Bruun, that's excellent! The SEs can be really difficult, please feel free to share the burden. I hope your experience is like mine and that they abate quickly.
beatle, good point. If it makes you feel better, I save up a weeks worth (or in this case 2 weeks!) and watch 'em all in one go. So, the humor translates? I think he's so on target about the way many, many, many (i hesitate to say most, because that opens a whole can of worms) of us feel in this country, but the only voice we have in any media outlet. very frustrating. oh, to find a pol with a sense of humor, or a comedian who had political aspirations. (We've got a wrestler and a couple of movie stars... who knows? And clowns galore! Dressed up in expensive suits we payed for, with pretty glasses and a snowmobile. just sayin'.)
Lo0p, is flirtation your default? Not that I'm complaining.
Low, thanks, brother! you make my heart swell. xo