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Progress thread for ne

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    Just thought I would drop buy and post something and where better than on my old friend's threat lol.

    Anyway, everything is going well. My wife is fully recovered and no longer on baclofen or in need of it. She has had a few drinks over the couple of years we have been here in Cyprus but nothing more than a drink on a night out and no relapse at all. It is right to say that one does not need to be abstinent. My feeling is that the prolonged use of baclofen does allow the body to recover and to return to a pre-alcoholic state and, of course, the baclofen is there so there is no risk of becoming an alcoholic again. In that sense, it is a cure.

    I do regret getting up so many people's noses here. It's not something I wanted to do or am proud of. I think it is a product of the sheer agony of living with alcoholism and all its consequences and then needing somewhere to take out one's frustrations. I hope I am past that.

    I don't intend to post here any more but I felt it important that users of baclofen do know that after taking baclofen for a number of years, you do recover and can lead a normal life without alcohol or even with a drink now and then.

    On the baclofen side, I am still doing things... and my wife has gone from being a victim of this illness to reaching out and helping others. it really is a new life and a new start.

    The sun helps too.

    Best wishes to all.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Just thought I would drop by and post something and where better than on my old friend's threat lol. (seriously, we were friends and I do regret being a pig to you, so .... sorry)

      Anyway, everything is going well. My wife is fully recovered and no longer on baclofen or in need of it. She has had a few drinks over the couple of years we have been here in Cyprus but nothing more than a drink on a night out and no relapse at all. It is right to say that one does not need to be abstinent. My feeling is that the prolonged use of baclofen does allow the body to recover and to return to a pre-alcoholic state and, of course, the baclofen is there so there is no risk of becoming an alcoholic again. In that sense, it is a cure.

      I do regret getting up so many people's noses here. It's not something I wanted to do or am proud of. I think it is a product of the sheer agony of living with alcoholism and all its consequences and then needing somewhere to take out one's frustrations. I hope I am past that.

      I don't intend to post here any more but I felt it important that users of baclofen do know that after taking baclofen for a number of years, you do recover and can lead a normal life without alcohol or even with a drink now and then.

      On the baclofen side, I am still doing things... and my wife has gone from being a victim of this illness to reaching out and helping others. it really is a new life and a new start.

      The sun helps too.

      Best wishes to all.

      Olivier Ameisen

      In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


        Wow, Otter. Great to hear that all is well. I too regret some of our exchanges and apologize for the ones where I was out of line.

        On a completely different note, I'm leaving My Way Out. You win, Spirit. I can't participate in a place where I feel like I'm constantly defending myself against ignorance and intolerance.



          We needed to get away. In every sense.

          I am working on some stuff to do with baclofen which will hopefully be finished next week or so.

          It's a really good idea to talk about this subject but this place can make it worse and taking a very long break did me the world of good and I'm not going to go back to getting involved in unpleasantness again, life is too short and I don't need to be told by anyone about baclofen or that it isn't as good as TSM or gabapentin because I have figured it out from personal experience. It works...

          Best wishes, I think setting up a new forum would be a good idea. It needs to be supportive and devoted to baclofen.

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


            Otter, I'd like to hear what you're working on, if you're amenable. I'll send you an email later today. As you well know, setting up a new forum related only to baclofen has been tried several times without success. I'm more looking to set up something where those of us who are in the process already, with similar thoughts and goals, can get and share support. Definitely not a replacement for MWO. But at least a place where we can exist without being hounded.

            And I hear you. Even before you took a break, this place was difficult. It's worse now. You wouldn't believe, Otter, how pervasive Spiritwolf/Spiritfree is. There isn't anywhere or anyway to get free of his absolute insistence that we are all doing everything wrong. Anyway. I won't belabor the point. It's not the first troll who has overrun this forum. It won't be the last. But I don't have the time or the will to keep the battle going.

            Especially since, and this is the most important thing, the last new member joined two MONTHS ago. Without new members, without people looking for the truth, there isn't any reason to keep this forum going. And the forum owner/moderator doesn't seem to be doing anything at all. At least not visibly.

            Talk soon, Otter.


              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
              Otter, I'd like to hear what you're working on, if you're amenable. I'll send you an email later today. As you well know, setting up a new forum related only to baclofen has been tried several times without success. I'm more looking to set up something where those of us who are in the process already, with similar thoughts and goals, can get and share support. Definitely not a replacement for MWO. But at least a place where we can exist without being hounded.

              And I hear you. Even before you took a break, this place was difficult. It's worse now. You wouldn't believe, Otter, how pervasive Spiritwolf/Spiritfree is. There isn't anywhere or anyway to get free of his absolute insistence that we are all doing everything wrong. Anyway. I won't belabor the point. It's not the first troll who has overrun this forum. It won't be the last. But I don't have the time or the will to keep the battle going.

              Especially since, and this is the most important thing, the last new member joined two MONTHS ago. Without new members, without people looking for the truth, there isn't any reason to keep this forum going. And the forum owner/moderator doesn't seem to be doing anything at all. At least not visibly.

              Talk soon, Otter.
              NE -You are absolutely incredible in your efforts to try and belittle, insult, and degrade me. You have just recently come back to the forum after having been through a major cycle of depression (could not leave your house for months on end, etc.) and alcohol abuse. Now, all of a sudden, and out of no where, you are attempting to create your own theater for only those who accept and believe what you believe.

              Ne/Neva/Eva -what you say and write about me now are truly harmful and defame me. You have crossed the line of being insensitive to absolute creation of harm to an individual who has been on this site for over 2.5 years. If this is your idea of success, the destruction of character of on fellow sufferer, then that is just the way that is. We have spoken by phone several times and e-Mailed each other several times in the past. Ne, if I were not reading your words, I would never ever thought you would be responding to me and the forum the way that you are doing now. You have made Otter's day (and the other guy who has 5 distinct user names). This is what they were hoping for all along.

              My Way Out will carry on and continue to spread hope to many that their lives really can be happy and free without alcohol. With proper medical support and guidance, they will not have to stay home all day in a state of depression and anxiety. Instead, they will be able to go out and live life without alcohol and all of the accompanying problems.

              Carry on Ne -and thank you for not responding. The truth does need to be presented in circumstances like the ones that you have created.

              (Edit: Ne, you could always take yourself and your followers to the moderation section of the forum -just a thought).
              (Ne, it is my opinion that unless you are the center of attention and focal point, you will never be happy, and then, I do not think that you will find ultimate happiness there -only an opinion.)


                Hooray for Ne!!! You were right!!!

                Just a quick drive by to tell you (if you are still checking in) that upping the Gaba and the Bac simultaneously was the key. I am so freakin' excited. I went up on the Gaba quickly -- from 200 to 500. I had just recently dropped from 300 so wasn't too scared. And kept going up on the Bac -- now at 90. NO LEG PAIN last night or this morning. Still slight twinges, but that is nothing. I also feel like I might even have switched. Still early, but things are looking' good. We'll go up another 100 on Gaba and another 10 on Bac this weekend to try and lock it in but holy moly. I am one happy woman.


                  Yeah!!! That’s so awesome, dun. I’m glad the combo is working out for you to keep the pain away. It seems like it might also be having a synergistic effect on cravings. You switched at a much higher dose before, so this is really good news


                    Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                    NE -Never in a million years did I write words that were intended to cause someone harm relative to depression (or anything else as far as that goes).
                    Some of the most true pain that someone can experience -physical or mental is depression. Depression can and does kill people. I do not think that any of us posting on this forum want to be a part of creating more frustration for one who is truly clinically depressed.

                    NE -the primary point that I am/was trying to bring to light is the fact that you are still drinking, you have been taking baclofen for five years, you are still unhappy as hell, and you still raise hell at anyone who points out the idea that being alcohol free might just be a good thing. NE, your responses and thoughts are very easily sold and purchased by people who still want to drink and assume that they can still be happy. If these people do have the time to read the posts from others, they will indeed find that there is no happiness to be found if they continue to drink.

                    After 5 years of Baclofen, depression, anxiety, etc., ---why do you not post about the potential freedom one can/could receive from being free of alcohol? Why do you continue to promote and support something that does not work for you and only continues to cause you pain and suffering? There is no need for a reply -nor one expected.

                    Seriously?!? Reread some of your posts. And you would post this on her thread? WTF is wrong with you?


                      OMG Kronk. I snorted seltzer onto my keypad. You rock my now (relatively) sober world.


                        Originally posted by Otter View Post
                        ... I felt it important that users of baclofen do know that after taking baclofen for a number of years, you do recover and can lead a normal life without alcohol or even with a drink now and then.

                        On the baclofen side, I am still doing things...

                        and my wife has gone from being a victim of this illness to reaching out and helping others. it really is a new life and a new start.

                        The sun helps too.

                        Best wishes to all.
                        Hi Otter

                        I'm so glad to hear that things are going well...and that you are busy.

                        As you know I have been a great student of baclofen, and I, too, believe, and want visitors to this site to understand that, yes, a person can recover and can lead a normal life without alcohol or even with a drink now and then. Baclofen works.

                        I'm also so glad your wife is in a good place. What a long and hard battle it was and I am so happy for her...and for you. Can't help but observe that baclofen certainly worked for her.

                        I hear you about the sun. Yes it does help.

                        Best wishes to you.

                        With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                          I will give you all of the sunshine. All of it. It's near 100 degrees again in LA, and on my new hour long drive home from teaching I swear to you I got a burn - a slight one but an actual burn - on my leg where the sun was hitting MY JEANS. That's correct, in my car without air conditioning the sun heated my jeans to the point where they burned me.

                          Thought I'd just drop by and share that with you all.

                          About 2 1/2 weeks AF. Feeling pretty good. Busy, but good. And it's lovely to hear about everyone else who is doing well right now. Hugs to you all.


                            For the record, I have always stated that I don't believe "moderation" exists. Moderation implies that one plans to drink, that one thinks about drinking, that one is, essentially, still obsessed with alcohol. It's a myth to think it has anything to do with freedom.

                            Speaking of freedom...and fun: I went to Portland, Maine for a long weekend with my parents and Ed. It is a foodie mecca. Unbelievable. The wine lists were extraordinary, too. And as most of you know, my parents also have the disease so that was particularly pleasant.

                            However, I decided to remain abstinent. Ed and I came up with a couple of rules when we first got sober, more than 4 years ago. We decided that we would never celebrate, or mourn, with alcohol. Too many years doing that and regretting it in the morning! I know you know how it is. Well, this weekend was a gift from my parents to celebrate my birthday (which is today).

                            But that's not the only reason. There are a couple more. One is that I'm tired of drinking against my will. So, so, so tired of it. And I'm taking GOBS of baclofen, so I figured it wouldn't be an issue of craving. And it was out of my routine, so the habit wasn't there, either.

                            The biggest reason, though, is that I came clean with my psychiatrist finally. And she put a halt to the treatment regimen I am on (which consists of a lot more than medication, including meditation and breathing treatments). She pointed out that if I was anesthetizing myself, I wouldn't really be able to deal with anything that came up without further anesthetizing myself. Makes sense. And my friends, there is nothing that matters more to me right now than being the person I know I am. I can't do it with booze in my life at this moment.

                            I also can't do it without support from you guys, and I can't do it here because I know that Spiritwolf/Spiritfree will be commenting with a blizzard of ignorant comments that have nothing to do with what I've actually written and everything to do with his misguided understanding of the way things are. Too bad he's so fucking wrong so fucking consistently.

                            So contrary to his opinions (which, as I said, are not based on fact or reality) I will clarify ONCE AGAIN:

                            I do not believe that moderation exists.
                            I do believe there is a place for abstinence.
                            I also know for a fact that one can have a drink or two on rare occasions and it will not have some grand negative effect on one's life.

                            The new forum will be up and running in...a week? Maybe less. I'm working on it. Actually, my friend is working on it. I'm offering him moral support and a fire under his tush.



                              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                              So contrary to his opinions (which, as I said, are not based on fact or reality) I will clarify ONCE AGAIN:
                              NE -I was not aware that an opinion had to be based on fact or reality. I thought that was why we called an opinion and opinion and not a fact?
                              Just sayin?

                              NE -if you did not know me, all of this would be a totally different situation -but the fact is you do know me. We have spoke by phone and eMail on several occasions. You know that I am not a horrific person out trying to cause problems for others. You know that I have tried to say and send positive thoughts to you when you were were down and out. NE, why are we not trying to work together to try and help others while trying to help ourselves? Hopefully, we will never agree on a lot of things -that would be boring -but we could at least agree to be civil with each other and learn from each -while helping others along the way? Right?


                                Happy Birthday, Ne! That's awesome that you've gotten the cravings under control enough to go AF. And if you need some support in the mean time, feel free to e-mail/PM me.

