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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Hihi I changed my avatar just for you Spirit. No harm intended, just a bit of fun

    Have a good day! I know I will.


      Progress thread for ne

      I'm really glad that at least some people around here are ready to make nice. I'm almost there.

      I am searching for a picture of a very particular dog. Will be back later.


        Progress thread for ne

        Thanks Indy

        An Ne, I can only presume you are talking about a picture of my hound dog -Flash (and not Tuna dog)?

        So Ne -just for you: (Flash Kind of reminds me of me)


          Progress thread for ne

          Indy -Again, thank you. I am about to delve into Ondansetron -now that I realize that it is not some kind of curse word or otherwise (lol). I did not realize at the time that it was a serious post -again, my regret and my loss.

          Now for your dog Tuna. With your other avatar picture, I did not even realize that it was a dog... guess I am just less educated that way. With the teeth showing and looking in disgust, I almost thought it could have been in an exorcist movie. For all I knew, it was a malformed Kangaroo. With this said in honesty, I have a feeling that I am about to be jap-slapped four ways to next year. Please just don't criticize Flash -he is sensitive.

          Thank you again.


            Progress thread for ne


            Jap slapped????

            Spirit, do you ever watch The Middle? Last night the Aspergers son asks if he can dog sit the old, smoker, drinker Aunt's elderly Basset. The dog is so old it's wheeled around in a red kids wagon. The boy's attention span is about as big as a gnat, so he keeps losing the dog. Last scene is him losing the dog, then finding her in the laundry room. She had gone in there to give birth to a litter of the cutest Basset puppies ever.

            Why do we all have dog avatars?



              Progress thread for ne

              Indy, does your dog have a jaw issue? I was a Vet Tech in my previous life...before kids.


                Progress thread for ne

                Dammit. I just lost a post. Hate that. I looove bassetts, Spirit. I was looking for a picture of my friend's dogs. He's got a chinese crested something or other, that is completely bald but has a mane of fur. There's a picture of it on the akc page I'll try to link. But my friend's dog is not, um, pretty. It looks like a mutant. And it bites. Me. 20 years in dog rescue, I'd never been bitten. 20 minutes with that dog and I'd lost a couple of chunks of flesh. Seriously. My friend also denies that his dog is actually a devil. Proof that love is blind. Fortunately he has better taste (slightly) in significant others. I don't like his boyfriend much, but at least he doesn't bite me.

                The other dog, though, is truly a mutant. And it looks a little bit like Indy's picture. lolol. I hope you're not offended, Indy. :H Your dog looks a little...special.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Indy, just looked at the pic again, laughed loud enough to wake my sleeping grandmother. Thanks for that. Sam, your dog is pretty, too. Not in the same way, of course. :H


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Haha Spirit Flash is gorgeous.
                    Tuna dog is not my dog, but I got it from Facebook. Look it up Spirit then you will find many more photos of the pretty pooch
                    My dog is a staffie red heeler cross and very different. Medium size, but robust. He is only 5, but looks like an old man as his nose is completely gray.
                    I am normally into big dogs. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are my favorite.
                    Haha laughed out loud at your reference to the kangoroo.
                    Good to have some fun again on these threads!


                      Progress thread for ne

                      From fun to not so fun.

                      I received a spam for buying baclofen powder in my private messages. Beware, people.

                      I also can't really stomach hanging around and sharing my life and experiences when the trolls are hanging around. I know, I know. They sound reasonable. They seem to be reasonable. Then suddenly, WHAM! They lash out and start attacking people with lies and libelous information. It is inconceivable that the moderators and administrators don't know this is happening. Do the trolls really go to the trouble of creating brand new accounts and hiding their IP addresses?

                      What's more, it's shocking that they're still here. Their only purpose is to discredit baclofen, or the people who have found success with medications. They offer no solutions or insight. They concede that they've "tried everything" and "nothing has worked". Which means they've tried stuff and it didn't work for them so therefore it must be a lie that it works. Don't be fooled. Some people will stay drunk, miserable, sick and completely unwilling to get better. They think that if you take a little pill, and do nothing else, and continue to drink, that you will magically get better. It doesn't work like that.

                      I was unable to cope, spent entire days in bed, and was completely miserable when I was drinking alcoholically. And the miracle of it is that I had no idea how miserable I was until I stopped drinking alcoholically. I thought I had so much to protect! My job, my marriage, life as I knew it. The truth is, when it came down to it, my biggest priority was to get and stay sober. Baclofen is the only thing that ever gave me the opportunity to try that.

                      The science is in and it's conclusive. It works in way that no other medication works. The results are far more impressive than any other medication or approach out there. Is it for everyone? Nope. Clearly it's not. Is it something to be taken lightly? Please, no. Stop doing that. Stop allowing other people to do it and post about it. It's dangerous to take it haphazardly.

                      In fact, it seems to me that if you want to help people around here, the key is to hold people accountable. The administrators and moderators and the corporation that owns this site should be held accountable. We should hold each other and ourselves accountable, too. This is a very serious business. Alcoholism is serious, and deadly. Self-treating is serious and can also be deadly. We've seen evidence of that time and time again. Those of you who are new or new-ish and think you've read it all and seen it all, keep reading and looking. It gets more convoluted, more intriguing. But in the end, the truth wins. Baclofen works.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Squeezed is the same guy as this person:

                        terryk;1545648 wrote: Zone aka onequart aka BillF aka arsenic aka dustbin posts on MWO for the sole purpose of disparaging and denigrating baclofen therapy and anyone and everyone involved with it including those using it.

                        Baklofan is the same guy as this person:
                        terryk;1529189 wrote: liquorlost = Chaos = Baclofan = desperados = Benzo Control Board


                          Progress thread for ne

                          I got the same PM. Deleted it.

                          I will do more reading in Bac. I'm newish and indifferent, and post about it frequently. Although I was lucky to read O.A's book, and lucky to have a lust for reading, I do need to read up more on the finer points of Baclofen use and it's history. I'm just so thrilled and proud of myself(finally) to have chosen a route to AL abstinence that works without CRAVING. Craving equals failure fore me.

                          Ne, thanks.



                            Progress thread for ne


                            That's really what matters. It's almost all that matters. I woke up this morning with my party hat on, logged on here and was suddenly transmogrified into Debbie Downer.

                            Just keep on, sister. The reason I am posting again has (in part) to do with an email I sent to a friend about why I won't and can't participate here. Signing off, I wrote down what I experienced that night:

                            It had already started snowing, and even a light dusting of white stuff will shut down my town. My husband is essential personnel so he was staying overnight at work. It was just me and the dog and the snow, with absolutely nothing to do and no expectations for the following day. It wasn't long before I realized that my quiet, productive girl-night was just boring and lonely. Around 5 pm, I decided to finish the bottle of really good wine we'd opened for dinner the night before. (It was a special dinner and a special bottle. We each had a glass with dinner. Usually when that happens we'll keep the bottle around for a couple of weeks because we forget to use it to cook with, before finally throwing it out.) Anyway. Poured a glass, sipped it, read a boring book, read the internet, turned the tv on and then off, cleaned the bathroom floor, made some leftovers, ate some cheese...Forgot about the wine. Finally finished the wine with the cheese, poured another glass, had no interest in drinking it and went to bed. Sober.

                            That's not will power. That's not abstinence at all costs. That's indifference. It's a function of baclofen. The first time I went for treatment of my addiction to alcohol was in 1994. Countless meetings, a couple of rehabs, yadda, yadda. With baclofen, I'm 10 days shy of three years without being addicted to alcohol.

                            This medication needs to be available to people. Ya' know? Even if I don't like having to put myself out here and need to whine on about how frustrating it is every now and then. Maybe someone will get well the way I did.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Samandkatharine;1617856 wrote: :

                              Spirit, do you ever watch The Middle? Last night the Aspergers son asks if he can dog sit the old, smoker, drinker Aunt's elderly Basset. The dog is so old it's wheeled around in a red kids wagon. The boy's attention span is about as big as a gnat, so he keeps losing the dog. Last scene is him losing the dog, then finding her in the laundry room. She had gone in there to give birth to a litter of the cutest Basset puppies ever.

                              Why do we all have dog avatars?

                              Hey Sam -tried to find the "Middle" episode and it had not yet been released. I have got to see it. My wife teaches autistic children and loves the show. Funny thing is I have never seen the series -that I recall.

                              Why do we all have dog avatars? ***Because they are not smart-asses*** -jk.. It is kind of cool when dogs will love us when we don't even love ourselves (at times). My dog Flash is happy to see me even when I don't want to see myself. Maybe this has something to do with it -or at least for me.

                              Ne/Neva Eva;1617862 wrote: Me. 20 years in dog rescue, I'd never been bitten. 20 minutes with that dog and I'd lost a couple of chunks of flesh. Seriously. My friend also denies that his dog is actually a devil. Proof that love is blind. Fortunately he has better taste (slightly) in significant others. I don't like his boyfriend much, but at least he doesn't bite me.

                              Ne -How cool -20 years in dog rescue; any particular breed or multi? I do know how heartbreaking -I mean damn near heart destroying- that it can be to witness abused dogs (and other animals). And by the way, I only get bitten by the "dogs that have never bitten any one". Someone said that I put off a "fear" scent. And I said -well, what other scent should I put off?

                              MissIndygo;1617915 wrote:
                              Haha Spirit Flash is gorgeous.
                              Tuna dog is not my dog, but I got it from Facebook. Look it up Spirit then you will find many more photos of the pretty pooch
                              My dog is a staffie red heeler cross and very different. Medium size, but robust. He is only 5, but looks like an old man as his nose is completely gray.
                              I am normally into big dogs. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are my favorite.
                              Haha laughed out loud at your reference to the kangoroo.
                              Good to have some fun again on these threads
                              Well Indy, I had to go an look up Tuna dog. I see that I have missed out on this particular viral-dog. I had no idea that a creature looking like Tuna dog actually existed. Just got to say -lol-x10. The Staffie sure looks like a powerful dog.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Ne/Neva Eva;1618125 wrote: From fun to not so fun.

                                I received a spam for buying baclofen powder in my private messages. Beware, people.

                                I also can't really stomach hanging around and sharing my life and experiences when the trolls are hanging around. I know, I know. They sound reasonable. They seem to be reasonable. Then suddenly, WHAM! They lash out and start attacking people with lies and libelous information. It is inconceivable that the moderators and administrators don't know this is happening. Do the trolls really go to the trouble of creating brand new accounts and hiding their IP addresses?

                                What's more, it's shocking that they're still here. Their only purpose is to discredit baclofen, or the people who have found success with medications. They offer no solutions or insight. They concede that they've "tried everything" and "nothing has worked". Which means they've tried stuff and it didn't work for them so therefore it must be a lie that it works. Don't be fooled. Some people will stay drunk, miserable, sick and completely unwilling to get better. They think that if you take a little pill, and do nothing else, and continue to drink, that you will magically get better. It doesn't work like that.

                                I was unable to cope, spent entire days in bed, and was completely miserable when I was drinking alcoholically. And the miracle of it is that I had no idea how miserable I was until I stopped drinking alcoholically. I thought I had so much to protect! My job, my marriage, life as I knew it. The truth is, when it came down to it, my biggest priority was to get and stay sober. Baclofen is the only thing that ever gave me the opportunity to try that.

                                The science is in and it's conclusive. It works in way that no other medication works. The results are far more impressive than any other medication or approach out there. Is it for everyone? Nope. Clearly it's not. Is it something to be taken lightly? Please, no. Stop doing that. Stop allowing other people to do it and post about it. It's dangerous to take it haphazardly.

                                In fact, it seems to me that if you want to help people around here, the key is to hold people accountable. The administrators and moderators and the corporation that owns this site should be held accountable. We should hold each other and ourselves accountable, too. This is a very serious business. Alcoholism is serious, and deadly. Self-treating is serious and can also be deadly. We've seen evidence of that time and time again. Those of you who are new or new-ish and think you've read it all and seen it all, keep reading and looking. It gets more convoluted, more intriguing. But in the end, the truth wins
                                . Baclofen works
                                Ne -You make very valid and solid points.

                                I have seen many a few great and helpful members completely sign off the forum because of the trolls.

                                One would really think that these folks would go elsewhere to perform their harm, but they don't. After all, is this particular forum not a place to gather for many who are at lowest point in their lives -desperate, just trying to survive one day at a time? Well, I know for a fact that I was at that lowest point when I first signed on to this site and I have been grateful ever since.

                                There have been several times in the past when I became quite discouraged because of the trolls and their seemingly hateful attitude. In fact, I began to wonder just how far they would go to try and hurt others on this forum. And then, the "F" word came close to be just calling it quits forever on the forum. Yes, the "F" word; "FEAR". But then, the level headed boss steps in (my wife) and says "what are you afraid"? I went into the many different scenarios of what might be harmful and then realized that I might actually may be over-reacting.

                                My entire reason for being on the forum now is to, well -in all honesty, continue to help my self in my sobriety but ALSO to possibly help someone else who may be a day or two behind me. Am I willing to let the cowards keep me from this; well, for now, no. And I also try and believe that most of these "trolls" are really sicker than most. They either don't know how to ask for help, or they have a personal vendetta against someone. Either way, they really are very-very mentally disturbed.

                                It takes a special level of courage and a willingness to continue posting on this forum -ESPECIALLY for the more senior members. Many times you get attacked because you are the lead dogs -so to speak. If I am honest with myself, I don't know how long I would stick around if I were being personally attacked. Who needs this in their life when they are trying to maintain some level of sanity -right? right?

