realize it! I forgot it was my birthday, forgot I used to be so sick, and just went about the business of living fully! It wasn't until Ed surprised me with flowers and a dinner reservation that I remembered the whole story of birthdays. We both rejoiced at the idea of having a celebratory meal in a fancy restaurant without wanting so much as a sip of champagne. It was the best birthday ever. wow. :-)

    All of that leads me to the conclusion that it's time for me to take it to the streets! Silence is almost as deadly as the disease itself, in my humble opinion. And I've got some pretty good role models for figuring out how to pay it forward. The debt I owe you (all) and others from here hasn't been close to repaid.

    And OH! WOW! Today is my 8 month indifference anniversary! Happy day, Murph!!!
    It'll be three months for Ed in 2 days. And I was able to share some of our experience with my dad, and I think he may give bac a shot.

    So many reasons to celebrate. Wow. (Which is the theme I chose from the link you sent me, Red. A reminder of WOW!)

    Newbies and lurkers? Just don't give up. Whatever you gotta do...It'll be worth it. That's a promise. I wasn't sure, either. But it is.

    Much love and gratitude. :l and :h and lots of :H:H


      Progress thread for ne

      Congratulations, NE - on the birthday and your 8-month anniversary!

      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Progress thread for ne

        Happy Happy Birthday Ne! I wonder if you're a Libra?

        EDIT: And Happy 8 month Anniversary. This is the most important part, isn't it? If you didn't have that you might not be celebrating many more birthdays.
        This Princess Saved Herself


          Progress thread for ne

          Happy Birthday Ne, and nice to have you back. -tk
          TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


            Progress thread for ne

            Happy Birthday Ne, you sound great! Best wishes for continued success.
            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


              Progress thread for ne

              NevaEva, I just wanted to say


              on your 8-month indifference anniversary. Wishing both you and your husband continued success on your journeys. No matter what method we use, moving ahead on the road we've chosen is the important thing. :goodjob:
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Progress thread for ne

                :bday3:Happy birthday ne on both accounts:day4:

                Your going to kill me but for some reason I assumed you were over 42 Said in the most repectfull way :H

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  :yougo::yougo:Happy Birthday Ne and CONGRATULATIONS ON 8-MONTHS OF FREEDOM!!!:yougo::yougo:

                  What a great post to put it all into perspective!

                  How are you "takin' it to the streets?" I want to hear more!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Belated happy bday Karen. Great work on you and Ed for your success too.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Karen! happy birthday! i forgot yours, and i forgot his. my ex hubby shares your birthday, but you two are NOTHING alike! too bad for me. hope you are feeling well in the start of your 42nd (rather, 43rd) year. i'm right behind you: i get that number by my name on december twelve.

                      love you!


                        Progress thread for ne

                        I know some of the best minds read this thread, so I'm going to pick some of those brains. About 10 days ago I decided to start titrating down from Baclofen because the side effects were doing me in. I was at about 240 mg daily then. I know I titrated too quickly, but I'm down to 90 mg/day and feeling terrible! I started to develop anxiety attacks over the weekend that leave me nearly incapacitated. I don't know what to do! If I stay at 90 mg will the s/e go away after a few days. Or should I go back up some until I feel better (by how much and how often?) Anyone else have experience with titrating down too quickly? HELP! ..and thank-you.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          THANK YOU for the birthday wishes! DG, who knows? Open heart and open mind will hopefully open doors. Working on the heart and mind.
                          Mario. At least it's not my looks that gave you that impression. If you're looking for the Lawrence Welk generation, though, DG is right there. At 29 years old. Again. (and again and again and again... and :H) I'm more of the tail end of the Carson generation, myself. Firmly early Letterman. (Is all that terribly American? oy. sorry.)
                          Ruby, I take it as a personal affront that we share that day. But everybody's got to have a foil, right? Here's hoping!
                          Curly, I can't speak for/to the rest. My suggestions are these:
                          You could go up by say, 20mg. I would make a change because my experience is that some levels just don't sit right with me. Can't explain it, know it to be true. (for me.)
                          Then I would (humbly) suggest that you sit tight. Coping with an inordinate amount of baclofen is not the same thing as coping with baclofen. The SEs can be unreal. (really. literally. I'll not forget seeing a person in my bedroom where there wasn't one. ever.)
                          Bac does the job, either way, I strongly suspect.
                          And yes, I think most of us have gone both up and down too quickly. It takes about 24 hours, maybe, to adjust to a change. Though I've more often felt relief almost instantaneously.
                          Sorry it's been so tough for you. I know it sucks. Hang in there, and just don't give up the fight, okay? :l
                          Lots of ways to kill the bugger.
                          Really, thank you everyone for the congratulations. :h
                          (I'm a Libra Red. Looking for the balance in the scales...)


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Thanks for your help Ne. I"ll try it.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Ne - who's Lawrence Welk? He's not one of those new fangled TV personalities, is he? I'm too busy walking to school barefoot in the snow uphill both ways to check out the new fangled TV. Comes with being 29 don't ya know.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Hey Ne, well done on your sobriety. It has been an inspiration for many here. Hope you and Ed are well and happy together. Hope it has turned out to what you both wanted. Is he ever going to post? It would be wonderful to hear from him and his journey with Bac. He seems to have avoided the bad side effects. Would be wonderful to hear how he got around that. Love ya to the moon and back.......a special saying between my grandson and me. Hope he loves you that much. Sobriety is a state of takes a good mind and heart to realise that sobriety is something that is forged from a sense of belonging, a sense of being cared for and loved, imho. I think bac comes after the damage has been done Ne. The compulsion to drink, drug etc is a symptom of a life turned upside down.

                                My experience anyway.

                                Missy xxx

