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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Ne/Neva Eva;1618263 wrote: Sam,

    That's really what matters. It's almost all that matters. I woke up this morning with my party hat on, logged on here and was suddenly transmogrified into Debbie Downer.

    Just keep on, sister. The reason I am posting again has (in part) to do with an email I sent to a friend about why I won't and can't participate here. Signing off, I wrote down what I experienced that night:

    It had already started snowing, and even a light dusting of white stuff will shut down my town. My husband is essential personnel so he was staying overnight at work. It was just me and the dog and the snow, with absolutely nothing to do and no expectations for the following day. It wasn't long before I realized that my quiet, productive girl-night was just boring and lonely. Around 5 pm, I decided to finish the bottle of really good wine we'd opened for dinner the night before. (It was a special dinner and a special bottle. We each had a glass with dinner. Usually when that happens we'll keep the bottle around for a couple of weeks because we forget to use it to cook with, before finally throwing it out.) Anyway. Poured a glass, sipped it, read a boring book, read the internet, turned the tv on and then off, cleaned the bathroom floor, made some leftovers, ate some cheese...Forgot about the wine. Finally finished the wine with the cheese, poured another glass, had no interest in drinking it and went to bed. Sober.

    That's not will power. That's not abstinence at all costs. That's indifference. It's a function of baclofen. The first time I went for treatment of my addiction to alcohol was in 1994. Countless meetings, a couple of rehabs, yadda, yadda. With baclofen, I'm 10 days shy of three years without being addicted to alcohol.

    This medication needs to be available to people. Ya' know? Even if I don't like having to put myself out here and need to whine on about how frustrating it is every now and then. Maybe someone will get well the way I did.
    This is a great post Ne, thanks for it. It's interesting and informative to read an account like this that illustrates indifference. And, I would say that more than a couple someones are getting well the way you did, with bac, MWO support, etc. That's why I'm thankful for those who came before me and still stick around here to help, trolls be damned.


      Progress thread for ne

      Thanks, Skull. I agree that there are solutions to be found here, if one looks.

      So...While we're holding people accountable, let's take a look at my last post.

      Ne/Neva Eva;1618263 wrote:
      ...It wasn't long before I realized that my quiet, productive girl-night was just boring and lonely. Around 5 pm, I decided to finish the bottle of really good wine we'd opened for dinner the night before. (It was a special dinner and a special bottle. We each had a glass with dinner. Usually when that happens we'll keep the bottle around for a couple of weeks because we forget to use it to cook with, before finally throwing it out.) Anyway. Poured a glass, sipped it, read a boring book, read the internet, turned the tv on and then off, cleaned the bathroom floor, made some leftovers, ate some cheese...Forgot about the wine. Finally finished the wine with the cheese, poured another glass
      , ...
      What's that about, Ne? After all this time, still looking for entertainment or time out or a way to space out in a bottle. Interesting that my mind still goes there when I have a night to myself without responsibilities the next day. Even more interesting since my husband doesn't care if I drink, and the only responsibilities I have are largely self-imposed. In other words, I can drink anytime without consequence and yet when I have what I used to covet--a night when no-one and nothing can stop me, my mind turns to doing what I used to NEED to do.

      Sounds to me like someone might NEED to do a little investigation into what the hell that's all about. But as always, I'm grateful that I have a safe-zone in which to deal with these things. It didn't used to be that way. It used to be very, very hard when I needed to drink and didn't want to. Now I'd like to get to the place where I don't think of drinking when I have a night to myself. I've always had a problem with filling that time with fun things, mindless entertainment. I'm grateful to have these first-world-problems.

      Cheers. Hope it's a good day.


        Progress thread for ne

        Thanks to you, too, Spirit. I don't associate anger with fear. I associate anxiety with fear. But your points are well taken. Certainly dealing with the trolls sometimes pisses me off, but mostly it just wears me out. I'll address that in a day or two.

        Seems like the site is paying attention, which is a relief.


          Progress thread for ne

          Ne/Neva Eva;1619525 wrote: Thanks to you, too, Spirit. I don't associate anger with fear. I associate anxiety with fear. But your points are well taken. Certainly dealing with the trolls sometimes pisses me off, but mostly it just wears me out. I'll address that in a day or two.

          Seems like the site is paying attention, which is a relief

          "Anger is the natural emotion created in a fight-or-flight situation by the physiology of your mind and body. When you sense a threat your mind generates fear and anger. The fear you generate is part of a flight response from your physiology. Anger is the emotional energy you generate for the fight against that perceived threat. What can be confusing is that your mind creates fear and anger even when the threat is just imagined.

          Emotions like anger are natural and real. Even if the threat is imagined the anger you create is just as real and powerful. However, the reasons you generate anger aren't always real. If you aren't aware of how your mind is imagining scenarios of hurt your anger will appear irrational." -by "Understanding Anger"

          Just a thought. For me, the trolls sometimes present valid arguments and that "pisses" me off because I then have to stop and question my own motives. This probably only applies to me.


            Progress thread for ne

            spiritwolf333;1619668 wrote:

            Just a thought. For me, the trolls sometimes present valid arguments and that "pisses" me off because I then have to stop and question my own motives. This probably only applies to me.

            Yeah. I see what you're saying. But it could just be that those guys are assholes.


              Progress thread for ne

              Ne/Neva Eva;1619522 wrote: Thanks, Skull. I agree that there are solutions to be found here, if one looks.

              So...While we're holding people accountable, let's take a look at my last post.

              What's that about, Ne? After all this time, still looking for entertainment or time out or a way to space out in a bottle. Interesting that my mind still goes there when I have a night to myself without responsibilities the next day. Even more interesting since my husband doesn't care if I drink, and the only responsibilities I have are largely self-imposed. In other words, I can drink anytime without consequence and yet when I have what I used to covet--a night when no-one and nothing can stop me, my mind turns to doing what I used to NEED to do.

              Sounds to me like someone might NEED to do a little investigation into what the hell that's all about. But as always, I'm grateful that I have a safe-zone in which to deal with these things. It didn't used to be that way. It used to be very, very hard when I needed to drink and didn't want to. Now I'd like to get to the place where I don't think of drinking when I have a night to myself. I've always had a problem with filling that time with fun things, mindless entertainment. I'm grateful to have these first-world-problems.

              Cheers. Hope it's a good day.
              I can relate to this, big time. I always associated "free time" especially "free time not under anyone's watchful eye" with "fuck yeah I'ma get my drunk on". This is why bac was only partially helpful for me, to deal with the physical cravings- for me I needed to supplement my protocol with something else to help break those mental habits, which is why I paired it with the Antabuse (to take away the option to drink at all). I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's proved to be the winning combination for me (today is Day 90, longest I've been sober EVAR in my adult life! Yay, me. OK I digress)

              Anyways, I guess my point is that I can really relate to the need for us to work on how our minds associate free time with the "reward" of drinking...


                Progress thread for ne

                Ne/Neva Eva;1619874 wrote: Yeah. I see what you're saying. But it could just be that those guys are assholes.
                Yes, Ne -they indeed r arse holes. Maybe they help others keep their pencils sharp?


                  Progress thread for ne

                  skullbabyland;1620126 wrote: I can relate to this, big time. I always associated "free time" especially "free time not under anyone's watchful eye
                  Anyways, I guess my point is that I can really relate to the need for us to work on how our minds associate free time with the "reward" of drinking...
                  Glad I read this Skull -"free time" (unaccountable time) ; one of the worst enemies of an alcoholic. Mental discipline in times of being "alone" is often challenging -at least for me.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Don't know how you do it, Ne. I drank a bottle of red wine last night and all it did was give me a disgustingly purple tongue and heartburn.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Ne- I've followed you thread, but never posted. Thanks for your post about the red wine. I'm at the point where I want to see if I actually can walk away from wine(my go-to bev). I've been AF for almost 30 days (tomorrow) and I'm n 100 mg of Bac (I know not even a drop in the bucket compared to your journey thus far). I feel like I'll miss my switch if I don't see what my desire level is. I also feel like this is alcoholic me trying to get a drink...


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1619874 wrote: Yeah. I see what you're saying. But it could just be that those guys are assholes.
                        This Princess Saved Herself


                          Progress thread for ne

                          6 people. 3 years.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of a friend, Ne... my heartfelt condolences to you.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Too many.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Cassander;1625754 wrote: This is such a shame. I hope that one day deaths from alcoholism and related co-morbidities will be a thing of the past. Where are the doctors?

                                The doctor that I was referring to in the other thread is remarkable for several reasons. One is, of course, that he was an early adopter of HDB when a desperate mother got him the information about Ameisen and some research. The second is the care that his patients received.

                                So rather than beat this dead old horse, and continue to foment the justifiable paranoia that we alcoholics have about the medical profession, let's ask ourselves what WE can do to make sure that people stop dying. WE, as in us, here at MWO.

                                Because like Lo0p, our friend in NZ did not listen to her doctor and instead embarked on a different, self-defined path. All well and good, except the last time I talked to her, and the last posts on her thread, were not heartening.

                                Stop the madness. Help the doctors and they will help us. They are not the enemy, they are our only resource. They have proven OVER AND OVER AND OVER again that they will help.

                                The discussion about someone's suicide should NEVER be about anything other than that person on that person's memorial. NEVER.

