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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Have a safe trip, Rusty! Let us know you made it home safely...snowing here so you might have a bit of a delay!! Not bad, but O'Hare shuts down for everything!
    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


      Progress thread for ne


      Thanks for the heads up! Oh, man, this happens to me every time I fly home from Europe and land in O' car is going to be buried in snow in the economy lot.

      How is the Bac working for you? Are you getting any relief at all?


        Progress thread for ne

        It has not snowed much...but it might be a be frozen! has been COLD!!! Then you have to drive home from ORD? hope you get there before rush hour! I have made that drive before and it sucks at the wrong time of day!

        Not sure about the bac yet....trying 40 today....How are you?
        "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


          Progress thread for ne

          Hi Taw,

          Good news on the snow. Yup, gotta drive home then. I'm used to it. I'm doing pretty well...other than jumping into the champagne bottle in my hotel room mini-bar earlier this week. I might titrate up to 100....managed to stay AF on the plane ride from Barcelona...surrounded by free booze. Go figure. I'm really pissed off at myself that I could be AF for sooo many days in a row then I got absolutely frustrated and angry at a co-worker and I jump into the champagne. AAAARRRGGGHH!


            Progress thread for ne

            Learning experience, Rusty!! Don't beat yourself up...that will just lead you back to the bottle!!!
            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


              Progress thread for ne

              I've never even seen snow. Enjoy it!
              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                Progress thread for ne

                I’m taking 60mg every 6 hours. I missed my late afternoon dose yesterday. (thought I took it, even checked it off in the handy notebook.)
                I got home, drank


                  Progress thread for ne

                  neva eva;1043765 wrote: I?m taking 60mg every 6 hours. I missed my late afternoon dose yesterday. (thought I took it, even checked it off in the handy notebook.)
                  I got home, drank
                  Better Living Through Chemistry

                  Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                  Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    So, it will happen no matter what? I know it has only been a short time, but feel like I had more results earlier and things are not progressing! Maybe the early effects were placebo effect!
                    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                      Progress thread for ne


                      I love your posts recalling your discussions with the good Doctor. I have never spoken to him, but I can live vicariously through you (and others).

                      Taw, hang in there. I really do think there is something to the Bac re-wiring taking time. It was about a month for me that I really felt the decrease in cravings - and it definitely is not a placebo effect. Stay the course!
                      Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Yes Taw,

                        It will happen no matter what. It's only something in the brain that needs to be fixed. I realize that other members might disagree, but this is what I believe in. The rats didn't need a toolbox, just a large dose Bac to make them want to drink water instead of booze.



                          Progress thread for ne

                          neva eva;1043043 wrote: Imho, it would be useful to know your limits before you begin. In addition to having enough baclofen on hand to titrate up, A PLAN is vital. In shrink-speak, I think it’s actualization of expectation. In self-help lit, it’s clarification of the goal and managing everything that gets in the way. In Ig2’s words, it’s don’t be a p*y. In the meds threads, it’s “put on your big girl/boy britches.”

                          Know this, though: I am still very grateful for this solution. My AL consumption is almost 'normal', (2 glasses of wine yesterday) if still daily. The SEs are WAY more manageable at 240mg than they were at 30mg to 70mg. That's not just me either. Many others (craving comes to mind) experienced this.
                          I hear you on this one. I have found myself shying away from the higher doses due to fear. What a joke! WTF am I afraid of? I've been known to wake up on the floor, sweating, heart racing, and in severe insulin shock from drinking 24 beers a day for days on end with no food. I've been known to go homeless just so I could drink for a few more days. I've been known to drink while vomiting constantly, just because I knew the vomiting would stop for a little while if I just kept drinking. I've been known to go to work with head-splitting hangovers, just knowing that I could drink afterwards. I've been known to take 50 antidepressant pills "oops, accidentally," while drunk, just to "see what it would do." (Answer: blackout and car accident and major bruises, but for some insane reason no DUI...or dead person, come to think about it.)

                          If I'm afraid of the SE's then yes, I am a major p***y. I never let AL side effects stop me from ANYthing.

                          You're on the right path, NE. And thanks for reminding me that I am as well. :h


                            Progress thread for ne

                            taw;1044117 wrote: So, it will happen no matter what? I know it has only been a short time, but feel like I had more results earlier and things are not progressing! Maybe the early effects were placebo effect!
                            taw, I think so. It's working for me, despite myself.

                            Sere, I totally relate. That doesn't make any one of us wimpy, ftr. This is nerve wracking, even with all of the support. (Imagine what OA went through?) I'm sleeping soundly and restfully again, and in general feel pretty damn great. Directly related to bac level and AL consumption (or lack of it.)

                            Grommet, it really is such a pleasure to speak to him. I feel as though I'm transgressing when I post about what he says, but it’s hard to resist! He's just that much fun! (ftr, I like 'grommet' almost as much as 'serenity'. lol)

                            Yesterday was filled with lots of roller-coaster highs and lows. I got home completely prepared and looking forward to extinguishing those feelings, bac be damned. I put a bunch of beers (okay, 6, not much) in the freezer. I drank the two that were cold, was very pleasantly tired, set my bac-alarm for 10:45pm and went to bed. I woke up this morning to a mess in the freezer from exploded beer. (5 of them, ftr. The sixth was poured but not consumed. Amazing.)
                            Here's the highlight of the day, though:
                            At my mother's insistence, I went to the doctor for a physical.
                            Same doc who told me a year ago she couldn't do anything for me. I brought the Lancet article written by OA, the Addolorato study about cirrhosis patients and OA's book. (thank you lo0p and Urban Fool.) I also brought the good dr's information, and my rx for baclofen.
                            You should've seen her face when I told her I was taking 240mg/day of bac. It was seriously priceless.
                            Here's the kicker, though. As I was leaving she touched my arm and said, "Good luck, hang in there." grrr.
                            The nurse who was checking me out said, "hm. Good luck, that's odd?"
                            I said, "I'm an alcoholic and I've found a solution. Dr. xxx is concerned."
                            The nurse put down her pen, looked at me for the first time that day, completely incredulous. (I don't 'look' like one of us, I suppose.) I was SO HAPPY in that moment; I was almost moved to joyful tears. Then she said, "hm. My uncle was an alcoholic. He had a heart attack and had to give it up cold turkey." Then she blathered on... I'm glad we don't have to go through that. There's a solution now.

                            The other thread I started yesterday? I've made apologies and explanations, public and private. I hope it'll die a quick, quiet death. I'd like to add a couple of things here in order to avoid further conjecture. The only impropriety, of any sort, is my sheer audacity and foolishness. I've said repeatedly that people respond when you reach out to them. It's true.
                            I am very sorry that I opened the door. Put it down to ne drama. I would add that this ride is frustrating, and my default is anger... again, I am very sorry.

                            I have the first of what I imagine will be many corrections:
                            It took OA 35 days (not months as I previously wrote) to get reach indifference at 270mg. He was the pioneer and 'flying blind.'
                            (Can you imagine?)

                            Though I've got lots of shout-outs, (low, rusty, mog etc.) I know this is endless already.
                            xo, my mwo friends. :rockon:


                              Progress thread for ne

                              neva eva;1044436 wrote: ...

                              He was the pioneer and 'flying blind. (Can you imagine?)
                              I can't imagine what it must have been like. What a guy. There's a Nobel Prize in this for him, I think.

                              neva, it's ne drama that open your thread for, long may it continue. No need to squirm, people make mistakes.
                              Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Neva, don't forget that Dr. L said he was sure it was a scammer.

                                And, Dr. O didn't respond when you asked him about it, right?

                                You didn't just jump to conclusions and make a drama out of it. You did what you thought was the right and responsible thing to do.
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

