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Progress thread for ne

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    Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
    Ne/Neva -would you or do you now personally advise someone/anyone to take the prescription medication Baclofen without a prescription and being under a medical doctor or medical practitioner's supervision. Of course you do not.
    I absolutely DO. Of course I do. How could I not? Ordering baclofen online worked for me. It worked for my husband. It's worked for countless others I know personally.

    Please read and re-read my original post regarding whether or not I support people trying to treat themselves (without a doctor) with baclofen!!

    Let me reiterate what you tried to quote from my last post.

    "I completely and totally support the use of online pharmacies if someone can't find a doctor to help them battle addiction with baclofen. It would be hypocritical of me to suggest that it was wrong to order it online when my husband and I did it for so long and it worked just fine for us."


      Omg. SP(ecial) F(ucker). You are a piece of work. I am astonished by your utter lack of anything that resembles sanity. What is your diagnosis? Are you borderline, a narcissist, a sociopath? There is something truly, truly off-balance with you. Please get help. Really. This place shouldn't be the outlet for your disorder. It is a strange and disturbing obsession you have. And when you respond to this, do not use my screen name to start every sentence. It does not lend any credibility to your ranting. It only makes you sound creepier. Oh, so very creepy you are.


        Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
        I would really like to hear about your Baclofen experiences.
        For me, being completely off of baclofen is not a good thing. (No shock there! Ha!) It's almost fascinating how much booze and drinking is central to my life now.

        I'm thankful that I didn't try this experiment while I have a lot going on. I'm very thankful that I didn't try it while trying to maintain a job or normal activities. (I can certainly appreciate the fact that Ameisen gave up his practice when he was an active alcoholic.)

        I guess the bottom line is that being completely off of baclofen, for the first time in ~5 years, has made me realize how dysfunctional my brain chemistry is without baclofen.

        I love alcohol. More than anything. And when I was taking baclofen, even a low(er) dose of it, I did not have this feeling. It's not craving (because I drink whenever I want, basically). I can't describe the feeling. What I can describe is the fact that booze owns me once again.

        I was completely without baclofen for about 10 days. I'm titrating up almost as quickly as I titrated down. I wanted to follow the recommendations of the docs...(~20mg every 3-5 days). I wanted to do it in part so that my psychiatrist could follow my progress (and the miracle of baclofen in action!). But we both agreed it's not worth it. She's already a firm believer in the medication. I HATE being a slave to booze. So up, up and away I go, with her blessing. (She has the physician's guide, after all, so doesn't need my direct experience.)

        I started baclofen (again) on Jan. 1, 2016 with 20mg for 3 days. Then 40mg for a day. I won't publish my titration schedule, because it's unique to those of us who have been on it a long time. I may add other meds in with it if I am not free of booze quickly enough. As much as I love (love, love, love) drinking, I really, really, REALLY hate it. I hate it the way only someone who has been indifferent can hate it. Which is inexplicable, but I'll try better to explain it when I'm indifferent again.

        Hang in there friends and readers and lurkers. Thanks for the continued support and the chance for me to get this stuff off my chest.

        Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
        I'm so sorry that the culture here has changed to the point that you can't be honest about your experiences. It's sad to think that we may never get that back. It is a loss.


        But dammit, I hate the idea of someone else making us silent. So much so that I'm going to write the truth anyway.

        (Yes, Spirit. We're all talking about you, and no it is not some grand conspiracy. We all wish you'd leave us alone. I dare you to try taking another break, say for a month, just so you can see how active the meds section becomes without you.)


          Thank you Ne. Keep us posted. I understand that when you've taken Bac for a long time you can titrate up much more quickly, but that's not for newbies.

          Looking forward to hearing about this next phase 😃


            Originally posted by dundrinkn View Post
            Omg. SP(ecial) F(ucker). You are a piece of work. I am astonished by your utter lack of anything that resembles sanity. What is your diagnosis? Are you borderline, a narcissist, a sociopath? There is something truly, truly off-balance with you. Please get help. Really. This place shouldn't be the outlet for your disorder. It is a strange and disturbing obsession you have. And when you respond to this, do not use my screen name to start every sentence. It does not lend any credibility to your ranting. It only makes you sound creepier. Oh, so very creepy you are.

            We cross-posted, obviously.

            The irony is that if HE was actually doing what he so strongly recommends for other people (seeing a doctor and seeking therapy) we wouldn't have to put up with this bull shit.

            God. It's not even ironic. I don't know what it is. What is it, Stuck? Besides moronic. Idiotic. Annoying. Frustrating. Aggravating. Infuriating. Now I'm just typing words.

            Almost as bad as the troll...Except I can spell. And I make sense.


              Aaaaargh. I'm SO frustrated.

              This post is particularly for Terryk and bleep. I know you remember Amy O'Leary. I know you know that Ameisen was...(heavy, heavy sigh) nuts.

              I'm now 13 minutes into the Radiolab podcast about meds for addiction. Amy O'Leary has talked about Ameisen, who buried baclofen on his own without help from anyone else, dammit. Despite the fact that his book saved me from a lifetime of alcohol addiction, I will admit now and publicly that communicating with him made it clear that there was a lot more going on there.

              And now, on Radiolab, 13 minutes into it, they're talking to a Dr. Mark Willenbring, who runs a traditional rehab. (EDIT: He does not run a traditional rehab. It is, as far as they go, very proactive.) Then a reporter (not an alcoholic/addict) named Glaser...(The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous - The Atlantic)

              Then they start to describe how the drugs work and it's NOT AT ALL HOW BACLOFEN WORKS.

              They talk about Naltrexone having a 78% success rate in Finland (a very old study) when Sinclair did his own study.


              Still a good podcast. Just frustrating.


                Very annoying the way they pronounce Ameisen's name, too.

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                Then they start to describe how the drugs work and it's NOT AT ALL HOW BACLOFEN WORKS.


                  The guy (Billy) who was taking naltrexone...

                  "There was just something that I missed about being drunk."

                  "I missed feeling like myself"


                    Turns out that the doctor from the podcast, Dr. Mark Willembring, is someone that I have admired from afar (and I think I even talked to him once?) for at least a year.


                      Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                      I absolutely DO. Of course I do. How could I not? Ordering baclofen online worked for me. It worked for my husband. It's worked for countless others I know personally.

                      Please read and re-read my original post regarding whether or not I support people trying to treat themselves (without a doctor) with baclofen!!

                      Let me reiterate what you tried to quote from my last post.

                      "I completely and totally support the use of online pharmacies if someone can't find a doctor to help them battle addiction with baclofen. It would be hypocritical of me to suggest that it was wrong to order it online when my husband and I did it for so long and it worked just fine for us."
                      NE/Never -I was only trying to be helpful to you in the post that I made. If you want to proclaim to the internet/forum that it is ok for people to buy and self medicate with prescription drugs without doctor/nurse written prescriptions and medical supervision, then that is by all means your right and your choice. I only hope now that you will be able to be honest with others outside the forum when/if you apply for licensing.

                      NE, am I correct in assuming that you are advising or willing to advise people to break the law to get certain medications without a prescription if they feel that these medications will help them? Does your advice to purchase prescribed medications without a prescription apply to all prescription medications or only to certain medications. (I am not quite convinced that this what you are saying. You only said that u have no problem advising people to buy scrips out of this country).

                      NE -How heavily are you still drinking? I hope that Baclofen will one day eventually help you in the same that it has helped others..

                      I am very sorry to read this -for your sake. Carry on NE


                        Originally posted by dundrinkn View Post
                        Omg. SP(ecial) F(ucker). You are a piece of work. I am astonished by your utter lack of anything that resembles sanity. What is your diagnosis? Are you borderline, a narcissist, a sociopath? There is something truly, truly off-balance with you. Please get help. Really. This place shouldn't be the outlet for your disorder. It is a strange and disturbing obsession you have. And when you respond to this, do not use my screen name to start every sentence. It does not lend any credibility to your ranting. It only makes you sound creepier. Oh, so very creepy you are.
                        Hi dundrinkn -if you read your post you will possibly better understand why I do take your rhetoric seriously.

                        Dundrinkn -perhaps you are the best person to diagnose my disorder. After all, you have suggested several mental issues that I might be experiencing.

                        Dundrinkn, perhaps my strange disorder is most magnified by giving you the time of my day to respond to you. Dun, if I did not think that you were one of us AUD sufferer, I would completely write you off as joke and not correspond. You only offer the same ole same ole each and every time that you post -negativity towards me, and you NEVER offer helpful information to thos who suffer from AUD. When you stop drinking (if you are still drinking) and are able to post legitimate helpful information for others, I will be there to stand by your side. Until then, your posts remain a joke and sad.

                        Edit: Dundrinkn -perhaps you may want to add to your diagnosis of me is that "he is unable to present factual information without offending people". Not sure what this disorder is called, but I think that suffer from this as well. Also, sorry to keep repeating your name Dun -just a bad habit as you suggest.


                          Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                          Hi dundrinkn -if you read your post you will possibly better understand why I do take your rhetoric seriously.

                          Dundrinkn -perhaps you are the best person to diagnose my disorder. After all, you have suggested several mental issues that I might be experiencing.

                          Dundrinkn, perhaps my strange disorder is most magnified by giving you the time of my day to respond to you. Dun, if I did not think that you were one of us AUD sufferer, I would completely write you off as joke and not correspond. You only offer the same ole same ole each and every time that you post -negativity towards me, and you NEVER offer helpful information to thos who suffer from AUD. When you stop drinking (if you are still drinking) and are able to post legitimate helpful information for others, I will be there to stand by your side. Until then, your posts remain a joke and sad.

                          Edit: Dundrinkn -perhaps you may want to add to your diagnosis of me is that "he is unable to present factual information without offending people". Not sure what this disorder is called, but I think that suffer from this as well. Also, sorry to keep repeating your name Dun -just a bad habit as you suggest.
                          That is called being an asshole.


                            Dunn -at least you kept remark/reply somewhat decent this time.
                            Thank you.


                              So, SF, I suppose you would like to hear stories of morally upstanding people who have died from alcoholism because they refused to order on-line. Is that something you would admire? Do you really think that someone who used the excuse that they might get into legal trouble for ordering a drug which could end their addiction to alcohol is someone to be emulated or praised? How do you think their families would feel if they refused to get help on-line and continued to drink themselves to death, and their families had been unable to find any help via any doctor?



                              Olivier Ameisen

                              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                                Spirit, you insult people who have taken these medications and know from experience which work and which don't.

                                Spirit, you have made it very clear you never read Olivier Ameisen's book and that you have no idea how baclofen works or why it has become so popular. So, Spirit, you are generally talking out your backside when it comes to trying to give advice or information about drugs and medication for alcoholism. Spirit, you have neither the educational or professional experience, as a CMA and asbestos remover to be giving anyone advice on alcoholism.

                                Nor, Spirit, from my dealings with you, our personal Skype conversations, etc etc, it is safe to say that you are not and never were an alcoholic as defined by the internationally recognized DSM 5 criteria used by doctors to diagnose AUD.



                                Olivier Ameisen

                                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

