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Progress thread for ne

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    Congratulations!! :welldone: I'm so happy for you. Glad to hear that everything is going well. Keep us updated. We missed you!





        Thanks, Mom2, spellers, lost and dun...

        Spellers, this whole transition was planned well ahead of time. I'm not changing any of my other medications. At least, I don't think so. I leave those decisions up to my psychiatrist. She leaves baclofen decisions up to me.

        Honestly, if I were to explain my most recent decisions related to baclofen, it would take me hours to write and you'd just get bored. The reasons pertain only to me and to my situation, so it isn't really helpful in terms of sharing it with other people using baclofen to treat their addiction to alcohol. Plus, it also relates to how I started baclofen, which was not very reasonable.

        The change in my protocol doesn't mean that I have a problem with baclofen, though. I don't experience side effects. I know without question that it works.

        Hope that it's working for you and that you're looking forward to a sober and contented 2016. I know I am.


          Great job Ne.

          What a great way to start your Christmas holiday.

          I never doubted you for a second.

          Big hug


            Originally posted by Spellers View Post
            congrats on your nursing degree, Ne.

            I'm very confused. So you came off baclofen entirely for 'about a week' but are starting again tomorrow, titrating up every three days, having now cut out other meds? Was it planned to have the break for 1 week when you decided this new treatment schedule?
            Hi Spellers -this is a GREAT question. I am sure that NE will explain sometime in the near future to help us all better understand the Baclofen road.

            Spellers, perhaps the following will help you to better understand where NE is coming from when she speaks of her new Baclofen regime: (a post/question that I made to NE back when she was attacking me on my thread -Changing Worlds:
            Her beginning comment was: "I agree with Stevo. Continuing this thread doesn't seem to me to be productive, just another venue for Spiritfree to spout his venom."

            ONCE AGAIN:

            ......and Ne, you never did answer my question: is it illegal for United States citizens to purchase prescription medications in the United States (or elsewhere) without a prescription -from anyone or anywhere? [yes] or [no]

            If one is breaking the law but they feel that breaking the law is in the best interest of said person, why would that person just not say this? Even if a person is breaking the law and getting away with it, don't they owe it to their constituents to pass on the truth?

            Spellers, a person applying for their license to become a 'licensed' or "registered' nurse would be unable to do so if they were found to be purchasing prescription medications without a prescription. Personally, I do not think that NE is doing this anymore and therefor is perfectly entitled to receive her license(s).


              Knobert, nice to see you back.

              Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
              Hi Spellers -this is a GREAT question. I am sure that NE will explain sometime in the near future to help us all better understand the Baclofen road.
              I think I answered Spellers' question...At least as much as I'm able without going into 5 years of history with baclofen and the last 24 months of my life. Besides, it's all here. If someone is really that curious, they can read my thread, even the just the last part of it. There's no hidden agenda here, and as usual, I'm short on time.

              Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
              ONCE AGAIN:

              ......and Ne, you never did answer my question: is it illegal for United States citizens to purchase prescription medications in the United States (or elsewhere) without a prescription -from anyone or anywhere? [yes] or [no]
              Personally, I do not think that NE is doing this anymore and therefor is perfectly entitled to receive her license(s).
              Frankly, I have no idea what you're asking of me, Spirit? Is it legal? Should we do it? I dunno. Do you?

              To be honest, I have no idea what the laws are regarding importing medications. I know that I've never had a problem doing it. I know that if I had to do it all over again, I would make the same decisions.

              I have never, nor have I ever met anyone, who had a problem buying and using medications ordered online.

              Is it relevant to my being licensed? Are you trying to be funny? Or threatening? Either way, it's moot. And sort of ridiculous.


                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                Knobert, nice to see you back.

                I think I answered Spellers' question...At least as much as I'm able without going into 5 years of history with baclofen and the last 24 months of my life. Besides, it's all here. If someone is really that curious, they can read my thread, even the just the last part of it. There's no hidden agenda here, and as usual, I'm short on time.

                Frankly, I have no idea what you're asking of me, Spirit? Is it legal? Should we do it? I dunno. Do you?

                To be honest, I have no idea what the laws are regarding importing medications. I know that I've never had a problem doing it. I know that if I had to do it all over again, I would make the same decisions.

                I have never, nor have I ever met anyone, who had a problem buying and using medications ordered online.

                Is it relevant to my being licensed? Are you trying to be funny? Or threatening? Either way, it's moot. And sort of ridiculous.
                NE -I do not and will not ever threaten anyone with anything unless they try to hurt me or my family. Period and and end of that story.

                NE -You are in the process (or hopefully) of becoming a professionally-governmentally licensed medical person. As such, you are telling us all that you do not know whether or not it is legal to purchase medications -that require a prescription - to buy medications without a prescription-regardless of where they come from? NE, you and I both know the answer to this question -as do most all others. You no longer do this and I no longer see where tell others to do this -so, all is good. I just wish that you would stop belittling me as though I am the only one on forum who has not been totally forthright in everything.


                  Maybe you should stop making things up and I'll stop pointing out that you make things up.

                  You have NO IDEA where I get my baclofen from. Just to be clear, though, my most recent shipment arrived in November.

                  Our psychiatrist knows that we order baclofen online. Our primary care physician knows that we order baclofen online.

                  So what, exactly, is your point? That you were lucky enough to be able to get it from a treatment center ($$$) and now you don't think that other people should take it because they don't live in a place where they can find a supportive doctor?

                  That's absurd. If I was in the throes of rampant alcoholism I would buy and take baclofen wherever and however I could get it. I encourage anyone in that position to do the same. There are very reputable pharmacies online, some have very reasonable prices, and almost all of them make it very simple to order baclofen.

                  There is nothing worse than what I experienced as an active alcoholic. You go on and on, Spirit, about how dangerous it is to be addicted, and yet you discourage people from the only way they may be able to get baclofen?

                  What a hypocrite.

                  And just to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR so you don't have to keep mentioning it, my license has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS. ARE WE CLEAR YET, SPIRIT?

                  Do I need to send an email, make a call, leave a text message to get through to you that you no longer need to interact with me? You don't scare me. What you write barely makes sense and is very, very difficult to respond to in a meaningful way.


                  Sorry, everyone else, for shouting.

                  I'll have an update soon, because it's been very interesting being completely off of baclofen...

                  Hugs to my buds. And hang in there to the lurkers. Baclofen works.


                    Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                    NE -I do not and will not ever threaten anyone with anything unless they try to hurt me or my family. Period and and end of that story.
                    Bullshit - this is a threat, end of the story - you've deleted your original post, but you can see that Fred quoted it here:

                    Originally posted by spiritfree
                    However, let us just find out how laughable your nursing school finds it to be that you ordering prescription drugs on line without a prescription. I can only imagine that they will laugh till the end of the day -and say why do people have problems with professionals breaking the law?
                    Whether you have a prescription or not, according to US law, it is technically illegal to purchase medicine from any foreign phamacy (online or brick and mortar) and bring it into the US.......but:

                    From U.S. Pharmacy Regulations -

                    Since 2000, millions of Americans with inadequate or no drug coverage, as well as those seeking critical medications that are not available domestically, have purchased medication from foreign pharmacies, mostly using online pharmacies. This process is known as personal drug importation. The U.S. government generally does not stop individuals from importing medication for their own use (usually up to a three-month supply of non-controlled drugs), however, under most circumstances, it is technically illegal. According to the FDA, no one has ever been prosecuted for personal drug importation (importing small quantities of medication for personal use).

                    The FDA provides personal drug importation guidelines for its personnel.

                    While the law allows the FDA and the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to detain and refuse international prescription orders arriving through the mail, less than one percent are actually stopped. In these cases, under U.S. law, you will be informed by the FDA that your drug order has been detained or refused and that you are allowed to challenge their decision to take away your medication to try and have it released. To learn how to provide testimony to the FDA if they take your medication, you can go to Prescription Justice Action Group. The U.S FDA regulates the safety and efficacy of medications sold in U.S. pharmacies. Medications dispensed from outside the U.S. are regulated for safety and efficacy by pharmaceutical/pharmacy regulatory authorities in other countries.

                    Watch Marcia Crosse, PhD, director for the Health Care Team at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) explain FDA's personal drug importation policies:

                    A very good read about the details and grey areas of the law:

                    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                      TK - Thank you for your in depth review, analysis, and interpretation of the law.

                      TK -If you interpret something that I say as threat, then that is only your perception. When I said I was not threating NE, that is exactly what I meant and stand by. Now you TK need to stand down and stop with your malicious rhetoric. You are trying to create harm when it is totally unnecessary. TK, you truly need to revisit your motives and consider backing off. This is not a threat, only a suggestion -and let us not make it more than this.

                      TK -do you understand the legal ramifications to someone who is a medical professional, purchasing or advising others, to obtain medications that require a prescription to purchase said medications without a prescription? TK, you are only hurting NE by bringing this subject to attention.


                        NE -I do want want to be absolutely clear about your post.
                        TK was/is very generous to to step up to the plate and try his/her best to back you up.

                        NE, as a medical professional, you very well know the fact that it is against the law to buy and consume prescription drugs without a prescription. You would not be able to obtain a license to practice as a doctor or a nurse or etc. if you declared and admitted that you were breaking the law by purchasing prescription medication without a prescription. What is more worrisome than anything else NE is the fact that a professional medical person would even be slightly suggesting to someone else to purchase scrip medications without a prescription. Would you want a medical person who is overseeing or helping you to be a person who suggests to do something that is in violation of Federal and State laws?


                          I completely and totally support the use of online pharmacies if someone can't find a doctor to help them battle addiction with baclofen.

                          It would be hypocritical of me to suggest that it was wrong to order it online when my husband and I did it for so long and it worked just fine for us. Back then, we didn't even have a guide written by doctors.

                          Now we have a very reasonable and legitimate prescribing guide, written by the best pro-baclofen-physicians in the world. It's right here, online and available to anyone. Follow that and you might find freedom from alcoholism. I did, as did many others here.

                          Can someone help me out with a link?

                          Published by the British Journal of Medicine...Here's one link where you can simply click on the PDF to download the whole thing:

                          Prescribing Guide for Baclofen in the Treatment of Alcoholism – for Use by Physicians


                            The biggest irony?

                            I'd much rather have a sober medical professional, regardless of where they got their baclofen. Wouldn't you all?


                              Ne/Neva -would you or do you now personally advise someone/anyone to take the prescription medication Baclofen without a prescription and being under a medical doctor or medical practitioner's supervision. Of course you do not. I have read several times recently (I think) where you recommended a person(s) be guided by licensed medical professional. There was certainly a time in the past when you yourself had to order/take Baclofen without a doctor's guidance/supervision to do so because you could not find a doctor knowledgeable enough about Baclofen. You had to step outside of the box to save yourself and I am glad that you did. Ne, as a result of you taking/ordering your Baclofen outside of normal protocol, you are in a much better position to be able to help others get help with Baclofen -and this is a GREAT thing -right? -sf--

                              "QUOTE NE/Neva -I completely and totally support the use of online pharmacies if someone can't find a doctor to help them battle addiction with baclofen. It would be hypocritical of me to suggest that it was wrong to order it online when my husband and I did it for so long and it worked just fine for us. Back then, we didn't even have a guide written by doctors."



                                I would really like to hear about your Baclofen experiences. You can pm multiple people. Maybe send us the info, the ones who you know would be interested, in a multi person pm?

                                I'm so sorry that the culture here has changed to the point that you can't be honest about your experiences. It's sad to think that we may never get that back. It is a loss.


