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Progress thread for ne

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    I'm gonna post another picture after I get it all straight, just so I'm not quite so mortified. I swear, people, I am not a dirty person. Not that housekeeping is my forte. (Fuck that. I would never want to admit it if it was.) But still, I've got STUFF everywhere. The rest of the house is much neater and prettier, in my humble opinion.


      I had to upgrade my operating system for my beloved Mac yesterday. Now everything is cattywampus and slow as molasses. <sigh>

      That's the worst thing in my life right now. How cool is that?

      I had a GREAT time in class on Wednesday. It is wonderful to be back in school. Especially with all the support from husband and shrink and parents...It just feels right. How cool is that, too!?

      There are, of course, some blips. But nothing I can't handle. I feel...empowered. Almost normal. Like I'm getting back to being me.

      I'm taking 400mg of bac, as of two days ago. Taking 100mg every 4 hours, religiously. I'm not experiencing any side effects at all. I'm even sleeping through the night. No more nausea. Nada. It's such a relief. And I'm such a knucklehead for struggling with the SEs for so long when all I had to do was take my doses regularly and on a schedule. Something I've been preaching for about 5 years now.

      Oh, and I've lost the taste for beer. First sign of impending indifference. Drank bourbon instead.

      Gotta run. Hope everyone's day is going to be as good as mine is going to be!


        I am going to start taking antabuse again. (Tomorrow. Ha!) Ed was out of town on Saturday night and all I did on Sat/Sun was drink and read.

        I don't have time to lose two whole days to booze anymore. I swore I'd never get to this place again! And while I'm not miserable or desperate, I'm definitely not happy. aaaargh.


          I can't believe it's been more than a week since I've updated. I'll have to make sure that I update more regularly. I'll be back in the morning. (My morning, here in Virginia!)


            I woke up to a potential tragedy this morning. My beloved Mac has a black screen and just makes a repeated noise when I try to turn it on.

            Please cross your fingers and toes and use some prayer beads or something that it is not dead. On the other hand, I just backed it up and I would not be heart broken if I HAD to come home with a shiny new one today. It would just break the bank.

            Maybe it's a sign? I had every intention of spending the next couple of hours doing nothing but MWO. Ha!


              My doctor is actually prescribing baclofen for both Ed and I. She is aware of the fact that we are supplementing our prescription with our online orders of baclofen. She cannot, without risk to her license, prescribe in the amounts we are taking. Yet she supports our decision to take this much, understands the reasons for it, and wishes that her hands were not tied.

              She did not know about baclofen when we met her. She has informed herself about it and introduced it to the other practitioners in her office. We have every intention of working together in the months to come in order to get other doctors in my area aware of, and willing to prescribe, baclofen.

              She has seen that much of a difference in my drinking behavior, in Ed's. And the research is incredibly compelling.

              So if your doctor will only go up to a certain amount, it might be because their hands are tied and they are trying to be as supportive as possible without risk to their own lives. Remember, it is legal to prescribe HDB in France, but it is off label everywhere else. And doctors must, and should be allowed to, use their own discretion and their own comfort level. They must also understand what we are taking and why. That's their actual job as doctors.

              Hopefully it won't be too long before HDB reaches out from the major metropolitan areas, where it is already being prescribed, into the more remote areas of the country.


                Hi NE -
                I was afraid that you would not read my thread regarding your above post so I decided to re-post my question here:

                "Will you all please help to understand how you order Baclofen online (or otherwise) without a prescription. Is this legal?
                What pharmacies can I call and get prescribed medications without a prescription? Does this apply to all forms of medications?"

                Also NE, you said:
                "Hopefully it won't be too long before HDB reaches out from the major metropolitan areas, where it is already being prescribed, into the more remote areas of the country."

                What major metropolitan cities can one now find a doctor that prescribes HDB?

                If you are willing, please share the answers to these questions so that we all can learn.



                  Ne - That’s awesome that your doctor knows about your supplementing your prescription. I feel like I should be honest with my doctor, too, but I’m terrified that he’ll stop prescribing bac altogether if he knows what I’ve been doing. Were you honest from the start? I’ve been hiding my supplemental bac from him for about a year now. The only reason I’ve been feeling a sudden urge to tell him is because he mentioned at my last appointment that he started prescribing bac to someone else because of me (he didn’t know about bac before I brought it to his attention). I feel like he should know that I didn’t get these fabulous effects from just the 160 mg he prescribes me. Aaarggh! What to do, what to do.


                    Spirit, you yourself get a prescription for high dose baclofen from a physician at a high dollar rehab clinic.

                    You know what? You are the first person, in my 5+ years of participation here, that tempts me to break the cardinal rule about information shared offline versus what you say online. It is my own rule. I've never broken it. Not once. I want everyone to know that what is said to me offline, even in PM, even if it's mean or rude or silly, I would never hold it against them on this public forum. Neva eva.

                    If you don't stop lying, I'm going to break that cardinal rule and start telling the truth about who you are and where you are coming from and where you get your baclofen from and why you are a troll.

                    I have never, in all this time, not once, broken that sacred rule of keeping information from offline separate from information for the public forum. You have done that on two separate occasions.

                    You continue to hound, berate, be belligerent and try to disrupt this forum.

                    If you do not cease and desist, I have no choice but to call you out for the absolute liar that you are, and that means telling the truth. Don't make me do it. I will if I have to, but it will be against everything I hold sacred. So

                    STOP LYING. LEAVE THIS FORUM.

                    EDIT: I AM NOT SUGGESTING THAT I WOULD REVEAL YOUR IDENTITY. Which apparently you have also done to someone else who is a member of this forum. It goes without saying that THAT is the single most heinous thing a person could do, and I would never do it under any circumstances. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to tell the truth about you.


                      Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                      Hi NE -
                      I was afraid that you would not read my thread regarding your above post so I decided to re-post my question here:

                      "Will you all please help to understand how you order Baclofen online (or otherwise) without a prescription. Is this legal?
                      What pharmacies can I call and get prescribed medications without a prescription? Does this apply to all forms of medications?"

                      Also NE, you said:
                      "Hopefully it won't be too long before HDB reaches out from the major metropolitan areas, where it is already being prescribed, into the more remote areas of the country."

                      What major metropolitan cities can one now find a doctor that prescribes HDB?

                      If you are willing, please share the answers to these questions so that we all can learn.

                      I forgot that I had to quote you.


                        Originally posted by Lostinspace View Post
                        Ne - That’s awesome that your doctor knows about your supplementing your prescription. I feel like I should be honest with my doctor, too, but I’m terrified that he’ll stop prescribing bac altogether if he knows what I’ve been doing. Were you honest from the start? I’ve been hiding my supplemental bac from him for about a year now. The only reason I’ve been feeling a sudden urge to tell him is because he mentioned at my last appointment that he started prescribing bac to someone else because of me (he didn’t know about bac before I brought it to his attention). I feel like he should know that I didn’t get these fabulous effects from just the 160 mg he prescribes me. Aaarggh! What to do, what to do.
                        Honestly, I dribbled the truth into our sessions over about a month. In the meantime, I didn't lie to her, and if push came to shove, I just told her there were things I wasn't ready to talk to her about yet.

                        The funniest revelation happened for both of us, though, when I went into her office one morning and asked her to envision what our relationship would have been like if I'd walked in and told her I was an alcoholic, who was actively drinking, after being sober but not abstinent for almost 4 years...Taking a medication off-label, that I ordered online, at doses that greatly exceeded the FDA approval.

                        We agreed it would have been a VERY different relationship. And not one that was nearly as productive.

                        I think you should tell your doctor when you're comfortable telling your doctor. Great that he's expanding his horizons...But someone else's journey isn't yours. If the person has an investment in his/her own sobriety and wants to know about bac, guess where they'll end up?



                          Boy. Ne Eva and Spiritfree sure can go at it. It's almost like they're married or something.


                            Originally posted by lex View Post
                            Boy. Ne Eva and Spiritfree sure can go at it. It's almost like they're married or something.
                            Does that make you Spirit's divorce attorney?:congratulatory: Lol.ROFL.ROFL.ROFL.
                            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                              I forgot that I had to quote you.
                              Well well. Let me guess. Spirit free gets his baclofen from Assisted Recovery in Atlanta. They use Vivitrol. In exchange for a high dose baclofen prescription sf spreads the "word" publicly about the many drugs which are being sold to patients by ARC and privately he promotes them to needy alcoholics . Bingo!



                              Olivier Ameisen

                              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                                Can I tell everyone the rest of the story, Otter?

                                The one about how Spiritwolf333/Spiritfree actually owes his ability to get baclofen and his abstinence to you? That without you he never would have been able to get high dose baclofen from that very expensive recovery center in Georgia. The one that now prescribes baclofen to other patients.

                                As well, of course, as the VERY expensive vivitrol, which shows no more promise for creating abstinence than any other drug that doesn't work very well. But it sure does make everyone a whole lot of money. Except the sick and suffering alcoholic who is already paying exorbitant amounts to the recovery center.

