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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    the sinclair method

    Im trying to find out if there is a form dedicated to the sinclair method for alcolhilsim. This is my first post so sorry if its in the wrong place. Thank you


      Progress thread for ne

      Hi Sarah,

      Some members are well versed in the Sinclair method. The forum is slower on the weekends so be patient.




        Progress thread for ne

        Use google search instead of the search on this forum. There are many Sinclair threads here but I'm on my phone and can't find/link them for you at the moment. Search 'my way out Sinclair' or 'my way out naltrexone' in google and they should pop up.


          Progress thread for ne

          So... none of these threads have been active in a while, but this is what I was able to dig up quickly. Not sure if anyone around MWO is currently doing Sinclair. There are other websites out there, too, though.

          Here are a couple outside links (Haven't read them, can't vouch for them):

          9 months of the Sinclair Method - Cyber Recovery Social Network Forums - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help/Support

          My experience on Naltrexone : cripplingalcoholism

          Hope this helps.


            Progress thread for ne

            So... none of these threads have been active in a while, but this is what I was able to dig up quickly. Not sure if anyone around MWO is currently doing Sinclair. There are other websites out there, too, though.





            Here are a couple outside links (Haven't read them, can't vouch for them):

            9 months of the Sinclair Method - Cyber Recovery Social Network Forums - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help/Support

            My experience on Naltrexone : cripplingalcoholism

            Hope this helps.


              Progress thread for ne

              I was perusing another website and someone linked to a video that gave me a great boost to start my day. I thought someone here might appreciate it, too. It's Robin Williams on Inside the Actors Studio. He riffs on how he riffs. It's brilliant, of course. The mind is a wonderful, amazing space to explore. And while I'll never be Robin Williams, this clip reminds me that I can fearlessly face the things that make me uncomfortable. (I love his reaction to the standing ovation. He tries to pour himself more water from an empty pitcher even though his glass isn't empty. He's...abashed. It's very sweet.)



                Progress thread for ne

                Love your new avatar, Reggie. And how the hell do you have more than 7000 posts? Just think about how many you'd have if you'd left 'em all. Ah, but no worries.



                  Progress thread for ne

                  I posted on another thread about waking up with obsessive anxiety. In most cases, the anxiety is baseless and/or ridiculous. This morning's was no less so. I dreamt that I was flirting with the drug dealer kid from Breaking Bad. I could tell he wanted to be good, and thought I could help. I thought this was a great idea, and that my husband would be completely supportive. Flash forward in the dream, and someone (probably him) stole my bag. With my beloved computer in it. And my phone. And all of the things that are too expensive to replace, but that I hold dear for very little reason. (Though my computer would be a significant loss! egad.) Anyway...

                  I woke up freaking out. Heart pounding and sweaty. The worst of it was that no one would listen to me, no one would help me, and I was basically just out of luck. And stupid for trusting my own judgment and other people. Hay-zeus, people. Wtf is wrong with my brain that my mind tells me not to trust myself or anyone else???

                  I don't know. I don't know the solutions, either. I spent most of yesterday feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. It's a secret, of course. I also drank some wine on Saturday night. Though I know it isn't the root cause, I also know it exacerbates everything.

                  And of course, I feel fine now. Been busy this morning and have a full day of taking care of things-to-do planned, followed up with some fun time at the beach to introduce the puppy to swimming in the ocean.

                  Anyway. I guess I'm posting to come clean and share the burden. Also, if you're going through it, it isn't "normal" and I haven't always felt like this. Soon, hopefully, I won't.

                  Thanks, friends.

                  This was the original postAnd ftr, the puppy isn't a poop-eater. I don't even know why I decided it was true. )
                  Ne/Neva Eva;1699574 wrote: Goood morning, peeps.
                  Man, my early morning mind is not in a good place. It's been months of waking up with anxiety and terrible thoughts, and I'm so sick of it I could scream. I remember this from long ago, and I can't believe I let myself get back there. Not that I made a choice about it.

                  This morning it was about the puppy of all things. I woke up and immediately resented my puppy. Seriously. wth? I have two deal breakers with dogs: One is anxiety. I am not fond of the idea of having another anxious dog around. (The last one was pretty neurotic, go figure. Though I loved her with my whole heart.) This one is not, thankfully, despite a rocky start. The second deal breaker? Poop. I think my puppy eats poop. And I woke up obsessing about it. Then again, my waking obsessions are very rarely based on actual things, and I'll have to wait until sunrise to find out the truth in the matter. (Please, please, please let me be wrong about this one.)

                  I figure that seems silly to many of you. And downright disgusting to those of you who don't have dogs. The issue is not so much that she's a poop-eater, though, it's the obsessive anxiety I wake up with. More often it's about me. Or the end of the world as I know it.

                  Fortunately I figured out, with the help of baclofen and sobriety, that it isn't normal. It doesn't have to be. And I'm going to get rid of it. I'm also going to make sure that my puppy doesn't eat any more effin' poop. urgh.

                  Hope it's a good day. Hope mine gets a little less fraught.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Also, a quick note to guillaume and the other lurkers or newbies:

                    Please join us on one of the other threads. Guillaume, there's a lot to be offered here. It is a function of the way the forum is set up that there is no hierarchy-of-helpfulness. But there is a lot of helpfulness to be found here. Join us.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Hey, Ne. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this for so long. Do you think there's any correlation with when you titrated back up on bac to try to combat the depression? Just curious because it seems that vivid, disturbing dreams are what's setting off your early morning anxiety. I know my dreams have become frighteningly real since going up this high on bac, and the feelings of terror and helplessness from these dreams will sometimes carry over through the morning.

                      I'm not sure what the best solution is other than to just spend some time grounding yourself in the here and now. Look around you and notice what's really there, feel your feet against the floor and the things you hold in your hands, and try to keep your focus on just what you're doing at any given moment as you start the day - really mundane stuff. This is what I do anyway, to shake off that bad dream horror show feeling. It's a form of mindfulness, I guess. I'm sorry if this isn't very helpful. Anyway, I hope the anxiety starts to lift for you, too :l


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Hey Ne -Your post hit too close to home for me not to respond. For so-so-so many years, my very first thoughts upon waking were anxiety ridden. Heck, I would have thought something was wrong if I woke up not feeling anxious. Anyway, looking back these last four months, I have to give primary credit to baclofen and some credit to not drinking -because I do not wake up in state of anxiety. In fact Ne, now that you have caused me to really think about it, baclofen has to be the most significant reason. Perhaps the combination of baclofen, cardio exercise, and no alcohol have re-wired my brain -who knows?

                        How To Avoid Feeling Anxiety When You Wake Up ? Calm Clinic
                        "First Thought of the Day

                        Those that deal with intense anxiety often accidentally bring their anxiety on themselves. That's because as soon as they wake up, they notice that they don't have anxiety and worry they'll get it. Immediately this tends to start a chain reaction that generates the same exact anxiety that the person fears they'll get. In many ways it's simply the act of waking up feeling anxious about feeling anxious."


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Lis, your post prompted me to realize that I fell asleep with a nicotine patch on...Several times in the last couple of weeks, actually. Oops. I don't wear them at night because they lead to really disrupted sleep, but it helps during the day when I can't smoke. At least that mystery is solved.

                          Spirit, I also had a cessation of anxiety and felt much better for a couple of years. I don't know which part of what changes in my life prompted this return to anxiousness. I went down from 200+mg on bac to 80mg. I stopped exercising regularly. Stopped meditating regularly. And life got very, very stressful. And too busy!

                          I woke up this morning in a better place and did some of those exercises I remember doing back in the day...Guiding my thoughts and counting my breaths. Much better. I was planning on getting on my bike, but it's still very dark and very hot and humid and ugh. But I've got a long day ahead and might do it anyway.



                            Progress thread for ne

                            Hi Ne,

                            I just wanted to chime in about anxiety. When I went down from my switch dose of 80mg to 40mg maintainable dose I too got the old anxious thoughts in the morning. I also started drinking wine again although not a worrisome amount.



                              Progress thread for ne

                              Exercise is for sure my shield against anxiety. Sucks, since I don't plan on quitting smoking anytime soon, but even before I knew there was a connection between alcohol withdrawal and anxiety/panic attacks, I was jogging because I knew that the 1/2 hour on a treadmill or outside was the only 30 minutes of the day I could guarantee I wouldn't have a panic attack.

                              I'm also pretty certain that the exercising I was doing regularly, usually daily, during the firefighting days were to thank for keeping the cycle of withdrawal at bay and keeping it from building rapidly. That, and the fact that we're immortal in our 20s.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Sorry Ne. Somehow I had gotten it in my head that you went back up to 225 mg after dropping to 80 mg, so my earlier post makes no sense. But at least it sparked your brain to think about the patches. Are you trying to quit or just using them when you're stuck somewhere that you can't smoke? Anyway, I'm glad you're in a better place today

