Molly, I am the same as you, I think. We both want to be sure that any of those who are caring for our health and safety are abiding by the laws -especially the medication laws. Can you even imagine going to a health care provider who was taking medications not prescribed to them and working to help you in your physical danger? Wow. Thank goodness Dr. Ameisen voluntarily removed himself from medical practice when he realizes that alcohol was interfering with his ability to work with his patients.
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Progress thread for ne
Molly78 -again, I want to thank you for posting your post about Ne and the trolls.
Molly, I am the same as you, I think. We both want to be sure that any of those who are caring for our health and safety are abiding by the laws -especially the medication laws. Can you even imagine going to a health care provider who was taking medications not prescribed to them and working to help you in your physical danger? Wow. Thank goodness Dr. Ameisen voluntarily removed himself from medical practice when he realizes that alcohol was interfering with his ability to work with his patients.
Originally posted by Spiritfree View PostThanks Molly78 -
I will continue to ask one question until my account is soon (hopefully) deleted in its entirety:
Is it legal in the United States to purchase prescription medications without a prescription? Does it depend on the type of drug?
Hopefully, TK can jump in and shed light to this question. I think that it is important for anyone to know if he/she is breaking the law by ordering scrip meds without a scrip.
If we work in the medical field, and it is illegal to purchase scrip meds without a prescription, does it then become a more serious legal matter?
Thank you so much molly for the reminder.
But surely, the right thing to do is worth all that!!!
Do it! You have no choice like the 4th grade tattletale you once were....
There is nothing to worry about here. No jeopardy to me or mine or my future. It just isn't there. Doesn't exist.
Ignore the troll. Funny now that he's trying to erase all his posts. I'll think I'll quote the ones he's written on this thread, even though I haven't read them, just for posterity.
Peace out.
Originally posted by Spiritfree View PostThanks Molly78 -
I will continue to ask one question until my account is soon (hopefully) deleted in its entirety:
Is it legal in the United States to purchase prescription medications without a prescription? Does it depend on the type of drug?
Hopefully, TK can jump in and shed light to this question. I think that it is important for anyone to know if he/she is breaking the law by ordering scrip meds without a scrip.
If we work in the medical field, and it is illegal to purchase scrip meds without a prescription, does it then become a more serious legal matter?
Thank you so much molly for the reminder.Originally posted by Spiritfree View PostMolly78 -again, I want to thank you for posting your post about Ne and the trolls.
Molly, I am the same as you, I think. We both want to be sure that any of those who are caring for our health and safety are abiding by the laws -especially the medication laws. Can you even imagine going to a health care provider who was taking medications not prescribed to them and working to help you in your physical danger? Wow. Thank goodness Dr. Ameisen voluntarily removed himself from medical practice when he realizes that alcohol was interfering with his ability to work with his patients.
Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View PostSo ridiculous. I repeat, I am fine. I am not concerned. These are silly posts by a troll. Keep it in mind, people.
What a whirlwind weekend! I know you all that know me are aware that I'm pretty ambivalent about doing regular floor nursing. In fact, the thought has filled me with dread. I decided, for several reasons, that I was really going to pursue getting into an Emergency Department, which is very difficult for new nurses to do. (One of the reasons is because a lot of us end up there, with few or no resources and very little support. I'd like to help change that as much as I can.)
I spent two days in the ER in a brand new hospital (5 years old) that is fantastic and has all the latest equipment, a great staff and I LOVED every minute of it. They even have a psychiatrist that I spent a little time talking to and he seems fantastic, which is a big shock, honestly. And guess what? They're hiring new grads! They have an extended (4-6 month) training program for newbies.
I woke up this morning with a grin on my face, eager to face the day and get my groove on. How nice is that? I think it might help that I am starting every single day listening to my new theme song, Kind and Generous. It's a great way to get centered for the day.
In baclofen news, the one lead I had left to create the new forum in a simple and easy manner has fallen through. I'm not sure what's going on there, but I'm giving up on that line of inquiry for the moment. Ironically, I'm developing a website for a friend who is starting a new business so maybe I'll learn enough to do it myself? Sorry it's going to take so long. Again, I'm not trying to replace MWO, but this country needs a dedicated forum (much like this one) for baclofen, like the French one. More on that as time moves on.
Husband calling and husky harassing me for a walk. Gotta run.
Hope your day is as good as mine is going to be.
Hi Ne
I was just reading an old thread from 2011 and you commented on it about the Bac cough.
I have only heard of one other person mention this but I had it the first time I was titrating up and have got it again,I can usually cough till I sound like I'm going to be sick.
Sort of nice to know this is actually a symptom and not something else
Ne - Just got caught up on your thread ... Sounds like you hit a rough patch, but I am glad to see that you are in a much better place now. I am doing pretty good as far as the drinking is concerned, I am taking 140 mgs and it seems to be keeping the cravings at bay. The company that I worked for, for 21 years restructured and eliminated my job two weeks ago so I am trying to figure out what I want to do next.
Hi Ne
Glad to here you are enjoying your time working in ER. I have worked in many hospitals, not on the medical side, and some of these hospitals were brand new or even still being built. I always enjoyed seeing how facilities are improving and all the latest equipment.
Take care and make sure you don' get rundown.
I bet you're good in the ER. They're lucky to have you.
Just Knobert :goodjob:
Nic, it's always comforting to know that someone else experiences this stuff, too, isn't it? I have a cough now, and think it might have to do with the post-nasal drip side effect of baclofen. (Which is a true side effect, I think it's even on the package insert! [Not that the other side effects we experience aren't true. It's just that on HDB, the side effects aren't exactly listed on the insert, are they? ha!])
Knobert, thanks, my friend. I don't think I'm going to get run down. I'm too excited! Plus I am pretty focused on taking good care of myself. Not easy...
DIVER! Thanks for checking in. God, I'm so sorry about the job. Hopefully you got a severance package (or something) that will allow you to take some time to figure out the next step? A similar thing happened to Ed about 5 years ago, and it turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened for his career. I hope that's true for you, too. And glad to hear you're doing well, in terms of the baclofen and cravings. I'm getting there.
I have and continue to experience the coughing.The post nasal drip is something I deal with as well.I find it extremely annoying in the night where I have like a whistling sound as I breathe,it is most pronounced at night when all is silent and I can't drown it out.It really drives me nuts.
I have actually been coughing at some crazy hour like 4 am to the point of nearly being sick and I have had the neighbors yell out from next door for me to shut up.
I thought it was quite rude at the time as damn I could have been dying for all they know but I guess when you hear it night after night it would become slightly annoying.
Glad to hear your ER experience was so good Ne.
EDIT-I am a smoker and a quite heavy one at that,I had always considered the coughing as being due to this but after reading the posts this morning I am not too sure now.
Ne - So glad to hear about your time in the Emergency Department. You sound like you’re in a really good place. I hope you have many more days like thisAnd I never knew post-nasal drip and coughing were side effects of bac. I experience both. I do smoke, but only at night. I also quit for six months, but continued coughing anyway. I never really thought too much about it. Huh.
Originally posted by nicnak68 View PostHi Ne
I was just reading an old thread from 2011 and you commented on it about the Bac cough.
I have only heard of one other person mention this but I had it the first time I was titrating up and have got it again,I can usually cough till I sound like I'm going to be sick.
Sort of nice to know this is actually a symptom and not something else
Edit: I still have the post nasal drip thing. I HATE it!! I recently got a neti pot to see if that would help, but you just feel like you're drowning
I forgot about the Netipot. Not that I don't hate that thing, but it definitely helps. I'll have to dig it out and give it another try. My cough/post-nasal drip is much better now that allergy season is over, but it never entirely goes away because...cigarettes. And I am quite sure that the drippy nasals are exacerbated by titrating up on bac.
Which I'm not doing at the moment. My pdoc (that's what psychiatrists are called overseas) is much more comfortable with the idea of 300 rather than 400, and I totally agree. In fact, I'd like to make sure that my maintenance dose is what it was the last time: Around 220mg/day.
I'm not sure how to manage that, since I don't know that I have any control over where baclofen takes me...BUT I do know that continuing to work toward abstinence by taking care of the rest of my life is, for me, this time around, going to be a big part of finding that abstinence.
Truth is, the first time around, even though I wasn't consciously using a lot of other tools to help the process of getting sober. I DID use other tools. Tomorrow I'll post some of them in case it might help some of you newbies. (And for those of us who need reminders, like me!)
Chin up, peeps!
Not sure what a netipot is but my 19 year old us allergic to loads of things,he had very very bad eczema ad a child and he's allergic to peanuts and has Athsma.He also had a constantly running nose and our doc told him to get Neil Med nasal rinse,would this be the same thing?
Not sure if I have the drip thing but the cough is really annoying and embarrassing.People keep telling me I need to go to the doctor.It only happens on average about every half hour but I'm retching like I'm going to be sick,But it did subside last time