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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    I was talking about your daughter's boyfriend! :H

    He sounds like he might be a (as you would say) "right nit" (or something. in my best british accent.)


      Progress thread for ne

      you going to see the doctor this week?


        Progress thread for ne

        Hey Ne,
        Probably. Have an appt on Tues.


          Progress thread for ne

          Oh god him, no he wouldnt be coming. Actually hes ok he just does my head in after a while, I just spent too much time with him last week. We did all go on holiday to Lanzorote last year but our apartment was about a 10 min walk from theres so we just met up some days for something to eat or on the beach so it was great. Even tho I live with my 2 sons we all really just do our own thing and have dinner together each day and maybe watch a bit of tv or a film so we dont actually spend all that much time together. When my daughter and bf come to stay they are just there, all the time, if Im in the kitchen there in the kitchen, if Im in the living room there in the living room, if I say Im going shopping they want to come, get the drift? it drives me mad, but I love my daughter so much and am so happy for her that she has someone she loves who loves her.

          Im hoping COS is asleep, hes been up all night couldnt sleep and worrying about this fire theve got there. I am worried about him it sounds way to close for comfort.


            Progress thread for ne

            OK the COS your not asleep

            cross posted


              Progress thread for ne

              What a difference a day makes, non? (Well, okay, 2 days.) AWESOME to see you and Ed and where you ARE now - in terms of your physical location, and everything else.

              I AM a beach lover, so I will covet yours from my fully land-locked state. Keep those sheet-rock dreams alive!! You now have a "something" to do for the rest of your life :H! When I returned from my recent 2 weeks away, I discovered that my house had taken an electrical hit. My 1994 vintage television was ON, but only with a green line across the screen, my landline phones were zapped and weirdly, my doorbell no longer works.

              My ex-husband told me recently that he's decided that he divorced the house, not me. He became totally OCD about insulation . . . it's a 1920's built house. After he left, I found tools and materials that I had no idea we owned. I didn't have to go to Home Depot for a decade. I don't get the idea that Ed will go that direction, though .

              May your home be the blessing for you and Ed and Goose (who IS gorgeous) that mine has been for me. In every way.

              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                Progress thread for ne

                COSGringo;1340061 wrote: Hey Ne,
                Probably. Have an appt on Tues.
                I think today is Tuesday. ? Yep. I just checked. It is.

                COS. Forgive this, okay? I am going to step in and be a mother hen/wife-y type/bossy-bess and really, really insist (ask? beg?) that you go to the doc today. It will make you feel MUCH better. It may help resolve the gout quickly and with much less effort than even a 10 minute google search. Even if you are feeling much, much better already, please go to the doctor.

                Now, keep in mind, the last time I pulled this was with Ifulovelife (aka Murphyx). I was very worried for his health in general. He was losing tons of weight, had all sorts of other physical things going on, hadn't seen a doctor in foreva, and well, he is of a certain age. (omg, I hope he's lurking. i may have to call him and tell him to, because that will surely annoy him. lol)

                Turns out he's unbelievably healthy. Seriously, his numbers are better than mine. Friggin' vegetarians. So. Please go. Then you can tell me to shut up (in the nicest way possible) or even "I told you so" which is perfectly acceptable in this case (but only this case! )

                As for the coffee, you won't even need your press, we've got one. As to the SO, he's not the jealous type (thank god) and knows that he completely rocks my world but he would probably not appreciate it if we didn't invite him. But he would probably also not choose to join in if we're just going to blather on about booze and bac and MWO. :H

                A quick update: I have a MWO friend/guide/advisor/dominatrix who has given me permission to just chill. Capital-R-Relax. No decisions, and not a major To-Do or To-Do list. This advice is based on stuff I don't understand or 'trust', but I DO understand and trust her, so I'm all in. Saturn is going to get an upgrade () in a week or so and it's about fucking time. In the meantime, my list is this: meditate. eat. sleep. walk. mwo. (Notice, please, the lack of capitals!)

                And, of course, the universe being what it is, there is no reason that I cannot accomplish these goals. Life is weird like that, now. I get what I need when I need it. Which may have been true before and I just couldn't see it, but I don't think so. I think everything is different now. But perhaps I'll meditate on it. Sorry to get all meta- on you if that makes you uncomfortable! Rest assured, it doesn't come with the baclofen, :H it comes with the...well, for me it just came.

                The Goose is a husky mix, *** maybe. A rescue whose first year of life left a lot to be desired. She's my familiar, my heart, my sun. (What else needs to be said about a childless 42 yo woman and her beloved companion?)
                She came with the name Keisha, which we didn't think fit her personality, but she was such a hot mess that we couldn't change it without freaking her out. (It's not that she wouldn't answer to a different name. It's that she didn't understand the change, and what she doesn't understand makes her a little neurotic. I get it!) So we started pointing out when she was being a silly goose. Which was very, very often. Now she is "The Goose" unless we are addressing her directly.
                Funny story: I had a MWO friend in Asia. I referred to "walking The Goose" and "feeding The Goose" etc. He assumed, of course, that I was referring to an actual goose! Not a stretch since he had chickens in the backyard, right? He did think it odd that my goose needed walking, and one day asked if I actually did that with a leash or what? That's why I don't call her The Goose on here anymore!!!

                The sun is up so I've got to run. (sorta. I've got to rush off to meditate. :H)

                Thank you and love you peeps. Truly, madly deeply. The kind words and support are amazing.
                ***My parents are convinced she's a Korean Jindo. Google it! The resemblance is amazing. But a Jindo in rural NC? I don't think so...


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Had a doc appt. Cx'd it. No why? Gout is getting better. Found an answer online with baking soda and water, awesome.
                  Here's why I am putting of the doc and I think it's reasonable. I want to go another month doing well and go to one of those test centers for $50 for a liver test ($40 with coupon).
                  If it comes back rock on because he's going to test me. If not, I may have permanent damage.

                  But here's the thing, if it comes back I can prove my case the bac is working. I never tested well when I went to the doc. So if I tell him I am cured and my liver test confirms it I can just maybe sell him on the bac and get a scrip through him.

                  Finally ADC got a charge through and I got all the gout meds I need for months coming. My wife is pissed because Chase fraud alert called her about all these charges (I already talked to these asshats) including a high one (it was for a year's worth of everything I could ever need) and that made her less than happy.
                  She is brooding. I get to drive to NM next week for a big announcement so I am either getting a new boss or a huge role. How am I going to drive under 120 in that desert? Oh well. Life's good, no sleep again last nite.
                  Hang in there all!


                    Progress thread for ne


                    Sleep. Any chance of that?


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Nice to take meds and still be up.
                      Job, fires, you name it. Scuttlebutt (I don't buy into anything 'till I have proof) is it's terrorism. A bunch of fires have been linked to arson.
                      All good times. Some how 2 hours of sleep has energized me.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Hi Ne

                        What cool photos! Great house, beautiful beach and gorgeous Goose. I gave Susie'smum that hug for you today. She's going to check out your photos. Hope the plan is going well.



                          Progress thread for ne

                          Thanks, Sticky!

                          Hi, Susiesmum! And xxoo. Think of you often. Looking forward to the day we can...hug! (New house is close to the airport. Have I mentioned that?)

                          Can't stick around! Morning anxiety has worn off, I took a cat nap after only 4 hours of sleep last night (ugh) and feel much better.
                          Time's awastin' and I got stuff to do! Yay!

                          COS, where are you???


                            Progress thread for ne

                            hmmm. I read something this morning that isn't on the boards anymore, and I just want to say...
                            Put it out here. It was beautiful. And where else are you going to take it to, who else knows, if not us? It helps to put it out here.
                            :l:l:l wcl.

                            Just 'cause I wanna keep track here I'm posting from an email I sent:
                            My moments of desperation usually wear off, and then I change my mind. I am actually getting decent sleep (finally!) and being at my parent's house has helped a great deal. Not because it's not fraught. oy. They are going through a really rough time and it's painful to watch/feel/be a part of.

                            It got hot (in Maryland) yesterday, but more disconcerting was this freaky fucking storm we had the night before last. 75 knot winds (which means nothing to me) translate into HOLY SHIT THE SKY IS FALLING AND THE HOUSE IS COMING APART AT THE SEAMS in real life. Turns out everything was fine, except that the boat got slammed into the garage door. Yet another thing for my dad to fix, but no biggie in the grand scheme. Still, it was really scary, and my first thought after the fact was to relate it to how I always used to feel. Which was akin to, "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!"

                            So no gaba for me at the moment. I figure if I can get respite from the dread by getting some sleep, working my ass off doing construction work in 100 degree heat, and taking a break from my own drama by being intensely interested in helping others feel better, than I oughta just suck it up and manage the complete mind-fuck that making huge grown up decisions creates.

                            When I met with my therapist last week and told her I couldn't sleep, was having those "bad thoughts" again, wanted to sleep all day, wasn't eating or exercising and thought I was going to end up a complete basket case she said, "That all sounds pretty normal." That was the short version. She drives me crazy, or rather drives me toward sane. It's nice.

                            Hope it's a good day, peeps.

                            Huge hugs and lotsa strength for all of us.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Sorry to hear that. I heard about those storms. Killed like 6-10 people in VA alone from trees.
                              Be careful out there. Sorry about your boat.
                              Here 75 knots is like a every week occurrence which is why fire likes it out here. Sad to say. We are one of the few homes that have big trees next to it. Mostly pines out here. Out East you have oaks and maples and all that good stuff until they fall down.
                              Ouch. Stay out of that heat!


                                Progress thread for ne

                                I have to apologise to anyone who has read about me moaning about our weather here, when you are having it so bad.

                                Ne, I didnt know you where going to stay with your folks, is that a routing visit or for illness? Do you live far from them, Im sorry I didnt know you had been feeling bad, is this just a bump in the road or something worse? can I help:l

