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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    I think it's fear-mongering to insist that we can't get help and treatment from doctors. The truth is that we can and we do. People who have a relationship with a doctor (even a general practitioner) are very likely to get baclofen. People who don't have a relationship with a doctor are going to have to build one before the doctor decides to try an experimental drug off-label for a stranger with a disease as complicated as addiction. That's totally understandable.

    The time we were looking forward to has arrived. We are here. Doctors in the US are prescribing. In the UK and in France, it's been (sort of) approved.

    For those that are nervous about it, we can recommend some information to take to the doctor.

    It is so much better to encourage this line of action because we avoid people taking it by the handful and ending up in AE/ER.

    There is help. That's what I want people to hear. Even if I'll never convince you, Cass, I want everyone else to know that it's really as simple as calling around. Especially in major metropolitan areas, but even in small cities and towns.

    The last time you brought up "Where are the doctors?" the woman was under the care of one of the most amazing doctors I've ever heard of. She still committed suicide. This disease is dangerous. We need help. And it's out there.


      Progress thread for ne


      I am not fear-mongering. That's bullshit.

      When I come on the board...when I can still bear is to try to help members and lurkers understand that they are not at fault. That alcoholism is a treatable disease. Perhaps I have been misunderstood.

      One of the ways the situation will be better for alcoholics is if physicians start treating alcoholism like a disease. I respectfully submit that this is still not the case in most of the US and in most of the world.

      If alcoholism were understood and treated properly as a disease, rehab would look a hell of a lot different. AA would look a hell of a lot different. Thios forum would look a hell of a lot different. DUI statistics and suicide statistics would look a hell of a lot different.

      I don't have a clue what you really think about GPs, Ne. If you scroll back a few (hundred) posts you will find Ne telling me that GPs don't understand alcoholism and I am crazy to believe they should address it. That I am...basically... stupid and don't get it. So I replied that what I meant is that they should treat it or refer the patient to a specialist. Today she tells me I am fear-mongering because I still think the medical profession isn't adequately addressing alcoholism. She says GPs are doing a fine job treating alcoholism.

      Which way is it? Or do you just feel compelled to disagree with me, what ever I say?

      By the way, Ne, when did it become ok to call people (like me) who are trying to help ignorant and stupid? Is that just another form of friendly argument?

      What the fuck, Ne? I wondered out loud where the doctors were when a member of this board committed suicide. Because you have inside information you put me down for wondering and announced that the member had a great doctor. Well she's not alive, great was the medical care?

      That's one of the big reasons participating on this board can be a big downer.

      Then you say, "This disease is dangerous. We need help. And it's out there."

      Is it?

      Look: the truth is that virtually nobody on this board is getting supervised and effective medical treatment for alcoholism. For a thousand reasons. But one of them is: the medical profession has not honestly and squarely faced up to alcoholism as a disease.

      I'm not fear-mongering, Ne. I sincerely don't know what the fuck you are talking about. If anything, I am begging the medical profession to man up on alcoholism and use the tools at their disposal to treat and cure alcoholics. Yes, the knowledge exists.

      Where are the doctors?

      With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


        Progress thread for ne

        Ne, Cass is 100% correct. The majority of doctors do not even know much about alcoholism, much less the use of baclofen in treating alcoholism. And then, even if the doctor agrees to treat said condition with baclofen, they look it up and see the maximum recommended dosage.

        Ne, reality check: Most doctors are totally unfamiliar with the disease of alcoholism, much less the methods of treating. Just go to a few and ask them. I know that I have.


          Progress thread for ne

          I've never heard or seen Cassander use the word fuck before.

          It's got my attention.

          I know you find it really uncomfortable, but honestly it's nice to see you spitting mad. I'll reflect and really think about what you've written before I respond.

          spiritwolf333;1633182 wrote:
          Ne, reality check: Most doctors are totally unfamiliar with the disease of alcoholism, much less the methods of treating. Just go to a few and ask them. I know that I have.
          But wait. You called a doctor and got a doctor, Spirit, and now they post on their website that they use baclofen. Right?


            Progress thread for ne

            To be clear, it's not the fact that you're spitting mad that is comforting, Cass. It's that you care enough to address something. You've been clear for a long time about the fact that you will not get involved if things get rough.

            More from me after a couple of nights to sleep on this.


              Progress thread for ne

              Ne/Neva Eva;1633184 wrote: I've never heard or seen Cassander use the word fuck before.

              It's got my attention.

              I know you find it really uncomfortable, but honestly it's nice to see you spitting mad. I'll reflect and really think about what you've written before I respond.

              But wait. You called a doctor and got a doctor, Spirit, and now they post on their website that they use baclofen. Right
              Ne -it took lots and lots of work and effort -not just a phone call. And why do they think that baclofen is a possible for them (Assisted Recovery -Savannah, GA) answer?


                Progress thread for ne

                Well, I hope we all had enough fun pissing each other off and now we can continue helping each other.

                Damn, it must have something to do with the new moon or something.
                Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Xadrian;1633190 wrote: Well, I hope we all had enough fun pissing each other off and now we can continue helping each other.

                  Damn, it must have something to do with the new moon or something.
                  X -I sure hope we can move past this and get back to business. This feels so unproductive and hurtful.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Okay. I give up/in.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      For further and accurate information, please read the book Clean by David Sheff.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        I'm almost ready for my mea culpa speech, but in the meantime, there's this:

                        PatrickCardiff06;1633482 wrote: your post sounds a bit strange, just like the Pharmaceutical Industry, after what i have read and been through this week i am getting off everything, even my mirtazipine, ssri, i dont trust these people and their 'medicines' anymore. Sobriety, Mindfulness, Exercise and Meditation will do me just fine from now on.
                        Someone want to reach out to this guy and reassure him so that he doesn't stop taking all of his prescribed medications? Because that would be a big relief. For him and for me.

                        This distrust we have going on, between each other and about the medical community and the (in his words) "Pharmaceutical Industry", it's no good.

                        It's not good for us, and I know I'm part of the problem. It's definitely not good for people walking on a knife's edge to hear that there isn't anyone or anything they can trust.

                        Can we come together, as a community, to reassure Patrick that we:
                        1. do not mean him harm
                        2. do not think that he should stop taking his prescribed meds

                        I'll start.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          For a start, why don't you and a few other regulars here address replies civilly instead of crying "troll!" and run to the moderators to get people banned?

                          Ever read Garcia-Marquez's late short story "The Saiint"? An old man hauls the inexplicably preserved body of his daughter around for decades, because she must be a saint. Maybe he is the Saint.

                          Maybe trolls are not who you think they are.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            propanegas;1633527 wrote: For a start, why don't you and a few other regulars here address replies civilly instead of crying "troll!" and run to the moderators to get people banned?

                            Ever read Garcia-Marquez's late short story "The Saiint"? An old man hauls the inexplicably preserved body of his daughter around for decades, because she must be a saint. Maybe he is the Saint.

                            Maybe trolls are not who you think they are.
                            Ha! The bs artist formerly known as "squeezed" was banned again!
                            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Here is a perfect example:

                              TerryK says "Ha".

                              C'mon TerryK, surely with your Google skillls you can come up with multiple rejoinders.

                              Why can't you and others actually discuss baclofen? I have to say that between you and Otter, it is hard to say which one is the more stupid. It is probably a tie, but since David has a bit of money in Cyprus and you live in your Mom's house in sad, sad **** (oops), I give the advantage to David. Esp. with your record.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                terryk;1633529 wrote: Ha! The bs artist formerly known as "squeezed" was banned again!

                                People like you should be banned. Multiple Googled krap with no context. Yeah, amygdala, rats, neurotransmitters. In all seriousness, you really shouldn't be posting at all with your record.

                                You don't know what the F you are talking about. No knowledge about science. Nothing about physiology. Nothing about medicine. You are just some moron who spend time googling baclofen+alcoholism. That's it.

                                You are a total fraud.

