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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    OK I'll take the high road here.

    TerryK, TerryK. Talk about trolls.


      Progress thread for ne

      propanegas;1633532 wrote: Here is a perfect example:

      TerryK says "Ha".

      C'mon TerryK, surely with your Google skillls you can come up with multiple rejoinders.

      Why can't you and others actually discuss baclofen? I have to say that between you and Otter, it is hard to say which one is the more stupid. It is probably a tie, but since David has a bit of money in Cyprus and you live in your Mom's house in sad, sad **** (oops), I give the advantage to David. Esp. with your record.
      propanegas;1633538 wrote: TerryK,TerryK,

      People like you should be banned. Multiple Googled krap with no context. Yeah, amygdala, rats, neurotransmitters. In all seriousness, you really shouldn't be posting at all with your record.

      You don't know what the F you are talking about. No knowledge about science. Nothing about physiology. Nothing about medicine. You are just some moron who spend time googling baclofen+alcoholism. That's it.

      You are a total fraud.
      propanegas;1633555 wrote:
      OK I'll take the high road here.

      TerryK, TerryK. Talk about trolls.
      TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


        Progress thread for ne

        So, Terryk, TerryK, you can't refute any of it.

        Any more BS you want to put forth? Googled links only, of course.


          Progress thread for ne

          propanegas;1633566 wrote: So, Terryk, TerryK, you can't refute any of it.

          Any more BS you want to put forth? Googled links only, of course.
          All I'm asking for is you be a better troll. C'mon, man, put some effort into it.


            Progress thread for ne

            you do suck for a troll, create another horror baclofen story, those are more entertaining than your bizzare man chrush on terryk
            01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

            Baclofen prescribing guide

            Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


              Progress thread for ne

              neophyte;1633575 wrote: ...your bizzare man chrush on terryk
              Doesn't everyone have a crush on tk?


                Progress thread for ne

                Oh, Reg, hiya. Still not ready to make nice so I'm playing elsewhere right now. My theme song at the moment, for life in general and not specific to MWO is this:

                I've seen that dolphin video before. Pretty amazing, isn't it? We are all connected with everything.

                All in all, all well here. In fact, I can almost breathe again now. I think I've been holding my breath for months, while my grandma was sick and then after she died. It's excruciatingly painful at times, this breathing thing. (By breathing, I guess I mean that it's being. Just being. Does that make sense?)

                I have wanted to say to Spirit in particular, but truth seekers in general, that it really helped me when I stopped searching and started studying. There are lots and lots and lots of answers out there, for all kinds of questions. No lack of research about any aspect of life! But to get a glimpse of the big picture, it helps me to pick a question and study that aspect. (What is alcoholism? Or more specifically, my question is: What treatments work and why?)

                Spirit, I'm going to follow up with that doctor and rehab. I'll call you first. That's just bull shit! But right now I'm studying some other stuff. More on that later.

                I have been missing some old friends around here! But I have to learn how to make nice first, which means that I have to do some work!


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Thanks for checking in, Reggie. I appreciate it. How are you???


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Ne/Neva Eva;1638488 wrote:
                    I have wanted to say to Spirit in particular, but truth seekers in general, that it really helped me when I stopped searching and started studying
                    . But to get a glimpse of the big picture, it helps me to pick a question and study that aspect. (What is alcoholism? Or more specifically, my question is: What treatments work and why?)
                    This really is good advice Ne. Too often I find myself "surface" searching with no detail research involved. This can be great in discovering new information, but not so great in other aspects. I love the big picture but without detail follow up, it can wind up in the "nice info but meaningless" file folder. In my opinion, to study in-depth, a particular area of a broader subject brings much greater meaning. Its been awhile since I have really done this. Thanks for the input.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      I'm a little concerned and confused by the spatting. (Oh, not that I don't understand! But I think we can all admit that it doesn't benefit anyone or anything to condescend.) So I thought I'd weigh in over here on my thread where I can be just pretending to mind my own business while I'm minding other people's businesses.

                      I had a sponsor (years ago) who lamented that drunks weren't allowed in AA anymore. His point, I think, was the fact that we (in the program) made people feel badly for doing what we do--drinking.

                      I hope that I don't sound like I'm being condescending when I say that I've gotten to the point where I think it's the people who are still in the grips of the disease who have the most to offer those trying to get out. I certainly have very little to offer, anymore. It's very easy for me to suggest not drinking, but I well remember how infuriating that little tidbit was. If I could have quit drinking, I wouldn't have been taking baclofen. Or here, posting and listening and begging for help and attention.

                      Because of that, I find the discussion of "relapse" and "avoiding the pitfalls" disingenuous. It would help if we had an accurate definition of those things. But barring that, since it doesn't exist, I'll point out that one woman's relapse is another woman's glass of wine. (Not that I'm suggesting anyone should drink. I'm not. That's the point, people. If you don't want alcohol to own you, you probably shouldn't drink. Right?)

                      I didn't count days and I didn't stop drinking until it was time to do that. Then I drank for a little while longer. Then I was abstinent for a little while. All of that mattered a great deal when I was going through it the first couple of dozen times. Now? I'm indifferent. Truly.

                      having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.
                      "they all seemed indifferent rather than angry"
                      synonyms: unconcerned, uninterested, uncaring, casual, nonchalant, offhand, uninvolved, unenthusiastic, apathetic, lukewarm, phlegmatic, blas?, insouciant; More
                      antonyms: heedful, caring
                      neither good nor bad; mediocre.
                      "attempts to distinguish between good, bad, and indifferent work"
                      synonyms: mediocre, ordinary, average, middling, middle-of-the-road, uninspired, undistinguished, unexceptional, unexciting, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill, pedestrian, prosaic, lackluster, forgettable, amateur, amateurish; More

                      I got to this place by taking baclofen. You can, too.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        I just read something on here that made me think...

                        I think we sometimes make assumptions about alcoholism/addiction that aren't necessarily harmful, but don't give us the proper perspective about how best to overcome this disease. One of them is that drinking (excessively or otherwise) is a relatively recent phenomenon. That isn't true. In fact, drinking alcohol used to be much more prevalent. Think about it. Back when water wasn't safe to drink, people drank fermented beverages because they were safer and healthier. (Ha! Can you imagine?) In this country (the US) that was true until the early 20th century! (Hell, in parts of West Virginia the beer might still be safer than the water! I'm joking. [For those of you outside of the country, West Virginia just had a major waterway polluted with very toxic chemicals.])

                        Drunkenness and binge drinking used to be WAY more prevalent and much more socially acceptable. Think Mad Men. Think about the fact that drunk driving laws are a relatively recent development. (Like seatbelts!) Think about the fact that there used to be drunk tanks, where people were locked up until they got sober enough to go home, without repercussion.

                        My point? We're not alone. And we have many, many more tools than have ever been available before. Treatment might still be in the Middle Ages, but at least it's better than it was when we were locked away in sanitariums in the Dark Ages.

                        Ken Burns' PBS show on Prohibition talks a lot about drunkenness from a historical perspective. And it's Ken Burns, so it's interesting.

                        Oh, and still sober, still taking the damn pills, still eternally grateful to have found the way out.
                        Cheers, folks.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          For a long while, I've been reading a couple of blogs written by women who suffer from serious depression. (Ironically, they are both very funny.)

                          One of the things that comes up time and again is that they give themselves room to feel and be sick when they're sick. One of the hardest things I had to learn (and have to relearn regularly) is to give myself room to be however it is that I'm feeling/being at the moment. (God, this sounds so meta/trite/blah, blah...Anyway.)

                          I really had no idea what normal looked like when I first got sober, because booze is a very effective weapon to battle anxiety and stress and life. It helped me a lot to go to therapy. I think it took at least a year for me to figure out that people in general go through highs and lows. I was not at all cop ascetic with the idea that sometimes I just feel like shit and hate everything and want to hide out under the covers with a fantasy novel that's at least a thousand pages long. (Or better yet, one that is a series of books with thousands of pages. I figure a lot of you readers can relate!)

                          The last 6 weeks (or maybe 6 months, or maybe even 600 years) have sucked. Really, truly, badly sucked. It can't be PAWS, because I don't drink enough to warrant any kind of withdrawal. What it can be is a death in the family, coupled with my innate inability to deal with too much trauma. I tried a couple of antidepressants and used some other tools to manage it, without much success. I'm on my way out of that bad place, but it's got more to do with healing than with any active participation on my part. I tried, though. But trying and failing to feel better just seemed to exacerbate it all. And then I found some novels and gave myself room to read for hours each day.

                          A luxury, no doubt, that not everyone will be able to indulge in. But the point is the healing, not my particular solution. You know?

                          There's one other thing I've figured out about it: The stress, in the moment, was managed. I managed it! (yay!) But when it all stopped being about dealing with the day-to-day-stress, (she died) that is when I stopped being able to participate in anything. The healing didn't start until I was able to reach out and communicate about it all--my anger and frustration and regret and Grief with a capital G. But just being able to communicate took some time.

                          Hope it's a good, sunny sober Saturday for you peeps.

                          (Oh, and Reggie, I know you deleted it but I've still been meaning to answer it: Ed can't grow a beard. Thank all that matters. :H And when he doesn't shave for a couple of days the 12 hairs that show up on his chin are sprinkled with white so he shaves daily except when we go camping. :H:H:H)


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1656738 wrote: (Oh, and Reggie, I know you deleted it but I've still been meaning to answer it: Ed can't grow a beard.
                            But fortunately you can, judged by your recent photograph. Or isn't your avatar a photograph? ROFL. Sorry, sorry, sorry, but I couldn't help myself.

                            Thanks for the posts.
                            Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Xadrian;1656772 wrote: But fortunately you can, judged by your recent photograph. Or isn't your avatar a photograph? ROFL. Sorry, sorry, sorry, but I couldn't help myself.

                              Thanks for the posts.
                              I had a picture of my dog. Then bleep wondered why everyone had a picture of a dog, so I changed mine to reflect the friend I really want. Then Spiritwolf said that we probably look like our dogs. :H I haven't grown a beard yet but here's hoping!

                              I bought a life-size cardboard Chewbacca from Amazon and now my husband and I hide it around the house to startle each other. It doesn't get old. I'll post a picture maybe.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Hi there,
                                I was starting to read your thread but then realised how massive it is!
                                I just wanted to ask - did you ultimately get the desired results?
                                I have Baclofen here and have dabbled in the past - but want to make a real commitment. Side effects are slightly worrying (tiredness, odd aches and pains) but bearable if the outcome is success.

                                I have recently lost my husband of 26 years, and am really wanting to knock the booze on the head in order to be a good parent to my two daughters (they're grown up really 23 and 25) as I don't want to risk them losing a second parent.

                                I'm sorry if this is 'oversharing' but feeling desperate and know you have a lot of experience and valuable information - having given Baclofen such a long trial
                                Thanks in advance, Jules
                                p.s - tried to send as a private message but said you'd exceeded storage or something similar.

