Today marks month 10!
On another note, what a great story to read. It's nice to know that many people have tried baclofen and gave up or didn't take it correctly the first time. We are always in such a rush. Aren't we? NE, it made me laugh to hear that you had went from 60mgs to 90mgs. I, too, did the same thing, and didn't even realize it until later.
We have a lot more than that in common, DandT. Especially now. Getting through to the other side is, in some way, all that matters. I'm glad you persevered despite what you felt was hostile intent on my part.
Hugs, sister. Keep on. It just gets better.

If you had read the actual post, and not just Bruun's response to the post, you would have seen that I had ALREADY DELETED your name. And that I made no reference, at all, NONE in fact, to which username I was responding. And given the fact that you used my given name (and did not bother to ask, or later delete it, even after I pointed out that it bothered me) on a completely different thread, completely unrelated to this one, I feel quite confident that no one would have ever made the connection if you yourself had not.
Furthermore, I have posted in several places several times that I did not want my given name used. I use it sparingly, and mostly delete it soon after using it, when trying to make a point. I would think that reading the rest of the forum would actually have helped in this regard. Just as it would have to realize that the Undies thread, which you thought so interesting given your then interest in exploring your own undergarment habits, is actually a group from Australia. Down Under. Get it?
Finally, given the extremely personal and detailed information you share on your thread (we know what size you are, from thong to bra) and what music/brands/politics you enjoy, the very details of every single moment and every single day, with only the very recent exception of last weekend, that you would be alarmed at the use of your first name is simply funny. One does not need that to pick you out of a line up. But as I mentioned to you many, many months ago, it is extremely unlikely that anyone who cares would find you here, unless there is reason to do so.
The hyperbole and detachment from reality should not shock me, anymore than the thread itself does, given your insistence on diverting from the very heart of your own truth to your own self.
Sadly, I know that you are unlikely to see this, given your penchant for avoiding much that does not relate directly to you and some parody of popularity you feel you need to continue here. And I am not brave enough, or rather stupid enough, to leave it and let it all fly. The point is not, after all, you. Or me. Or anyone else we wrap in our webs. The point is to avoid the web-making and offer solace to all in the way we know now to be a very powerful way out of hell. Baclofen. It is all about the baclofen, Rudy, despite our insistence that it is something else.
;1203960 wrote: (i realize i am unnecessarily outing myself there, but i am just so shaken to see my name in this very public place that has been a safe haven for me on my journey to freedom, used in a snarky lash-back reaction to something that was not even a crime.)
Reggie;1215426 wrote: Aint THAT the truth!!!!!
Hey Ne if ya in contact with Beatle send her my love and this tune for her
Great post by the way NE ... as always you hit the Keyboard and MAGIC happens :l
I don't know about the magic this morning. oops.
