Just saw my therapist for the first time in a while. She pointed out that I seemed irritable. (Her word.) And my sleep is maybe not so good. And food has always been a bit hard for me to eat, unless it's coated in chocolate and salt. There's some inertia which is bordering on deer-stuck-in-headlights behavior. Head-in-sand-ostrich is a better visual. The best is probably chick-under-covers-reading-reddit. From cover to cover, which, since it's the internet means it never ends. I love that.
So. Even though I'm quite sure that everything is just fine and whatever, I'm pretty sure (or at least my therapist seems to be pretty sure) that I've got some little-d depression going on. Maybe she'd call it big-D. All I know is that things are unravelling a little bit. It is beginning to feel like this tug/pull is on the wrong piece of yarn and this whole life thing is going to get some gaping holes as a result.
The thing is, I recognize this as normal. The feeling, the being, the space I'm inhabiting right now is a normal for me. And I don't feel like I think everything is bad or anything.
Anyway. Really, the reason I'm posting (because this has absolutely nothing to do with drinking at all) is because I want to find a blog space to inhabit for a while. No biggie, right? But I am unable to make a decision about where to start the blog. Which site? Aren't there like a trillion? It has to be a blog. Not because I have any interest in creating some sort of blog, but because writing in word doesn't have the same effect. For some reason, I MUST be connected to the interwebs in order to write. Weird, I know.
And I guess, ftor, because this is MWO, it's interesting to me that alcohol doesn't seem like any kind of a solution. I've tried. Not intentionally! But on several recent occasions I've had occasion to drink, and thought it might be fun to drink to excess, and it holds no appeal. Plus it just doesn't work out that way. (Even now, in this moment, it seems like it would be a fun/different thing to have a drink or two, but blech. It's 3:00 in the afternoon and that doesn't sound good or fun or anything at all. It doesn't even seem like it would be a relief from this pretty uncomfortable space I'm in. That's promising, isn't it?
Alright. I really, really need to write. So any suggestions for blog-space? Does it matter? Can I just start writing or do I have to do fancy internet hoodoo-voodoo?
Help would be really, greatly, hugely appreciated.