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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Sarah42;1665162 wrote: Ne- I truly DO wish you a very very happy life and journey. I am starting this journey myself...but w/o meds except herbal supps..and doing better. Was curious what point did you think you needed balcofen? Just trying to learn more...

    TIA and much love,

    The short version is that I felt like I'd tried everything else. Rehab, AA, supplements, nutrition, exercise, therapy, other medications, relocation...You name it, I think I thought I'd tried it. I did find benefit from most of it, and decided to try to piece together my own program. So I went to the public library and checked out every book they had on the subject, found Dr. Ameisen's book, spent a ton of time on google checking on both him and on baclofen, and took the plunge. That was 4 years ago.

    The only thing I would change is that I wish I had found a local doctor for support. I didn't trust doctors back then, and I didn't know how to do it. Well, that and I wish I'd found out about it years and years ago.

    I'm glad you're looking for solutions. This is a great place to find many alternatives. Of course, it's a great place to get distracted from the goal, too. Lots of misinformation and plenty of drama if you go looking for it. But it was my lifeline back then. I made friends I still hold dear, from all over the world. And discovered lots more, too. How to make kombucha, and vinegar, for instance. How to get really fit and strong. A lot of humility when I'm an asshole. :H Another thing: meditation [for real] and the acknowledgment that I will never be buddha-like and I'm just fine with that. Also, to stick up for myself and my friends, and to (mostly) ignore the bull shit. There is a TON of stuff to be gleaned from this site.

    Oh, and how to use the internet. That was the first thing. I'd never been on a forum before.

    Just keep plugging along, Sarah. We're all rooting for you regardless of anything else.

    EDIT: And thank you. I wish the same for both of us!


      Progress thread for ne

      Ne/Neva Eva;1665132 wrote:

      But the thing is, I don't want a new dog. I want my old dog. Just when I start to worry that I don't miss her enough, or that I'm too callous to care, I get hit with overwhelming grief that she isn't here.
      I think rescuing/adopting a puppy is a great idea, Ne. You have a lot of love to give a furry K-9 companion, and you have a great home to provide for a lucky little puppy who'll grow into a wonderful dog with a wonderful life. Just because Goose is no longer here to receive that love herself doesn't mean she would want to keep another dog out there who needs a home from getting it.

      Big, big hugs honey :l:l:l


        Progress thread for ne

        Ne/Neva Eva;1665125 wrote: On the last thread there are no less than 10 people who give feedback that what he is suggesting isn't true or reasonable. I don't need to police this community. It happens without one single person bearing that responsibility when people participate.

        Ne, I think I now better understand; 10 opinions is the number needed to invalidate the opinion of one? (or possibly just 6?) Regardless of your OPINION Ne, I respect the fact that you are entitled to your opinion as are others to their own opinions.

        If it is your opinion that when "I tell someone that they can not get sober if they are drinking" and you disagree with that, then that is your opinion -right? If you believe this statement causes harm to someone, then tell them so.

        Spirit, you misunderstood my response. Which isn?t a surprise. .
        Thank you Ne.


          Progress thread for ne



            Progress thread for ne



              Progress thread for ne

              Thanks, Stuck. I know. Needless to say, the idea of a puppy is lovely. The reality of one is rather daunting. We don't have closet doors on a couple of our closets. Anyone who has had a puppy knows that this is a problem. And the laundry! Not only must it go in the basket, the basket and likely the trashcans need to go up!

              It'll be a great distraction, but it's the Goose I want. Still, it'll happen.

              Oh. And in the meantime, my sister-in-law has asked us to watch our nephews for a week. For a WEEK, people. It's the price of sober responsibility and I'll gladly pay it. For three days. :H


                Progress thread for ne

                Sorry to hear about your hound Ne. It's always crap.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Thanks, bleep. It sure is.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Sarah asked me earlier why I used baclofen. The answer I gave her was only partly accurate. Truth is, Dr. Ameisen's book was so compelling, and the information I found on here and by doing hours of google-searching so convincing, that I decided to try it. Which went against everything I believed in at the time.

                    It took me more than a year to actually understand that, for me, drinking wasn't a choice. It took me longer to really understand that it was an actual disease. And even longer than that to figure out that I couldn't pray/think/work/study/read/exercise/eat the drink away. I was already sober, just taking the pills, and still didn't really understand.

                    That's one of the reasons I thought baclofen was a magic pill. Now I don't think it's magic. I know it's medicine. It's simple. ha.

                    Just wanted to clear that up.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Man, I thought the answer to this was obvious. I always felt that something was wrong with me, that made drinking such an appealing thing in the face of all this mounting evidence that it was actually terrible. The idea of it being a disease sat exactly right with me. Whether that's because it seems like an easy way out or not, I don't know. So when someone came along and said yes, it is a disease, and furthermore, this pill will fix it, well... very little was going to stop me giving that pill a go.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        I sincerely wish that I had your ability to just accept things, bleep. As it is, I'm in a snit, again.

                        I have a cousin, who is 8 months older than me, and a dear friend. She would do "anything" for me. (Her words.) We've always lived separate lives, but we've been close.

                        So my world starts falling apart because my grandma died and dog was terminally ill and blah, blah, and she says she has to come for the weekend. But alas, the $500 ticket is too expensive and it's the only weekend she has free for months. She just posted on Facebook, bragging of her new addiction to designer purses with a picture of her latest trophy--well into the hundreds of dollars.

                        Now, look. I'm not one to judge about money. I'm not. Don't care. She married well, and divorced very well, so she now owns her own business after working for someone else for exactly two years. But if she doesn't feel like she can afford to fly out, that's okay with me. But it's really hard not to write something with a little bit of meaning on her timeline, you know? Kate Spade is worth more than Ne? okay then. Just so you're clear, sister.

                        And I don't want to be that girl. That girl does not have any friends. We ALL have something we are irrational or hypocritical about. (Please do not use this as an invitation to blast me with my own shortcomings. I am well aware of your opinion.)



                          Progress thread for ne

                          I think this a completely rational thought.. And selfish on your cousins part.

                          I get entirely sick of people who you want from you but when it's time to give a little they only let you down.
                          Her flashing her expensive purse on FB was a direct hit to her priorities...
                          Makes ME mad....
                          I am starting to hate FB and rarely participate there anymore because some of the hurt I have felt from friends and family...


                            Progress thread for ne


                            I think your thoughts about the $500 and the purse are healthy and normal. No judgment here. If I were in your shoes I'd Photoshop a picture of her with her purse on her arm and put my head where the purse is. I'd print it off and have a laugh for a bit--but I have been told that I'm mental.

                            Seriously, it is hurtful and now you know.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Kronk, that is the first laugh I've had today. (Well, the book I'm reading is funny-ish, but only elicits chuckles.)

                              Thank you both. Facebook is a necessary evil, I suppose. Or an unnecessary something? I don't know. I can't resist it, but it usually annoys or makes me feel...not so good.

                              Anyway. Time for more food. See you guys on the flip side.


                                Progress thread for ne

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