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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    spiritwolf333;1676088 wrote:
    Ne, from the posts that I have read of yours in the past, I do not recall one single episode of drinking where you later post " I am so glad that I did this". I firmly believe the "true" alcoholic will always have to live with this basic fact for the rest of their lives. Thanks for the post.
    How many non-alcoholics do you know who wake up the morning after having a couple too many who say 'I am so glad I did this'?

    Everyone, from the occasional drinker to the normal moderate drinker to your 'true' alcoholic in quotes - as if there's a sliding scale of all us fake alcoholics - everyone feels a little crappy after a night out on the town. Why are you so insistent that this 'proves' some grand point of yours about baclofen or whatever?

    Sorry you couldn't get a nap in, Ne.


      Progress thread for ne

      spiritwolf333;1676088 wrote: Perhaps this type of honesty and humility can be of the utmost help to most any newcomer and even to some us with just a little time.

      Ne, from the posts that I have read of yours in the past, I do not recall one single episode of drinking where you later post " I am so glad that I did this". I firmly believe the "true" alcoholic will always have to live with this basic fact for the rest of their lives. Thanks for the post.
      A couple of things, Spirit. The first is, that if you quote someone, and you put your own words in the quote box, it looks as though the person you are quoting wrote it. In other words, when you do that, you are putting words in my mouth. Please stop. I am sometimes very careful about words I use here and I do not want people to think that your words are my words and vice versa. It's very confusing.

      Second, I went to Napa, CA last summer for a week. I usually drank my first glass of wine after breakfast/before lunch and my last glass of wine much after dinner. I LOVED drinking wine all day. Granted, I probably didn't drink much (over all quantity) because much of it was tasting and almost all of it was involving food. I never got drunk and I was never hungover. My last night there, I was so burned out I ordered a plain garden salad and a glass of tap water because I could not take one single more luscious, outrageously good gastronomic experience. It was the trip of a lifetime and I plan on repeating it in August. Every August, actually. I didn't write about it here because that wouldn't be fair. Or nice. Or considerate. Making assumptions is not safe. I love drinking some things, some times. What I love the absolute most about it is that I get to decide when and how and how much I drink. I didn't used to be able to do that. I used to be alcoholic. Now? pffft. 3 drinks and I've got diarrhea. (Which is another reason to quit drinking, people. The bowel movements are a whole 'nother benefit to sobriety.)



        Progress thread for ne

        Also, I'm not really sure what humility has to do with being hungover. It will pass and then I'll be my normal obstreperous self.


          Progress thread for ne

          Ne/Neva Eva;1676096 wrote: Also, I'm not really sure what humility has to do with being hungover. It will pass and then I'll be my normal obstreperous self.
          Oh, wait, I get it now. I suppose I could be embarrassed or ashamed that I drank too much. It certainly wasn't a wise decision! But the thing is, this is a no-shame zone in a lot of ways. I mean, I'm not calling up friends and relatives to brag about my drinking and I certainly don't want anyone to think I'm bragging about it here. This is a life and death disease. I have not lost sight of that. Nor have I forgotten that the prognosis for long term recovery is really, really poor. Or that I'm taking two and a half times the recommended amount of a drug off-label. It's a dumb ass thing, in a whole lot of ways, to drink anything at all.

          On the other hand, life is short, I have a lot to worry about and I really enjoy not caring at all about booze. I work hard, in a way, to make sure it doesn't ever get the best of me again. By not caring. The minute I start to think that I need or want booze in order to be okay is the minute that I freak the f* out and go back to the basics...

          And no, I don't moderate. That would mean I care enough to try and control it or plan ahead. I don't.

          About that trip to Napa...I've been before and I got drunk and embarrassed myself both times. My whole entire life and career had to do with wine and food for decades. It was an incredible life-fulfilling dream to be able to go there and enjoy myself and not hate myself for it the next morning. Unbelievable, actually. In fact, if I'd read about it here when I was still drinking, I would've thought the person was delusional or a liar. But I'm not, and I was there (100% fully present and in the moment) and that's how it happened.

          Booyah, baby. Baclofen.

          I'm also not suggesting that anyone, under any circumstances, take that as a license to drink, as encouragement for drinking, as a reason or as an excuse. (Not that we need any of that around here! :H) Booze is stupid and it hurts.


            Progress thread for ne

            Man, it's feast or famine for me around here. Sorry for all the words!


              Progress thread for ne

              Ne/Neva Eva;1676126 wrote: Man, it's feast or famine for me around here. Sorry for all the words!
              I :heart: your words, Ne. I'm only sorry they all seem to have to be in response to Spirit today. :H


                Progress thread for ne

                Thanks, Stuck. :l


                  Progress thread for ne

                  About that trip to Napa...I've been before and I got drunk and embarrassed myself both times. My whole entire life and career had to do with wine and food for decades. It was an incredible life-fulfilling dream to be able to go there and enjoy myself and not hate myself for it the next morning. Unbelievable, actually. In fact, if I'd read about it here when I was still drinking, I would've thought the person was delusional or a liar. But I'm not, and I was there (100% fully present and in the moment) and that's how it happened.

                  Booyah, baby. Baclofen.
                  I actually tried to "like" this post, Facebook style. This forum needs "like" buttons.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    _serenity_;1676251 wrote: I actually tried to "like" this post, Facebook style. This forum needs "like" buttons.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Hi, Sere. Nice to *see* you. I'm still trying to vape. I'm still smoking, though. Yesterday was brutal. Nothing worse than smoking cigs when hungover, but I powered through. ugh.

                      I wish there was a like button, too.

                      God it's SO NICE that I didn't drink last night and don't have to drink tonight or any time in the near (or far) future. whew. Yesterday sucked. I figure I don't have to tell most of you, since that's where most of us started.

                      When I first got here I thought alcoholism was a moral and spiritual failing. I honestly believed that I was dispossessed by higher power(s) and didn't believe that a pill could fix anything, much less alcoholism. (The only post I made on Otter's website, and one of the few on that site, was related to this.) I'm not dumb, but damn if I wasn't a dumbass. Ya' know? Funny how much time and sobriety has changed things but the fact that I can occasionally be a dumbass remains true. (What I know now is that alcoholics do not have a lock on feeling spiritually disconnected, inferior or morally bankrupt. It's the people who don't feel that way occasionally that we really need to worry about. They all work for Wall Street, or on Capitol Hill, though, so they're easy to identify. I'm kidding, people. Sort of.)

                      Anyway, we all start somewhere and S is no exception. I think if hearts are in the right place, the head can follow. You don't need an open mind so much as eyes to read and a willingness to do it. On the other hand, if someone still needs to be convinced that global warming is real and climate change is happening, then no amount of actual fact is gonna change that completely wrong opinion. Amiright? The cool thing is that it opens the discussion so that other people can read it and see it. Conventional wisdom says that we are failures, poor in spirit and will, and should be ashamed.

                      Fuck that. It's a Big Fat Lie.

                      Peace out, peeps.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Ah c'mon, Ne, hungover isn't that bad!

                        I say as I'm waking up in bed not really wanting to move at all except to grab some advil and water. Yes, I went out last night and drank real beers last night. I needed that. Been having the battle in my head over it for days, over a week now. So it's settled, the 3 month streak ends at a little over 90-some days, with a Jamison neat and several tequila shot and beer specials. Until the buddy I was with got himself cut off at the bar then tried to drive, which I was able to stop him from doing by getting more beer for the apartment and taking him back to my place. Except he dropped a case of beer and broke bottles everywhere at the liquor store, then fell down in the aisle, then ended up crying at my place and hating his life and I'm not a damned therapist. I called him out on a lot of his bullsh*t and he cried more and stormed off. Hopefully he didn't end up dead or in jail.

                        I want a do-over. That was supposed to be *my* night to get drunk and listen to music and have quiet regrets of the past and future. Oh well. Now I guess I gotta get up and get back at it today. This book ain't gonna write itself.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Yo, peeps.

                          Someone want to start a newbie thread about how to navigate this place? Like, how do you find a thread where you've posted...

                          I'd resurrect the old one, but it's ancient. And I don't have time this morning to write out instructions...

                          Anyone? If not, *sigh*, I'll do it later...Unless I'm being a knucklehead?



                            Progress thread for ne

                            Neva. I've ranted about this for I don't know how long but a few threads stuck to the top would make things a hell of a lot easier. This is the only board I use that there is no sticky's. This boars is awesome and to be honest.. Apart from the French site I see no reason for any others to even be needed.

                            Please Mods sort it out ans while your at it please sort some sort of fucking email verification needed to sign up and stop all this random spam shit.

                            I'm gonna have a search and maybe bump a couple of the older threads to the top.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Hey Ne. If you can find the old one, that would be great! I still feel like a bumbling moron around these parts.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Tee, I don't think that we're going to see any changes around here with stickies and stuff related to baclofen anytime soon. The first time I saw this suggestion was about a minute after I got here 4 years ago, (holy cow!) and a variety of attempts have been made. Nothing has ever stuck...


                                I hate bumping my old threads. Hopefully you'll find it here. Leave a post somewhere to let me know.

                                Also, if you've got any questions, post 'em and someone will help out. It's HARD to let it all (or almost all) hang out here, but so so so worth it. (At least it was for me when I was new.) :l

