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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Hiya, peeps! (IRINI! YAY! How are you?)

    Took some L-glut (9g) this morning, RT. Waited as long as I could and then ate the MnMs. :H I'll take more later and try again tomorrow, too. I'm not sure I like the way it makes me feel, but will try for a couple of days.

    Irini, will look into the magnesium citrate, too. Thanks for the heads up.

    I'm also employing the ol' exercise and meditation thing, and rx meds if the need arises. It's no fun having no gumption.

    btw, someone asked me a while ago how I knew to go down, and where to stop. I didn't/don't and figure I'm in it for the long haul. Hope you're well, Pinky!

    Also there's a newbie around here (can't remember her username atm) who is a 3D neighbor of mine! How cool is that? HI! :l


      Progress thread for ne

      missyabby1;1196704 wrote: Hey Ne good to see you back. My sobriety is surely my doubt about that. Won't be taking medicine to get it. Already have. Just needed to take a step back in my life to see what was causing such angst. What is Ed doing on the radio or tv, sorry if I got it mixed up. Is he promoting Bac.........sorry if I got that just followed on from him doing well on Bac. ? You said he had been in prison once ? It looks like Bac will keep him out of that horror again.? Honestly Karen, I don't really care if Bac is the only way to achieve sobriety, and I hope it is. I just hope it is a way for "everyone" to get there. You also had contact with Amieson at one point? Is that still the case? Honesty ,Karen is what I embrace, always and forever. I love your posts, who wouldn't, so entertaining and succinct. Sorry to hear about your tiredness, maybe a human condition or may be a prob with your thyroid? The soul of us can grow weary. Love you to the moon and back.

      Missy xx
      Hiya, Miss! Can't stay away. Okay. (there are other medicines besides campral...But I'll let it go.) Take good care of yourself.
      Ed's got no interest in bac, other than the obvious. He goes on tv as part of his job to promote charity fundraiser type stuff.
      He got a DUI and went to jail. Yes that was terrible and yes, bac will avert that happening since he doesn't drink against his will anymore. Thank all that matters.

      There is never going to be an "only" way. And there will never be a way for "everyone" to get there. For starters, everyone would have to try!

      I dunno if it's a thyroid thing. I hope not, though I hope there is a solution. It isn't this human's condition! I'm eager to be eager again.

      Pretty sure that most of us value honesty around here. Bull shit would not benefit anyone, right? Least of all the person writing it. Love you too, Missy. Hang in and keep fighting.


        Progress thread for ne

        Ne/Neva Eva;1197625 wrote:

        Also there's a newbie around here (can't remember her username atm) who is a 3D neighbor of mine! How cool is that? HI! :l
        What a great neighbor you are, NE. Can't be bothered remembering names, painting your house that terrible pastel pink and purple combo with the giant red heart on the garage door, blasting German techno at all hours, and breeding strange and exotic animals for profit. I bet you didn't even bake elaborate and tasty cakes for every house in the neighborhood when you moved in. :no:

        It's ok though, I forgot the name of the guy who lives next door to me. He always calls me by name, and I've been forced to call him "dude" for the past year. Well, the tables have turned, as I got a piece of his mail so now know his name. Haha!
        Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
        George Santayana


          Progress thread for ne

          omg. You don't even know, Pete. I knew everyone and everything about this tiny little city-ish 'hood I live in. I think it was a function of being locked in when I was in, ya' know? Nobody's business to mind but my own, and mine was the same ol' stuff day after day. I could've told you who was doing what with whom on any given evening, and then would bore Ed with the details the next day. (We didn't talk at night really. Too busy getting our sauce on in separate rooms. Two tvs, two living rooms. No longer. Now we barely have time for the one tv 'cause we're too busy gabbing. But not about the neighbors. Now we gossip about MWOers. (kidding) (sort of :H) Ain't life grand?)
          Anyway, where was I? Have you not checked your inbox recently? Like say a month ago, when you came bac from AK??? hmmmm. Now I'll have to check my sent box. AFTER I get back to work. xo


            Progress thread for ne

            If for some reason you actually do check your outbox and read the email you sent me, then be sure to make note of the language I used in Rudy's thread. About the fish. Or not the fish. But first, you should get back to work. In fact, make sure you don't read this post until after you're done with all of your responsibilities.
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana


              Progress thread for ne

              So Ne. When you & Ed gossip about Pete, what do you say?

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Progress thread for ne

                He's a lousy dancer with a really good memory apparently. Sadly it's not for smooth moves. He looks a bit like a flailing squid. It's very sad. But too funny not to watch. He doesn't notice because hes in front of the mirror with his hairbrush. Naked He likes to sing Olivia newton johns parts from grease. Weird since he wasn't born when it came out. I'm typing this from my phone tho my comp is right there. That would mean I wasn't studying if I logged onto mwo. This is still studying. Right dg? Sigh. Looking at one am now. Sigh. Bye.


                  Progress thread for ne


                  Yeah maybe you are right about the bullshit Ne. I think I am as honest as the next person thinks they are honest too. I really don't keep coming back here because of talk of meds. It was the first place I came to when I joined MWO and was taking Campral. I got to "know" people here, especially you with your honest thread. I also felt behind the eight ball because I wasn't taking bac. I guess most people just drift away apart from the Topomax people, who still have their thread going. Looking back, I guess I just should have gone back to GD , when I truly saw that Campral takers were just not the ticket here.
                  I honestly think that there should be a separate forum for bac takers. I have no idea why the administration have not gone this way.

                  I guess you could say I got caught up in people's threads and people's lives, and felt I knew them to some extent. They became familiar and comforting in their struggles and honesty. I just got drunk and became aggresive because I felt , taking Campral, was not in with the "in crowd". I still swear I will not come back here but I do, if only to see how people are doing, those that I have followed for ages. Some are still here........some are not. I certainly had an affinity with UK....she was , and is, a true fighter. Honesty faultless. No mucking around with her posts, and it was defending her that I got into trouble with the inimitable Murph. It is always the ongoing problem as to where we draw the line with such as he. I always thought the sting in the tail was not something I was equipped to deal with....still don't ,and seriously choose not to, no matter how entertaining.
                  Too close to the bone of the person I grew up with (my father) lived with ( my now ex partner)
                  Anyway have rabbited on for long enough. Just feeling lonely and have come back to a place where I "know people" and have grown familiar with. I guess I have become accustomed to relating to people with aggression because of an extremely aggressive partner and then we throw the alcohol on top. I have often wondered why I became the "poster from hell" on this is something to do with not having any perceived power in my life and transferring it to an anonymous site where words were the only comeback, not black eyes or bruises. I have become the ghost of defending myself without the cause to do so. I don't feel like a victim but friends and family have been clear in their horror.

                  Missy xxx


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Ah, Missy. So much to extrapolate and ruminate on from your post. I'll no doubt spend the rest of the day doing so in those moments when I let my mind wander off of the endocrine glands. (That's today's task! oy. Damn glands. Fascinating, tho...)

                    We are like family here. It's amazing how connected we get, isn't it? Even to those whose names we don't know. I definitely feel as though I've "grown up" or something with some of them. Not just from those that are on the same path, either. Lordy, I had to learn how to use an anonymous internet forum! And then I had to learn how to navigate it, and learn to take my lumps when I was way off base. We've all done it. (I think honesty, ftr, is easy to come by here. No one has much to gain by being dishonest, do they? I certainly wasn't implying you were full of bull. Raw emotion is just that. Drunkenness sucks no matter which way it's sliced. We all get that, for sure...) I still shudder to think of the times and the ways that I've blown it on here. (And it's likely not the ones you would think! Certainly not the ones I retracted...More the ones when I erroneously hurt people's feelings. Or was just completely off the mark... Anyway. Enough about me! :H)

                    And we all have our faults. I found more dishonesty and frightfulness in one that you greatly esteemed and felt kinship with! Who is to say why and how we connect (or don't.) But it's important to keep it somewhat in perspective, right? Doesn't even matter that we all have the same disease, bottom line is we're all human. I'm glad you're here and stuck around meds. But there's lots to be said about the other sections of this great big forum, too.

                    I'm really, really, really glad to hear that your partner is now your ex.

                    I've got to run. Sounds as though my washing machine may explode out of the laundry room and well, there's the glands. (That's what I get for trying to wash the dog bed. Damn dog. It must be her fault. Right? )
                    Hope it's a good rest of the day for you, sister. Hang in and tough. I know you will.

                    Oh! DG, the things we know about Pete couldn't be written here. Suffice it to say that he likes to dance naked in front of the hall mirror with pink curlers wrapped in his short hair(s) and lip sync Greased Lightning. No wonder his roommate skedaddled. He wouldn't even share the hair brush cum microphone. I can't imagine what he did with the fish he was supposed to send me. ew
                    He also has an annoyingly good memory.
                    Peace out peeps!


                      Progress thread for ne

                      I wish I was funny. :boohoo:



                        Progress thread for ne

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1197884 wrote: Suffice it to say that he likes to dance naked in front of the hall mirror with pink curlers wrapped in his short hair(s) and lip sync Greased Lightning. No wonder his roommate skedaddled. He wouldn't even share the hair brush cum microphone.
                        So THAT'S whose picture you sent me! Wow!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Doggygirl;1197969 wrote: So THAT'S whose picture you sent me! Wow!

                          I get that reaction a lot. :H
                          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                          George Santayana


                            Progress thread for ne


                            Did I get mixed up with the glands....or was that just a put down? Dunno Ne, could be one or another. Guess my immediate reaction was that the glands were more important. But hey I am moving on too. I reckon about 12 months to get over years of abuse, getting used to finding myself again, forgiving myself, and finding some sort of balance and peace again. It is going to be a huge job. But hey, if anyone can do it, I can. Just need some time out to see what has happened in my life and where alcohol took over. My family see it clearly , but God I had no idea at the time. Unfortunately ,women who have alcohol problems and abusive relationship problems aren't seriously on the political radar....or on the radar at all. We all do the pretence dance every day of the year.

                            Anyhow I am sure that you have all the above covered and that baclofen has it all covered too. I don't believe that alcoholic women can keep the above out of our lives. In fact,my son once said to me "mum, you would not be with that man if you were sober". Never a true word spoken, but I was too involved with my obsession/addiction to see that truth.

                            You have never ever spoken about your past Ne? I always look for a reason we get into such trouble with al. Sometimes it is a genetic predisposition? But I think the jury is out on that. Me too.

                            Missy xxx


                              Progress thread for ne

                              SlipperyPete;1198028 wrote: I get that reaction a lot. :HWe were all very impressed slipperish. When're you going to update your own thread? lots of exciting stuff in your world.

                              missyabby1;1198274 wrote: Did I get mixed up with the glands....or was that just a put down? Dunno Ne, could be one or another. Guess my immediate reaction was that the glands were more important.
                              I'm studying (among other things) the glands in the endocrine system for my anatomy class. I agree that glands are...well, it's pretty clear that glands are part of the whole picture. Sorry for the misunderstanding! I'm not about the put down. And you know me well enough to know that when I'm mad the world knows! ack. :upset:

                              missyabby1;1198274 wrote:

                              You have never ever spoken about your past Ne? I always look for a reason we get into such trouble with al. Sometimes it is a genetic predisposition? But I think the jury is out on that. Me too.
                              I've never spoken about my past? sheesh. Thought I'd covered everything! Not much trauma in my life.
                              My dad, 3 out of 4 grandparents, and at least 2 of my great-grandparents have the disease. My brother and 2 of my uncles "control" their drinking and very much look forward to when life allows them to drink at whim. Another 1/2 uncle died from the disease. The men on my dad's side of the family usually die before they're 60. I strongly suspect that underneath the beast lurks behind the actual cause listed on their death certificates. No exaggeration. The disease runs deep and long in my family. Parties are a blast, though! (Oh! digression! I have a great uncle who owned the rights to peddle Seagram's products in the American southeast. His story was always that he started with the company the day after prohibition ended. :H He taught wine appreciation classes at a community college in Louisiana (where the hell was that class when I was in school?) and was a master sommelier, among many other things related to booze. He had his first tipple with breakfast, and lived until he was 96, leaving behind a bunch of kids and several ex-wives. Fascinating guy. Didn't like him at all. anyhoo....)

                              For all that, we're pretty normal, middle of the road American folk. And trust me, I've looked long and hard with the assistance of highly paid professionals looking for a reason, a cause, an excuse. Bottom line for me is that my brain didn't work right. Now it works better.

                              I hope that with the expulsion of the external abuse, you'll be able to stop with the inner abuse. That's the hardest thing, isn't it?
                              I'm afraid I'm not very good at this...I'm not sure what to say. But there are lots of people here who do...I'll listen for and to them, too.
                              Take good care, Miss. :l


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Make sure it's the powder form of l-glute. Then take more.

                                Mix it with some Rice-based All One and you'll have neurotransmitters to heal your brain (just in case!), all the vitamins you need (well, unless you go overboard, as I do), and fluorescent pee that will make you feel healthier every time you go the bathroom. :h
                                "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

