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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Letter to the moderator:
    Username "Whatever" keeps referring to me as Xanax Neva. He has used my first name, and claims he knows my full name and address and will post it. He also repeatedly says that I take xanax, and that I push it on others.

    He is wrong on all counts. Because I have been open with many people about who and where I am, it's not inconceivable that he knows and will publish this information. It causes personal anguish and I have a professional license to protect.

    His posts related to me break the rules of MWO. What's more, it's defamation of character and possibly libelous. I am seriously considering contacting law enforcement about this. It has been happening for years. Please do not allow this to continue.

    Thank you,


      Progress thread for ne

      baklofan;1614699 wrote: kinda odd
      You are the worst troll in the history of trolling. Take your sh*t back to the lab and tweak it. Get an education, son. That is all.


        Progress thread for ne


        I don't know you but wanted to tell you how much I appreciate this thread. Lurked here for years. Many false starts. Trying Baclofen and hoping to have similar results as you. Your posts are very helpful - I search for them when I log on.

        Take care.


          Progress thread for ne

          myra;1616730 wrote: Neva,

          I don't know you but wanted to tell you how much I appreciate this thread. Lurked here for years. Many false starts. Trying Baclofen and hoping to have similar results as you. Your posts are very helpful - I search for them when I log on.

          Take care.
          Hi, Myra. I hope you have similar results, too. Thanks. Take a look at MissIndygo's stuff. She's been taking it a while and having some success, too.

          And just in case some other people stop by:
          So sorry to read, Indy, about what happened and so damn thrilled that he is on the mend.

          GRAT! Hiya, friend. Thanks for stopping by. :l

          Stuck, so nice to see your thread getting some action, even if you aren't.

          In the immortal words of some chicks, I'm still not ready to make nice so I'll see myself out. ha!

          Cheers, peeps.


            Progress thread for ne

            Oh, and baclofen and gabapentin are not the same things. At all.

            Gabapentin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Baclofen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            And holy wow! Alcohol dependence mentioned in the top part! That wasn't there the last time I checked, which was probably in 1922.


              Progress thread for ne

              Ne/Neva Eva;1616764 wrote: Oh, and baclofen and gabapentin are not the same things. At all.

              Gabapentin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Baclofen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              And holy wow! Alcohol dependence mentioned in the top part! That wasn't there the last time I checked, which was probably in 1922.
              Hi Ne -would really appreciate hearing more from you regarding gabapentin vs baclofen (especially outside of wiki research)



                Progress thread for ne

                a quick and thorough :l for you Ne.

                (busy busy busy moving and working on my house - next to work, school and what not)


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Hi, Jo. Thanks. And HUGE hugs bacatcha. xx

                  spiritwolf333;1616984 wrote: Hi Ne -would really appreciate hearing more from you regarding gabapentin vs baclofen (especially outside of wiki research)

                  I'm not sure what to share. Is the question, "Are baclofen and Gabapentin/Neurontin the same/similar/alike?" The answer is no, they're not. They work in different ways on different things for different purposes.

                  Is the question, "Will Gabapentin/Neurontin work as well as baclofen for the purposes of reaching contented and long lasting sobriety?" I dunno. I doubt it. The reasons I doubt it are numerous, but the short version is that baclofen is unique and Gabapentin/Neurontin is...different.

                  Is the question, "Is Gabapentin/Neurontin a beneficial tool if one is attempting abstinence and looking for long term contented sobriety?" It seems that way. The science says yes, though it's not unequivocal. I've long thought (and written here many times) that Gabapentin/Neurontin is a viable and good option for people.

                  Like all meds, and similar to baclofen, it shouldn't be stopped and started abruptly. It has it's own side effect profile, and they're not inconsequential.

                  Interestingly, it looks as though anti-seizure medications do *something* that seems to help people who suffer from addiction. Who knows what? Not me. And Gabapentin/Neurontin is a powerful medication...It does that something.

                  If you are asking whether or not I think you should take Gabapentin/Neurontin instead of baclofen, the answer is I don't know. Why? I wouldn't.

                  Finally, the person you quoted in the other thread isn't sober. Has never been sober. Sadly, has never been contented, either. Make sure when you're looking for answers here on MWO you are looking at who wrote them, where they get their info, and how it actually worked for them. It's hard. That's one of the reasons this place is so hard.

                  So my question to you is, what's going on? Is the question scientific/semantic or personal?


                    Progress thread for ne

                    I don't want to edit my original text, but I should have prefaced it with the fact that I am not a doctor, I have no background or education related to these medications, and everything I wrote about them is based on what I've read and/or my own personal experience.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Ne/Neva Eva;1617037 wrote:

                      Is the question, "Is Gabapentin/Neurontin a beneficial tool if one is attempting abstinence and looking for long term contented sobriety?" It seems that way. The science says yes, though it's not unequivocal. I've long thought (and written here many times) that Gabapentin/Neurontin is a viable and good option for people.

                      Like all meds, and similar to baclofen, it shouldn't be stopped and started abruptly. It has it's own side effect profile, and they're not inconsequential.

                      Interestingly, it looks as though anti-seizure medications do *something* that seems to help people who suffer from addiction. Who knows what? Not me. And Gabapentin/Neurontin is a powerful medication...It does that something.

                      If you are asking whether or not I think you should take Gabapentin/Neurontin instead of baclofen, the answer is I don't know. Why? I wouldn't.

                      So my question to you is, what's going on? Is the question scientific/semantic or personal?
                      Ne -Thank you for your input. With me -what's going on? Well, I am always interested in things that might be better than the current norm. After all, that is what led me to baclofen. Without a doubt, baclofen has (does) provided a miracle in my life. With that said, it does seem that there might be room for improvement. My dosing schedule amounts remain fluid -amounts/timing. If there is a drug out "there" that might be a little more predictable, I want to know about it. And really, not just for me but for future addicts/alcoholics.

                      As we commonly see here on MWO and other places, there really is no commonality. Everyone seems to take different doses at different times -just no consistency. But what if future medications change all of that? Maybe consistency and expected results at certain times. Ne, I don't even really know why I should continue on with this at times; why, because baclofen has done for me what nothing else has ever done -halted my alcoholism. Who knows -right? Anyway, regardless of motives, seems like many of us are at least trying to help those who may follow in our footsteps -and that is a great thing in and of it self -just an opinion.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Ondansetron Spirit! Remember when I first got on the boards and you seemed (or I assumed) offended that I had taken over your thread about new medications... Well take a closer look now that you and I are ok and get along in some kind of civil manner

                        Dripping with sarcasimn, and intended that way, but also don't neglect the original research I did put out there for you to peruse please.

                        I spend many an hour over that.
                        Now go back and read it again and use it to your advantage! Whatever that may be....

                        Thank you,



                          Progress thread for ne

                          Hi there Ne,

                          How are you lovely lady?
                          Sorry to put a dampener on your thread. That was and never will be my intention.
                          Sometimes my Dutchness comes out though and it is what it is



                            Progress thread for ne

                            Hi Indy and thanks NE

                            Hi Indy -thanks for the reply. And thanks Ne for letting us hijack ur thread for a minute.

                            Indy, I do owe you a most sincere apology. I wrote you off early on as a person who was only out for an ego-boost/possible troll person. After I had read a post or two of yours (and kept looking at your avatar-gross-lol), I made the decision that you were a joke and had nothing to offer. So, with you, I just went into IGNORE mode. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I do not recall writing anything negative or offensive towards you or any of your post? In other words, I hope that I never acted in an "uncivil manner" towards you? Perhaps not responding to you may be what you are talking about -I am really not quite sure. But Indy, after reading some of your posts -even before today, I found myself regretting not having read your posts. You do offer VERY VALID information and I was very WRONG to have misclassified you early on as a troll/self-seeker. I APOLOGIZE.

                            Finally Indy, I do not recall you having taken over one of my threads. In fact, I really don't care and I like it when others start commenting -even if it is off topic and I am not involved. You see, many times I try to just put a little information out on the forum in hopes that others will respond -either positively, negatively, or indifferent. I find that I learn so much more from the replies than I do my posts. What I don't like is when trolls enter the scene and start attacking others -this I despise.

                            Ne, thanks for the use of your thread. In fact, I think this is a great thread to discuss this type of information. After all, are not most of us alcoholics overly sensitive and ego-driven? But hey, I almost have to believe that those two characteristics are what make us interesting and moving? Just a thought.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Hi Spirit, loved your whole post but especially this:
                              spiritwolf333;1617414 wrote:
                              Ne, thanks for the use of your thread. In fact, I think this is a great thread to discuss this type of information. After all, are not most of us alcoholics overly sensitive and ego-driven? But hey, I almost have to believe that those two characteristics are what make us interesting and moving? Just a thought.
                              Spot on!

                              Yes I was most likely looking for acknowledgement in those early posts about Ondansetron. I jumped on the scene on your post about new medication with what I think was about 5 pages, with some very well researched and referenced material I might say (hehe, once a smart-ass, always a that is).

                              Your reply was something along the line of: yeah very well, but you may want to start your own thread on that. To which I responded: that I understood from your first post that you were inviting people to bring together new research.
                              I felt rebuked and rejected by that. That little thing called ego you mentioned earlier
                              Now you know what you apologized for I happily accept and would like to extend the olive branch to you also, as I can truly see and I understand how you came to your earlier opinion about me.

                              My sincere apologies for my self righteous attitude towards you!

                              Ok that's about enough of this sookie lala haha. I always read all your post; sometimes followed with a shrug, sometimes with a frown, sometimes with a Yes, sometimes with a giggle, but always with respect for I can see what you are trying to do for the MWO community!

                              Keep it up Spirit!


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Oh one final thing Mister Spirit Why don't you like Tuna dog. He is gorgeous, no? Haha
                                I loves him

