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Progress thread for ne

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    But you know what? I can't just sit back and put up with it. I don't know what is wrong with Spirit333/Spiritwolf that he would continue such a mean-spirited campaign after all these years and all this feedback.

    I can't begin to guess why there aren't any moderators here and why they haven't done something about this mess.

    I have been holding my breath waiting to hear from the guy that put the last forum together, but I think I'm just going to have to figure out how to hire someone to do it. Maybe start a fundraiser? Kickstarter or something? I will brainstorm and would appreciate your input. krileyd at gmail.


      Originally posted by terryk View Post
      Does that make you Spirit's divorce attorney?:congratulatory: Lol.ROFL.ROFL.ROFL.
      Oh if only that were the case. It would be so easy...And then *poof* he'd be gone.


        Ne, thanks for posting about what he said about me. I was starting to feel that I was paranoid.

        He got me on Skype and he sat there with this big grin on his face, oozing gratitude towards me. He kept saying how I had been instrumental in getting the rehab in Georgia to start using baclofen and he insisted that they give it to him. He put the head of the rehab in touch with me and we had a big argument about baclofen versus vivitrol in which she said I didn't know what I was talking about. SW though this was funny, that this rehab manager had then gone and started using baclofen in her center...all because of me. He said I should be so proud of myself for having convinced a rehab center to do this.

        Seriously, Ne, I felt awkward because he was so kind and heaped so much praise on me.

        But, there I was, unemployed for three years and really struggling. Then he started to get me involved in his business dealings, advising him on contracts and patents.

        I fell for it. He sucked me in hook line and sinker. When I realized he had no interest in baclofen at all, and was pushing other drugs etc. I was gutted. I realized he had only contempt for me and it started to come out in bucketfulls, all concealed in that smarmy, holier than thou way he has of posting. I became very depressed and had to concentrate on something to take my mind of it so I threw myself into writing my paper because I needed to feel that I hadn't done all the stuff to do with baclofen to be snookered, sidelined and buffaloed by this guy.

        Olivier Ameisen

        In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


          Man, I'm having one of those days...

          Productive and profound...Listening to music and it speaks to the vibe...

          I know you guys know what I'm talking about. I hope, anyway. It's a good, deep, day. So this song came on, Kind and Generous by Natalie Merchant. Some of you are too young, and some too old, to know it.

          We used to share a lot of songs on here. The ones that moved us or motivated us. It's kind of trite, but I think we could all appreciate this song, at least the sentiment. And I really hope that you guys have a day like mine sometime soon. And I hope tomorrow is more of the same for me!

          Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.


            Thanks for the tune, Ne. I haven’t heard that song in years. I’m glad you’re having such a great day And thanks for the advice. You’re right. If that person is invested enough in reaching sobriety, they’ll go search out more information much like I did.

            Also, if you need help setting up the other site, let me know. I don’t have any technical expertise whatsoever, but I can make a donation if it’ll help.


              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
              But you know what? I can't just sit back and put up with it. I don't know what is wrong with Spirit333/Spiritwolf that he would continue such a mean-spirited campaign after all these years and all this feedback.
              I can't begin to guess why there aren't any moderators here and why they haven't done something about this mess.
              NE -what type of open-mindless forum would this be if it only accepted your (and a few others) thoughts and opinions?
              If you step back and think about it, is this really what you would like -to participate in a close minded group that only allows their opinions and thoughts to be valid and all other opinions and thoughts to be invalid? -whether true or false?

              This reminds me of similar eras in time -which always ended causing harm and failing.

              EDIT: NE -I know several folks who could quickly get you up and running on a new forum site -in one day. Would you like their information?


                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                NE -regardless of all else, please allow me to thank you for this link and post to a most beautiful and meaningful song. I had never have heard this song until just now.


                  SF, until you arrived, this was an open-minded forum.

                  The result of this open-mindedness was that "all" drugs and treatments were discussed, and tried...

                  The result of this is that the best drugs gained popularity and baclofen is it, so far, and the best people got the best reputations for their caring attitudes, knowledge, integrity and honesty, not to mention their perseverance in the face of a terrible illness.

                  Keep attacking and then posting patronizing, condescending comments like your last couple of posts. Go on, go on, go on...

                  We all know who the real people are on this forum SF, and you aren't one of them.



                  Olivier Ameisen

                  In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                    Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                    NE -what type of open-mindless forum would this be if it only accepted your (and a few others) thoughts and opinions?
                    If you step back and think about it, is this really what you would like -to participate in a close minded group that only allows their opinions and thoughts to be valid and all other opinions and thoughts to be invalid? -whether true or false?

                    This reminds me of similar eras in time -which always ended causing harm and failing.

                    EDIT: NE -I know several folks who could quickly get you up and running on a new forum site -in one day. Would you like their information?

                    That would be game, set and match to you, wouldn't it SF. Because that is why you came here, to dismantle the only "baclofen" forum in the world.

                    That would be a real success for big pharma, big rehab.

                    I'll explain SF. We have tried that before. There have been a number of other forums set up over the years.

                    What happens is that these have difficulty because we all try to post on both forums but this forum is so big now that most people just stay here so we all come back.

                    The other problem is that people like you also go on those forums, and hack them or spam them or troll them. I know because I had to close down my own chat forum.

                    In fact, SW, since you mention this, and you have decided to use my own forum, which is public, here is your post:

                    Great site!!!

                    POSTED BY CARLMARTIN | APRIL 15, 2014, 3:09 PM
                    REPLY TO THIS COMMENT

                    I am truly convinced now that medications for alcoholism are now being pursed as the real and legitimate course of action to eliminate alcoholism. Of course, Baclofen was the beginning of this assault on alcoholism, and now, we are continuing to see new research being conducted -all based upon the original baclofen studies.

                    POSTED BY CARLMARTIN1000 | JULY 28, 2014, 11:02 PM

                    Follow this link to the new US based baclofen users support forum: The forum has many long term baclofen users as members as well as health care professionals and researchers.

                    Anyone who wants to chat with me is welcome there. Except you Carl.

                    Best wishes from your old buddy

                    Dave (Otter)



                    Olivier Ameisen

                    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                      Guess what? Carl's full name is on both of those posts, Otter. hahahahahaha. I suppose every village needs at least one. Too bad there aren't any moderators here.

                      I WILL set up a new site. I don't expect it to replace this one, nothing ever will. But it WILL be a safe place for those of us who want to talk openly about baclofen (and other meds) and the actual practice of taking those things according to what the professionals recommend. It will be moderated so there won't be anyone able to post all the lies that Carl continues to share here. Not to mention it will be a harassment-free zone.

                      Lis, thanks so much for listening to that song and to responding to it. I get lonely over here on my thread! But posting here helps me a lot, so I keep doing it.

                      I think I'm going to do some sort of kickstarter campaign, but first I have to find someone to hire! I'm working on it as quickly as I can. But even if it's 3 months from now, we WILL have a place to call our own that I will keep open forever, much as Otter has done with his own site. Just because it's the right thing to do. Thank you so much for your offer of support. :hug:


                        I have another fun day planned of putzing around the house and doing homework and straightening my study. Yay!

                        I am still drinking. I decided to start keeping daily track of amounts, which is hard to keep track of and also a bit painful to admit. Ed has basically hit the switch again. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be drinking at all if we didn't have booze in the house for me.

                        I think I've also decided to go down on the baclofen, a bit. It doesn't make sense to me to keep going up and up when it doesn't seem to be making a big difference. I'd rather titrate down and then up again. It also doesn't make sense to me that I'm taking 100mg more than my original switch dose without much difference. (Though I am drinking significantly less! I just don't really know what to make of it all. And honestly, if I were reading this I would probably be [silently] yelling at the person, "NO! DON'T GO DOWN YET!" So we'll see. Basically I don't know what the hell to do. ha.) (I also wonder if the other meds I'm taking for depression and ADD are influencing all of this, too. No way to tell, and I'm definitely not changing those any time soon.)

                        Do you have any thoughts, Tk? That you're willing to share? I know you don't give baclofen advice and all that...

                        I'm also going to take it a bit differently. I found recently (by accident) that if I take the bulk of it early in the day, I am much less likely to overdrink. Partly because I get into that baclofen-induced-doze-y place and couldn't be bothered. But whatever it takes...

                        I also decided not to take antabuse. Now or maybe ever. Ugh. That stuff sucks, man. For me, anyway. I'm envious of the people who can take it and not climb the walls wanting a drink. It has that effect for me...Just the idea that I can't NO MATTER WHAT makes me want it that much more.

                        Btw, Serenity, I've been meaning to ask you what your maintenance dose is and whether or not you still drink occasionally or completely abstain. Also, are you still working out?

                        Hope it's a good day, peeps.


                          It would be nice to have a forum dedicated to baclofen, but why run away? Carl is nuts, malicious and totally insensitive. If we give in to that kind of thing, we all lose. Carl is just part of the twisted world which we have to deal with.

                          Let us know how you are doing.

                          Best wishes.



                          Olivier Ameisen

                          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                            Hi Ne,
                            I was actually thinking this morning about dosage/drinking. Specifically thinking about Lis, and how it took a really shitty thing happening for her to hit the brakes on the drinking and then feel the indifference kick in after some AF time. I had a similar experience. I stopped drinking completely (because I couldn't fit into any of my clothes). It took probably 7 to 10 days of climbing the walls with cravings until indifference kicked in. I know it isn't pleasant, but might be worth a shot. I have hit it the other way too -- still drinking and losing interest. But if you're already at a higher dose than your normal switch, it might be the other medications masking the indifference. Don't know. Just thinking with my keyboard.

                            Love the song, btw.


                              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                              Man, I'm having one of those days...

                              Productive and profound...Listening to music and it speaks to the vibe...

                              I know you guys know what I'm talking about. I hope, anyway. It's a good, deep, day. So this song came on, Kind and Generous by Natalie Merchant. Some of you are too young, and some too old, to know it.

                              We used to share a lot of songs on here. The ones that moved us or motivated us. It's kind of trite, but I think we could all appreciate this song, at least the sentiment. And I really hope that you guys have a day like mine sometime soon. And I hope tomorrow is more of the same for me!



                              Thank you, thank you...



                              Olivier Ameisen

                              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                                Originally posted by Otter View Post
                                It would be nice to have a forum dedicated to baclofen, but why run away?
                                Not running, Otter. There will ALWAYS be trolls here. And you're right, in some ways it used to be worse. Much worse. Carl can't even hold a candle to Bluto when he lost his mind, and then there was the other guy who had 3 or more usernames and actually threatened me via PM. He was truly insane. Still, not running then or now or ever. Hell, we've outlasted 'em all. :welldone:

                                I envision that some day we will have a community like the one in France. It may take years, but I want there to be one so it can happen, should it come to that. I'm not suggesting that we could be so lucky, or that I, personally, am going to be the one to make that happen. Still...At least there should be the opportunity. ("If you build it, they will come.") Evan was on the right path until...He took the wrong track.

                                Originally posted by dundrinkn View Post
                                Hi Ne,
                                I was actually thinking this morning about dosage/drinking. Specifically thinking about Lis, and how it took a really shitty thing happening for her to hit the brakes on the drinking and then feel the indifference kick in after some AF time. I had a similar experience. I stopped drinking completely (because I couldn't fit into any of my clothes). It took probably 7 to 10 days of climbing the walls with cravings until indifference kicked in. I know it isn't pleasant, but might be worth a shot. I have hit it the other way too -- still drinking and losing interest. But if you're already at a higher dose than your normal switch, it might be the other medications masking the indifference. Don't know. Just thinking with my keyboard.

                                Love the song, btw.
                                (EDIT: I bought new clothes in a size I've never seen before in my closet. Wish I had your fortitude/motivation. It would have saved me some cash, too. And drinking is in itself fucking expensive. Back to the point of the post...)

                                Thank you so much. I read this and that sat with it churning around in my noggin for awhile and had a Eureka moment.

                                I don't think I'm ready. I could keep taking baclofen, go up and up and up and indifference would eventually happen. But the truth is, (I think the truth is), I'm just not ready yet. That's embarrassing to admit. Especially since I'm such a huge advocate for baclofen and for sobriety...

                                Things aren't terrible around here. I am not losing days to the booze, or at least not very often. Perhaps things just aren't bad enough, you know? And frankly, my life (as my therapist puts it) is a chaos magnet at the moment. Opting out of life for a year or 18 months because of depression/anxiety has left me a whole lot of messes to clean up now that I'm better. And my drinking, while I hate it, doesn't leave me hungover or miserable. It is...contained, for lack of a better word.

                                So thank you very much for your insight. I'll continue to mull it over. In the meantime, I'm going to go back down to about 300mg and continue to work on getting things in life a little less chaotic and a little more zen. Also, I'd like to be...ready to be sober again. I'm not sure why I'm not now, but it's very important that I know that truth now. Indifference will soon follow, I think.

                                And this, my friends, is why I wish we had our own forum. Because I guarantee you that by admitting this I am going to face a rash of scorn and a visit from a troll. <sigh> But my truth stands on it's own. I won't lie and I won't lie down. But because I feel it's necessary I'm going to go ahead and say this for the umpteenth time <heavy, heavy sigh>:

                                I do not condone drinking. I do not think it's okay for me to continue to drink. My goal is to be contentedly sober. I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.

                                Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you. (And you're welcome Otter. :hug: I can't stop listening to that song.)

