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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    What Beatle said.

    Relax :l
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Progress thread for ne


      I too agree with Beatle and Tip. What you did was the responsible thing to do.

      Just keep taking your chill pills and don't worry about it.

      (btw - I am cracking up about the exploded beers in the freezer. I can't tell you how many times I have done that!)
      Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


        Progress thread for ne

        neva eva;1044436 wrote:
        I have the first of what I imagine will be many corrections:
        It took OA 35 days (not months as I previously wrote) to get reach indifference at 270mg. [/I] (Can you imagine?)
        ah, yet more to be depressed about... 17 months and 3.8mg/kg -- if anyone can top that in terms of time and amount (and has reached their switch), I'd really like to know... I could use some encouragement.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Progress thread for ne

          Thank you guys. Pretty sure the chill pills would just make me paranoid and uptight. Someone suggested I smoke a joint, recently! lol Can you imagine?

          Dear beatle. I hear you. Call the good doctor. I know you're having a really hard time with this.
          Thank you guys. Pretty sure the chill pills would just make me paranoid and uptight. Someone suggested I smoke a joint, recently! lol Can you imagine?

          Dear beatle. I hear you. Call the good doctor. I know you're having a really hard time with this. DO NOT despair. HOPE! HOPE! HOPE! You're so close. Please email me, please, so we can have a very long winded discussion about this. I hate brevity. :H

          I just called my hero, and our savior, a possible nobel laureate, an impostor (edit).
          Ne's going to have a little pity party about that, and then get over it.

          Bleep, that is exactly why I started THIS thread, I suppose. again with the :H
          Can't stick around this morning, trying to pay attention to husband (grrr) and have a freezer to clean out.


            Progress thread for ne

            Husband left in a snit.

            I posted this on Dabhar's thread on Dec. 12, 2010:
            neva eva;1021585 wrote: Dabs, I get the worry over the misspelling. It's the kind of thing I'd obsess about for weeks, maybe longer. I'm here to tell you, though, that it doesn't matter. Start a new one and we'll let this one go, if you want.
            That said, I emailed Dr. Ameisen last week. Shockingly, amazingly, outrageously, I got an email in return from him. I haven’t heard from him that I can share his thoughts here, and so I’ve hesitated to write about it. There wasn’t anything revelatory, so no worries. It amuses me that I asked him in a follow up email if I could share his thoughts… As though he can’t do it for himself or he needs a mouth piece here. And even worse, I intimated in the post that he clearly read that he may have been drinking. Ha! Talk about embarrassing.

            That said, I feel it’s very significant that he replied. And that he’s here with us, paying attention, just in case we get way off track.

            xo, peeps. KOKO lol


              Progress thread for ne

              neva eva;1044520 wrote:
              I just called my hero, and our savior, a possible nobel laureate, a fraud. When he tried to help me. AGAIN.
              Ne's going to have a little pity party about that, and then get over it.

              Did I miss something? Is he a fraud then?
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Progress thread for ne

                neva eva;1044520 wrote:
                Dear beatle. I hear you. Call the good doctor. Or email OA from his website. That's what I did. I know you're having a really hard time with this, but it was he who answered me. Interpret it how you will, but know that there was nothing NOTHING inappropriate in any of the exchanges.
                I intend to call the good doctor AS SOON AS I CAN. This is not so easy -- as I explained to one of ours in a PM, there is a big time difference, and, more importantly, it is logistically very difficult. :upset:

                Still, somehow I will have to manage; this (AL-beating) has become my main priority (again) in my life. I can't move from worst to bad and hopefully to better (it will never be good again, but I'll be very happy with better) if I don't solve this part of the equation first.

                My next priority is to cut down on my use of parentheses and "..."

                (Sorry for hijacking your thread here, Neva, I think I should start one of my own, but then there will be that many more threads on here to check into and sometimes it seems easier to just follow one or two threads to keep up with everyone... who knows )

                (btw, I think the and :upset: are about the only emoticons I ever use... I guess it sums up my life)

                OK, enough parentheses and "..."s, for crying out loud. :upset:
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Progress thread for ne

                  beatle, with love and respect, and lots of both, time differences are easily solved. Just get up early, or even easier, continue tonights party a bit longer, and you are there! How logistically difficult can a phone call be!

                  Come on!

                  Please take this in the spirit in which it was mean't, and try this guy, he's great... (ellipsis is my favourite form of punction, by the way...) :l:l
                  Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                    Progress thread for ne


                    That was a good thing, the beer-explosion-in-the-freezer thing. A very fine example of Ne's progress'. I think you can measure progress by these small steps. Just keep on going dear N.
                    Hope you don't lose sense of drama in the process. Would be a bit boring for all of us. So, for the sake of this forum, it would be better maybe if your were 'the special one' and had to move up to 12mg/kilo. So we won't have to miss you here and might read some good drama while NE is titrating up from 650mg to 665mg (post 1172). I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Makes me sad, OOPS, I didn't take my last 50 for this day. Gonna take it now! And be happy again

                    Good for you Ne. You're so incredibly 'outreaching', determined and dedicated, that I'd wish this journey will soon come to an end for you. (I'm actually saying that I miss our chats because I have this job now)



                      Progress thread for ne

                      Could you someone tell me how much the Dr charges, and is that a coverall or per consultation. Thanks.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        UK, I believe its $150 per session, although that's open to negotiation depending on your financial situation. I think (may be wrong) that some people have not been charged. It seems, and I can't quite believe this (the cynic in me), that this is doctor who actually cares more about helping people! Stop the press!

                        It reminds of a story here in the papers recently about a government official who refused a bribe. It sounds like a good story, until you realise that that circumstance actually made thae papers!

                        Someone with actual experience in speaking to the legend may be able to give you more accurate info. Hope this helps until then.
                        Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                          Progress thread for ne

                          I'm pretty sure that anything that we can think up to ask or wonder about is located in the threads already. The search feature is very useful for this purpose.
                          I'm going to use this page to put down all of the threads I keep locating to bump or attach. The one pertaining to UKb's question is the first one.

                          There are other discussions about this in several threads, this one comes to mind because I wrote it.
                          Payment arrangements should be made with the good doctor.
                          Bac for beginners, aka the motherlode of information:
                          Success stories:
                          Birdy weighing in about drinking and bac:
                          Birdy's blog:

                          Moglor's thread:
                          How to titrate, a work in progress:
                          Ordering bac online (possibly outdated):


                            Progress thread for ne


                            Dr. Levin charged me $135 USD for the initial consultation. We had 2 conversations lasting about 20 minutes each, where he gave me a script for Bac, and warned me about titrating up or down too quickly. I also scheduled a phone consultation with him and he charges the same amount for 45 minutes. You have to call him at home schedule consultations with him, and then the actual "therapy" sessions with him he conducts while he is at work during the day. I believe you're 6 hours ahead of us so if you want to reach him, you would have to call him at about 1:00 a.m. your time. However, if you call him at his office and explain that you're in the UK, I have no doubt that he will work very hard to find a time that's reasonable for both of you.


                              Progress thread for ne


                              I forgot to mention in my last post that if you want to schedule a "therapy' session with Dr. Levin (he pronounces it Luh-VIN....I butchered his name beforehand), the great thing is that you can talk about whatever you want to in the 45 min. I was pleasantly surprised because I thought for sure it would be like the other therapist I went to....where she spent the first 50-min. session asking me all kinds of questions, and I got very little therapy in that first session. Let us know how it goes.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                (sorry in advance for the tome!)
                                I have a friend with considerably less than 6 degrees of separation from OA. She loves me like a daughter, knows I’ve been struggling with alcoholism since adolescence, and knows I’m taking high-dose bac. Her profession is also in a field very much involved with addiction issues and she’s done some related research. (She vaguely remembers seeing him present his research, remembers how passionate he was about it, and that it was well received by a group not known for their politeness. I am so amazed by that. She was in the presence of greatness! How did it not have a profound impact on her?)

                                In one of my many “wtf am I doing?” moments, I asked her to look into the doctor’s professional reputation.
                                I specifically asked her if he was in good standing, what his peers thought of him, etc…
                                It’s been more than a month since the original email. I was very nervous that the news wasn’t good, that I was going to come home one afternoon to find my family on my doorstep staging an bac-related intervention of sorts. (Drama runs in the ne family!)

                                Here’s the response I received yesterday:
                                “[I spoke with Drs xxx and xyz… They] think Baclofen does not have a good outcome when looked at in very large research samples.
                                They both think that Naltrexone and Acamprosate are more effective for cravings.
                                I hope this is of some use to you.”

                                Hmmm. Anyone heard of any large research samples? At ANY level of baclofen administration?

                                The rest of the email was about what she’s reading, and that she needs some book recommendations. (Yes, there was a time when I read something unrelated to bac!)
                                I’m going to send her OA’s book this morning when I leave MWO. I wonder if she’ll read it.
                                It will be the sixth copy I’ve given away. (Parents, best friend since childhood, husband has his own copy, two closest friends locally and my primary care physician.) Not one person has read it. Though husband has finally picked it up, surreptitiously, I might add. Ha.

