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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    oops. It's much later, isn't it? And I still have not responded...I forget about this old thing (and for good reason now that it's in tatters). Then I lament when I can't find it and have to do an actual search! But all in all that's a good thing because it means things are busy around here. right?

    I can't decide if the sh*t is hitting the fan in my life because I am stressed and anxious, or if I'm stressed and anxious because things are going awry. While I know that expectations generally equal results, and perhaps I let my expectations (and the work I put into meeting them) lapse a little, the stuff that is happening to me and at me seems to be misaligned with what I have managed to accomplish so far.

    What has this got to do with baclofen and MWO? I decided to start titrating down at the end of January. I was at a very erratic 160mg, and thought I'd go down 10 or 20mg per month. I'm not in any hurry, obviously, and I have no real destination. I just thought I'd check and see what's on the other side of 100mg. Like most others that have reached indifference and stayed around HDB for a while, I have no interest in booze and drink when I want, well within normal (below normal!) ranges. This is effortless and without thought or plan. (But not something I think you would call moderation. That doesn't exist. If you have to manage it, you ain't over it. anyway...)

    Despite the troll's insistence that I am spending my time taking and/or abusing other substances, I do not in fact take or enjoy (much less abuse) anything with any regularity. Like with the booze, I take medications or supplements based on what I need when I need it and don't really have any fear of addiction or abuse in that realm either. (I stipulate this to point out that I am clean and sober, by all accounts, because it irritates, but also because I'm not sure what to do about bac. Or maybe I'm not sure what to do about life?)

    So. Things are still remarkably amazingly good in so many ways it takes my breath away. That's the post I should be writing, actually. We're going to take a real vacation for our 10th anniversary, a fairy tale trip. And while on it we're going to figure out if we want to start a family (adopt) or keep our money and time to ourselves and see the world! If we don't opt for a family (which I think we will) then I think I'm going to forego the nursing thing and try to go to medical school! So things are pretty unreal in a good way. Even all the drama with the house we bought is working out to be no big deal.

    But my head is not in such a good place. I wake up pre-dawn with really anxious thoughts and they run in circles on the damn carousel. I find myself overheating when I think of things from the past, or the what-ifs in the future. I'm beyond furious with my family at the moment because I don't feel like my grandmother is getting the medical care she needs and deserves. This last is very vital in terms of my stress and anxiety level, but I feel like I should be able to manage it much better.

    Plus, I'm just not getting enough done on a regular basis. I don't know if the expectations are out of line, or what. They're certainly much lower than they were a year ago!

    And I don't know if the 30mg less of bac is the difference. And if that's not it, then what do I do to deal with what feels like a chemical imbalance at it's very core? It's been said by others many times, and I have been through it before, too: It's hard to do the next right thing when it's starting to feel like that just takes too much energy. You know?

    Wish I could wrap all this up in under a paragraph a la bleep, but there it is.

    Oh, and I really wish someone could tell me what a ping is. I know what it is, actually, but what is it doing on my thread? It's on the topa thread too, and a couple of them in general discussion. Weird.


      Progress thread for ne

      Hi Ne,

      Hectic stuff as usual! Why don't you just go back to whatever level of baclofen you were last comfortable at, and then see if you are still anxious? It seems the easiest way to check. You will know in a week whether it's life, or a chemical imbalance. It seems to me to be an effortless way to whittle down the options.

      A ping is (and this is a layman's understanding, so it's probably slightly off) basically a signal sent from one computer to another. It is used to test the signal, make sure there is a connection, etc. Sort of like poking someone to see if they are awake. Someone involved in IT can probably give a more accurate description, but I think that is roughly what it is.

      It's good to see you again, and I hope your anxiety resolves shortly one way or the other.


        Progress thread for ne

        I am reluctant to kttdp! I'm tired of it! And wary of doing it forever at high doses. Plus, it's served it's purpose...

        But yes, that's a valid option. Thanks bleep.

        To what end is the thread pinged? So someone knows when there's a post? We'll see who crawls out of the woodwork!?


          Progress thread for ne

          Dear Ne,

          Sounds like you have so much on your plate no wonder you feel a bit anxious. You will figure out what to do to sort everything out.

          Sending you good wishes

          Caro x


            Progress thread for ne

            I don't think you can ping a thread, just a computer on the internet. So I've no idea about that.

            A brief word of warning about stopping baclofen entirely, drinking can sort of sneak up on you! If I was doing it, I reckon that once baclofen has sorted you out, my experience tells me that I would either have to abstain entirely, or stay on baclofen. Man, that's a convoluted sentence; I don't want to sound like I am preaching, hence the grammatical contortions.


              Progress thread for ne

              Ne/Neva Eva;1478607 wrote: ...
              But my head is not in such a good place. I wake up pre-dawn with really anxious thoughts and they run in circles on the damn carousel. I find myself overheating when I think of things from the past, or the what-ifs in the future. I'm beyond furious with my family at the moment because I don't feel like my grandmother is getting the medical care she needs and deserves. This last is very vital in terms of my stress and anxiety level, but I feel like I should be able to manage it much better.

              Plus, I'm just not getting enough done on a regular basis. I don't know if the expectations are out of line, or what. They're certainly much lower than they were a year ago!

              Hi Ne

              Time to take personal inventory. Here are my 6 rules:

              Am I sleeping enough (ideally 8 hours a night)?

              Is my diet sensible (am I eating breakfast and at least 3 balanced meals a day) and is my weight steady ?

              Am I getting enough exercise (at least 30 mins cardio and/or gym and/or yoga 6 times a week)?

              Am I isolating or am I out seeing people?

              Am I dealing with pressing issues or procrastinating?

              Is my budget balanced/am I living w/in my means?

              Am I on the same page as my spouse?

              Whoops, that's seven

              Hope they help!
              With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                Progress thread for ne

                Dear Ne/Ne Eva: Once upon a time, summer of 2011, to be precise, I was taking a "maintenance" dose around 140 mg bac/day. Then I checked into a 5 week meditation course and figured it would be a great opportunity to (low stress and all) titrate down and see what happened. So I did. During those 5 weeks I went down to 80 mg/day, a was quite comfortable.

                THEN I left said meditation course and entered "real" life. Well, not exactly real. I was still half-way around the world, with a couple of weeks to travel freely. But what did I notice, almost immediately? Not a desire to drink. A definite increase of the sensations I associate with anxiety. Pretty much immediately, although I was still meditating daily. So, of course, I went bac up with bac, and found the smooth place at 120 mg/day, which is where I've stayed since then.

                Life has not been easy or simple these past couple of years. Family matters have ranged from bizarre to illegal, and have taken a lot of my time that I would have used to earn income, which would have alleviated an entirely different category of anxieties. But I've managed it all, IMHO :H, pretty well. But I'm not screwing around with my maintenance dose until circumstances settle . . . a lot. Or maybe never. Or whenever everything lines up for it to work, without it becoming one more thing to worry about. I'm with Bleep. And by the way . . . why ARE you worried about continuing to take bac for the long run? :l
                "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Thanks bleep. I definitely took note of your experience. The goal isn't really zero. And actually, I'm very curious if, at lower doses, I would have any interest in alcohol.

                  Caro, thanks. Too much on my plate is my preference, apparently. In fact, I think one of the things that's hanging me up right now is that I don't have enough to do in the short term!

                  Cass, at least 3 nos and one sorta. Sleep, diet and exercise all need work. I gained 9 pounds in 10 weeks during the first quarter. Not sure what the hell that's about, since my weight's been consistent for a couple of years. (Well, we all know what it's about! Too much food and sitting...) I don't know if I'm isolating. Sometimes I feel like I should get out more. I hate the idea of wasting the day shopping, and sometimes that is related to the fact that I just don't want to leave my house. That feels like isolating. (A couple of days in sweats without a shower staring at a book/computer would make anyone feel housebound, though. ) I sometimes don't want to see anyone at all. I can't decide if it's normal or not and I am not seeing my therapist so don't have anyone to ask!

                  RedT, I realized after I went to bed last night that not one of the things in my to-do or goal or accomplishment list is in-the-moment. I don't like my class this quarter, don't want to spend any money, and don't have any motivation for anything right now. Seems to me that's the crux of it, isn't it? Or a big part of it.

                  Part of the reason I want to cut down drastically is because I am still very reluctant to take other meds with bac. I have been trying to quit smoking for a couple of months. Ed took Chantix, and quit. I tried to take it, and then got nervous when I started to feel like I had new SEs and had to quit. That's just one example. It's also the fact that no one really has any idea what I'm taking, what it interacts with, etc. All of the real and rational reasons that any of us have for wanting to try out taking less. Don't get me wrong! I'm never going back, and if I have to take it (in any amount!) forever, I will. (I figure you who know me well, know that and probably feel the same way. But just for the record!)

                  Thanks peeps. I've got to go get some cigarettes and then get to the gym. (In that order. )


                    Progress thread for ne

                    I think the worst of it is that I'm defensive, irritable and angry. A lot. It's my default these days. I don't like it and it pisses other people off. I can't imagine why.

                    And I don't have any energy to do anything about it.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Reggie;1478884 wrote: Hey my dear friend:l:l thats me too ..bloody hell I hope it passes soon... either way are a fantastic caring Human the world could use a few more of you NE..
                      a couple of tunes for you me dear

            [/video]]Nick Cave - (i`ll Love You) Till The End Of The World - YouTube

            [/video]]Nina Simone - Four Women - YouTube
                      Ah, Reg! So nice to hear from you. Thank you. Gives me goosebumps. I had to quote you, 'cause I know it'll disappear if I don't. But I'll delete it if you would like.

                      xxooo (That's kisses and hugs, btw. Apparently you people across the water don't use 'o' for hugs.)


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Hi Ne long time no speakie hey, that shouldnt have happened. Sorry to hear your not feeling too good right now but the first thing I need to say to you is CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK SISTER!!
                        You have gone through massive changes in your life and are talking about yet more, the family, giving up nursing that you have worked so hard at to go to med school (Im wondering why), the house move not so long ago and wanting to quit smoking. Its fantastic that you have moved on with your life so much but it can also take its toll in strange ways. Sorry I didnt get how long this anxiety has been going on, if it is the change in amount of bac I would have thought it would settle down in a few weeks but Im not a doctor.

                        You do sound quite low to me, and the fact that you arnt doing the things you have done which actually would help your mood - sleep, diet, excercise, staying in as much as you would normally can only make things worse. You say you dont know whether its normal or not, the everyday ups and downs of life eg good days, bad days are totally normal of course but changes that last any length of time for no reason arnt. Can you see your therapist again for a chat and try to remember what things have helped in the past, I know you have alsways advised peeps to guard their sleep so maybe that could be a place to start.

                        xoxoxo (I use o's)


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Thanks, Space. God, it's great to hear from you too. And sound advice all the way around. I can't tell you (all) how much it helped to write it down here. I was going to delete it last night, but bleep had already responded.

                          And what I did instead was go to the gym. Smoke a lot. Eat a good breakfast. Send off a couple of emails to deal with the crap that's making me stressed, anxious and angry.

                          Most importantly, I've realized that I was asking, "Why me?!?" Why does this kind of stuff happen 'at' me or 'to' me??? But I've known for years and years that it just does. Whatever karma or vibe or something I send out, it includes an invitation for kerfuffle. I don't like it, and maybe someday I'll figure out how to change it, but in the meantime it still has to be dealt with and "WHY ME?!" is the candy-ass way to deal with it. Plus it's a waste of time. Which I have very little of to spare for wasting.

                          Know that I think of you often and I still check in on you, Space. :H I don't know if it's every three days, consistently, but I'd bet it's not more than that!
                          I know you're struggling but it's effin' amazing that you're doing it sober and willing. Rock on.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            I read your new post the other day and wanted to take time to gather my thoughts before responding. Then I saw your latest post and I'm happy to see you've caught up with yourself. I was going through books today to donate and I came across the book Acceptance of What Is. One sentence stood out: yes, because if directing your life was satisfying and enjoyable all the time you wouldn't be looking for a release from that or a freedom from that. Then I was reading Everyday ohso and day 224 is titled CELEBRATE! He says that small things have to be celebrated--sharing tea, a friend holding your hand, the laughter of a small child, the smell of a fragrance on the breeze.
                            So, it sounds like you're in a better place and know that all of this will pass. I appreciate the support you give to all of us here and I'm here to do do the same for you.



                              Progress thread for ne

                              Oh, Ne.

                              Late to the party as usual, but sorry things are piling/catching up with you. You know best how to manage it all: guard your sleep, meditate, and stay active. Proactive, even.

                              Sometimes the hardest thing to do when the work you have is in your head and in the books is to take time to get out and away from it. But even taking Goose for a nice, long walk would, I think, really help clear your head.

                              Other than that just keep an eye on things, without obsessing over your emotional temperature. And hang in there; we're thinking of you!



                                Progress thread for ne

                                I am glad you didnt deleat Ne otherwise I wouldnt have been able to respond would I?

                                I have often asked why me, why do some people fall in shit and come out smelling of roses when the opposite seems to happen to me, but you know its just a waste of time and effort even wondering that.

                                Well done on the gym and the emails, I smoke way too much as well and I have noticed that over the past few days my smoking has gone up, along with my anxiety and for now Im just having to accept that, I would love to be a non smoker but there is no way Im up to giving up right now, wait until the summer when I feal better.

                                Stay cool xoxoxoxo

