beatle, what redthread said. I'd add: Some things are unbelievably inexpensive. Like a generic drug that saves countless lives. And a doctor or two that offers a book, medical advice and hope to countless people for a very small price, but at considerable personal cost.
redthread, epb is a force to be reckoned with, I think. I'm looking forward to his next post!
I've just returned from taking the blood tests for my physical, after white-knuckling it and resisting the coffee singing it's sweet siren song. Which these days is louder than booze! I am looking forward to the results, and imagine that even my high cholesterol is down! (Despite following a lo0p-ish high-protein-lots-of-red-meat-diet in recent weeks.

I'm going up to 260mg today, after a week at 240. That's 4.33mg/kg. I'm nervous, but very excited. I've got a confession: In addition to the good doctor's beautiful words now taped to my mirror, I have a hand written note, "I will be indifferent to alcohol by xx/xx/2011." I'm not telling what the date is until I get there.
While perusing old threads looking for answers for someone, I ran across one of my first posts here on MWO. I had been lurking at that point for a couple of months, and had tried and failed once already with bac-treatment.
This is real, right?
I also have this gnawing fear that I'm risking my life/limbs and central nervous system (!) because I'm lazy, haven't done the work, explored the pain, lived in the moment, meditated enough... blah, blah, blah. I'm thoroughly indoctrinated into the whole addiction-therapy process and can't help but wonder, have I done enough???
And yet, I've changed my life dramatically over the last year and a half. Lazy? I don't think so! Half-assed? Not me. And for God's sake I've been in therapy on and off since I was 14, shortly after I started drinking, I might add. And AA, well, don't get me started. (Though, I agree with Ameisen that there is a lot to be gleaned from a spiritual growth program. Still, I've been in a room wondering if I was going to be that freakin' miserable when I finally get sober.)
So, thank you all. I have hope that this is real. (Right?)
And I've got to know, what does one do when one's limbs don't work? Am I going to end up in a suicidal puddle as described on bac4alcoholism website? Am I destroying the brain cells I've got left? I know I'm being dramatic, but I'm a girl who doesn't take more than the occasional ibuprofen because I want my liver to outlive me and I'm already making it hard for that to happen. We are all guinea pigs in this, and in my darkest moments I wonder if people on this site are real. (Not literally, I haven't lost my marbles yet. Speaking of which, psychosis and being generally unattached to reality for a moment sounds absolutely, completely terrifying. What does one do if that happens?)
It makes me so sad and a little mad that my loved ones (and yours!) would be completely devastated to find that in our desperation for a way out we've come to this. (Drama, I know, but it's true.)
thanks for any insight and for continuing reassurance...It works, right?
June 19, 2010
HA! That was when I was still "research" before I'd decided on the very annoying "neva eva." The responses were so amazing, (craving, tip, sunnyv, cinders, redthread, phoenixrising, thank you.)but I still couldn't hear them at that point, and was so self-conscious about that post that it took me a good long while to follow up...
Now you can't shut me up!
I'm off to the gym, or a nap.
One final thought. (I swear.) Anyone following the HPV vaccine debate? So ludicrous... F*ing pharmaceutical companies. And screw the even more despicable politicians in the back pocket of said companies. grrrr.