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    "A total fucking nightmare under any name." I just spit water on my keyboard over that one!


      Originally posted by dundrinkn View Post
      "A total fucking nightmare under any name." I just spit water on my keyboard over that one!

      Gawd's honest truth right there.


        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
        Bacman, you have enough on your plate. I highly suggest that you put Spirit on ignore and just focus on yourself and your recovery. Seriously.
        Sorry Ne, I am going to have to ignore your advice for once (twice actually - )

        There is very little point putting anyone on ignore as they can always post on your thread and comments - People quote his comments in their posts so you see them etc I am sure you get my drift Ne

        Ah - Now to business:

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        1--You say "I don't want to get into a posting war except for last night?"
        No thats not what i said:

        Clearly the Al has affected your eyesight

        What I said was

        Originally posted by QUOTE TO TROLL
        SF - I dont want to get into a posting war with anyone on this forum as I am here for help and with the exception of last night when I exceeded my plan of Baclofen consumption

        Re-itterating the eyesight problem

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        2--You accuse me of making a threat without specifically showing any threat
        What I posted was a deleted post from yourself (or do you deny it was you?)
        Originally posted by QUOTE TO TROLL
        I have not made any threats.
        However, let us just find out how laughable your nursing school finds it to be that you ordering prescription drugs on line without a prescription. I can only imagine that they will laugh till the end of the day -and say why do people have problems with professionals breaking the law?

        Eyesight is improving-Must be sobering up

        Good effort but no cigar

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        3--You have a business to run and do not have time to check out facts
        Sooo close

        What I said was:

        Originally posted by QUOTE TO TROLL
        I have a business to run and not the time to traul through years of epic threads and attachments
        You missed Epic/threads and attachments

        Getting bored now but will carry on for entertainment value...

        Oh dear - relapsing to Al eyesight again

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        Our survey says :

        Its Baclofenman or Sir to you sonny

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        4B joint a gang in effort to be accepted does and will not promote you best wellbeing -and I have a feeling that you already know this.
        Our survey says :

        I dont need to belong to a "gang" (gang? - this is a fucking forum) - get out of the playground and grow up - I dont need a "gang" to make my mind up sonny

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
        4C I have a feeling that you already know this.
        I am confused how you know what I am thinking - Psychic maybe Psychotic more like ( I will leave the sonny off this one - Oh shit I did not )

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post

        There is NO threat made to NE by me.
        Oh FFS SF, I have already told you - For god sake please do me the grace of at least being semi sober when you reply to posts I have spent hours on - Its a little disrespectful to continually expect people to point out the err of your ways when you constantly pretend they dont exist - There is a name for this - Burying - Ne help me out honey - Oh no I got ir - burying your head......- No shit Ne you are going to have to help your fellow gang member (god we are a hard crew the **** and the bitch lol).....- You were fuck all use Ne (I am disbanding the crazy gang now) - I got it on my own - oh yes, Being a arsehole (you call it asshole)

        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post

        WHERE IS THE THREAT? Barman, NE, TK?
        ITS IN YOUR HEAD YOU FUCKING MORON - And it Baclofenman or Sir to you sonny

        Oh and yes you will have seen my melt down thread last night and yes I am a depresive - But when I am not depressed I can be a right cunt when pressed

        Regards (only because I am a polite Englishman)

        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


          Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
          Sorry Ne, I am going to have to ignore your advice for once (twice actually - )
          <sigh> no one listens to me. Not even my damn dog. Here's a picture:

          Don't be fooled. She's beautiful but she's a beast. She takes after my husband.

          Funny as it is, your reply just distracts from what you have going on. That might be a good thing. I dunno. You'll have to let us know...

          I have to ask you about those pictures of the game thing-y. What is it? I might be completely out of touch or it might just be a UK thing.

          Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
          There is very little point putting anyone on ignore as they can always post on your thread and comments - People quote his comments in their posts so you see them etc I am sure you get my drift Ne
          I do. On the other hand, he's been very effective at making people feel like shit. Even me. (But rarely. So quit trying, Spirit.) I don't want that to happen to you. I can think of two very distinct occasions when he's convinced people that baclofen is dangerous. Sadly, they didn't read the doctor's information or anything about bac. And they didn't overdose and live through it. lol. (NOT that it's funny. It's not. I'm just sayin'...It's kinda funny? Or that people don't read enough. That's what I'm trying to say. People don't read enough. Okay?)

          Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
          I dont need to belong to a "gang" (gang? - this is a fucking forum) - get out of the playground and grow up - I dont need a "gang" to make my mind up sonny
          I have actually had more than one chuckle and several laugh-out-louds because of comments on this forum today. I don't know if it's just me, or if there's something in the water...But this comment also made me literally laugh out loud. Maybe it was the image of the kids facing off around the sandbox? lolol.

          Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
          No shit Ne you are going to have to help your fellow gang member (god we are a hard crew the **** and the bitch lol).....

          ...But when I am not depressed I can be a right cunt when pressed
          I was absolutely sure that when you used the asterisks (****) you were actually meaning c***. That's a word that we can't and don't say in the U.S. Ever. Especially chicks. Hell, I'd beat my husband if he said that. (But honestly, he is much more polite and swears much less than I do. Seriously.) Anyway. That's a really bad word here. I suppose some people think fuck is a really bad word, too, though. They're wrong. It's my fave.

          Also, I don't think you need any help, other than the obvious--booze and baclofen and I got your back. Because the only gang we're a part of is the one that is trying to beat the hell out of this disease (and not each other). Amirite? Even if other fucker(s) think that it's about something else.

          Do you know, there was a time when I used to write my posts in a word document and make sure they were perfect, and I rarely (if ever) swore. I swear, I should get back to that not-swearing thing. I'm not trying to offend anybody. But I do love to swear. The worse the word, the better. Which is one of the reasons I love writing to my British and Australian friends. Especially the Aussies. They think fuck is a plaything and c*** is a form of endearment. ha.

          Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
          Regards (only because I am a polite Englishman)
          Lol. You Englishman. I do love you.

          Husband's home and it's time to make dinner. Together. Didn't used to be like that, back when we were both drunks and life was miserable (even though we didn't know it). Baclofen worked for us.

          Hang in there, if you're in the throes of addiction, my friends. It can get (much) better.



            Just noticed the "Quote to Troll". You're on a roll. lol

            But really. Back to serious business? Or something close to it? I do worry about the contentiousness of the forum. Newbies might be scared off. Ya' know?


              Newbies might read the recent posts and conclude they aren't alcoholic after all. :congratulatory:


                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                <sigh> no one listens to me. Not even my damn dog.
                Sorry Ne - Not even the east coast bitch can be right all the time I am afraid
                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                Funny as it is, your reply just distracts from what you have going on. That might be a good thing. I dunno. You'll have to let us know...
                I am fine Ne - Apart from last night I have had a trouble free experience with Baclofen - I fucked up and paid the price
                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                I have to ask you about those pictures of the game thing-y. What is it? I might be completely out of touch or it might just be a UK thing.
                Yes a Uk show presented by (funilly enough a man with a drink problem ((maybe because he was married to Amanda Holden)) Les Dennis called Family fortunes - It consisted of a "family" answering random (easy) questions carried outon a survey of 100 people - You get points depending on how many people out of the survey agreed with the contestants choice - I am sure you have something like this in the states - anyway I diversify - Every time the contestant guess' Les would say "John you said 39......Our survey says" and then the scoreboard would go "ping" and the number would appear and points awarded accordingly (Fuck me Ne why did i start this.."I started so I will finish" (another uk quiz show)) - But when the contestants answer got no survey results les would say "John you said 39.....Our survey says" and the board would light a fucking great x and and make a sort of NER NER noise - I will look for a live version if I ever finish this post

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                NOT that it's funny. It's not. I'm just sayin'...It's kinda funny? Or that people don't read enough. That's what I'm trying to say. People don't read enough. Okay?)
                Yeah - Sure - Ok Ne - Thursday, I think lolol

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                But this comment also made me literally laugh out loud. Maybe it was the image of the kids facing off around the sandbox? lolol.
                Sandbox - Somehow I can see him shouting bollox to another kid then running away like a coward and hiding under the teachers skirt

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post

                I was absolutely sure that when you used the asterisks (****) you were actually meaning c***. That's a word that we can't and don't say in the U.S. Ever. Especially chicks. Hell, I'd beat my husband if he said that. (But honestly, he is much more polite and swears much less than I do. Seriously.) Anyway. That's a really bad word here. I suppose some people think fuck is a really bad word, too, though. They're wrong. It's my fave.

                I have always sworn a lot - I was raised (dragged up lol) in the East end of Londinium Town where swearing was just a normal word - I dont to swear unless I am trying to excentuate a point or I am pissed off - Unfortunately I use **** like I used to drink wine - Everyone apart from my mum says it on a full time basis - I would not swear in the nest area out of respect for the people who are there - The meds areas tend to be more contentious so I am not so respectful - One (thats the royal one not him specific) has to earn respect to get it back - The nest Guys are nice and kind so I treat them that way

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                They think fuck is a plaything and c*** is a form of endearment. ha.
                My cousin married into a fucked up aussie family - They are a right crack

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                Hang in there, if you're in the throes of addiction, my friends. It can get (much) better.
                Cant wait

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                Lol. You Englishman. I do love you.
                Colin Firth me - Nice on the outside - Bastard on the inside

                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                Husband's home and it's time to make dinner. Together. Didn't used to be like that, back when we were both drunks and life was miserable (even though we didn't know it). Baclofen worked for us.
                Yeah - get back in that kitchen you - Well done the pair of you and good luck with the future Ne

                Best wishes


                Link to Family Fortunes noise
                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                  Originally posted by lex View Post
                  Newbies might read the recent posts and conclude they aren't alcoholic after all. :congratulatory:
                  I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                  Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                    In no way is this re-post of Ne's post intended to be harmful to NE or anyone else. Instead, it is only meant to pass on the silence of the sadness that alcohol brings to each and everyone of us who continue to drink -medications or not. NE is one of the most helpful, compassionate people that you can find on the medication thread and will always be there to help you if you get in alcohol trouble. However, please try and understand that even some of us with the best of intentions say and write things that are not necessarily what we mean or intended -the next day; this is the disease of AUD (alcohol use disorder):

                    Post from NE to Bacman on another thread:

                    "Oh, holy shit, bacman. What a roller coaster. Overdosing on baclofen SUCKS and I've done it more than once. I'm really glad you're okay this morning/afternoon. (I just woke up. 730 my time...)
                    I have to admit that at the beginning of your post I was really, really worried and felt terrible but by the end I was literally laughing out loud. Thanks for starting my day off like that. (Laughing with you, not at you.)
                    So, first things first. It ain't my first rodeo and it's certainly not the first time someone has reached out from afar. There were people here who did it for me (Terryk and others) way, way back in the day. There aren't many of us who have been around as long and still check in regularly. _serenity_ and I hit the switch around the same time, and I'm pretty sure we posted to each other (and others) every single day. I was the nutjob who kept taking too much or too little...She was much more reasonable. Anyway...

                    Taking too much baclofen fucks up my eyes, too. And I don't know if it will make you feel better, but wetting the bed is not that unusual when you overdose. Seems to happen to guys more than women, but maybe the women just don't post about it? I know I wouldn't, even if it had happened to me. It's a chick thing.

                    I doubt you're bipolar if you haven't had a diagnosis yet. I'm not but I still had some hypomania. (And I agree with you. It's a terrible disease/diagnosis and I was VERY fucking relieved that I'm not actually...My sister-in-law is and she is a messed up woman. Won't take her meds...Then again, now that I've experienced a bit of it, I don't know if I would either.)

                    I'm also one of the ones who was alcoholic from day one. Unlike you, though, alcohol (and cigarettes) are my one and only true loves. My husband, on the other hand, never met a drug he didn't like and couldn't abuse. He once took the dog's meds. All of them. Seriously. Scared the shit out of me and I spent the day monitoring him to make sure he kept breathing. God those were awful times.

                    He's sober now. Baclofen works, even for those of us who are fucked up from the beginning and love any kind of high.

                    And now I guess you know why we say to go slow and that it isn't addictive. It'll fuck you up, but it isn't any fun.

                    Look, don't feel bad about trying it, though. Been there. And I'll tell you a cautiounary tale about not taking enough, before you go and decide to do that too. ()

                    My husband decided, despite the fact that I was walking him through this whole process every day, to go from ~140 to ~60mg. His work, at the time, was incredibly stressful because the company he worked for went through a hostile takeover, they fired everyone except him and one other executive. He wanted a clear mind, and felt like baclofen was making him fuzzy.

                    He went to work. And he lost his shit. Called me around lunchtime and told me that he walked out. He couldn't take it. He was in his car sobbing. (I'd never heard him cry before. God those were awful days.) So I picked him up, got him to the doctor, got him some benzos, got him back on the right amount of bac, and spent the next two days convincing him that he could, indeed, go back to work.

                    Which he did. And kicked some ass. Got sober a couple of weeks later, got another job with a 50% salary increase. That meant I could stop working and go back to school. So I did. The rest, my friend, is history.

                    Of course, I was a bit (ahem) retarded in that I decided to go WAY down to 80mg and started drinking again. But it is NOTHING like it used to be, even though it still sucks. I have no doubt that I'll stop soon. If for no other reason than that booze is expensive and I have a penchant for expensive shoes I can't afford at the moment.

                    Hang in there my friend.


                      Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                      Also, Serenity. I know you don't want to do it. 6 sentences. That's all I'm asking.
                      I am doing absolutely fine, but I cannot do any updates at this point, sorry! It is just not possible for me to share any personal info on this forum right now, or possibly ever again. This is not a safe space. I'm positive at this point that people will die because they cannot access the proper information and support. It fucking breaks my heart.


                        Originally posted by _serenity_ View Post
                        I am doing absolutely fine, but I cannot do any updates at this point, sorry! It is just not possible for me to share any personal info on this forum right now, or possibly ever again. This is not a safe space thanks to the shit stain who tries to run this forum. I'm positive at this point that people will die because they cannot access the proper information and support. It fucking breaks my heart.
                        You are a joke and you are not truthful. With this said, I am very sad Serenity for your current state of affairs. I am quite certain that people will live and laugh their arses off after reading your post. LOL.

                        Edit: Can u not at least do one update to let us all know how you are doing? You really do not have to share any personal info -lol. Was there ever a time that u really thought sharing on a public forum was a safe place. I am just kidding around with u Serenitny -I hope u know this. Please.


                          Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                          You are a joke and you are not truthful. With this said, I am very sad Serenity for your current state of affairs. I am quite certain that people will live and laugh their arses off after reading your post. LOL.

                          Edit: Can u not at least do one update to let us all know how you are doing? You really do not have to share any personal info -lol. Was there ever a time that u really thought sharing on a public forum was a safe place. I am just kidding around with u Serenitny -I hope u know this. Please.
                          Quoting this before the drunk troll deletes it tomorrow.


                            Originally posted by _serenity_ View Post
                            Quoting this before the drunk troll deletes it tomorrow.
                            Oh my Serinty, now I am beginning to feel unsafe posting on this place. You may have a very valid point. Lol. (Serene -seriously, you are just now taking this forum seriously?). (You are simply NE's spokesperson when she is "unavailable". )

                            Does someone have to be drunk to point out your silliness? Also, does it not seem a little bit strange that you only come around during or after NE makes a post? Be safe. --sf--


                              Spirit, what the hell is wrong with you? You were drunk, weren't you? That is seriously the only explanation for those posts. No wonder you had to quit drinking. It makes you a complete and utter ass. I'm honestly surprised you're still married if you were as much of a drunk as you say you were and it makes you this unpleasant. Please, do yourself and us a favor and PLEASE just go away. Forever.

                              Heds, thanks for all that information. If you have the time, do you want to break it down into little itty bitty bits for us? Like I'm really curious what the peeps on the French forum have to say about dosing schedules...You mentioned on another thread that it's different from what we know.

                              Oh, and we've got the report, and most of us have read it, that baclofen worked for more than 60% of people who maintained abstinence and (what was it?) 80%? of people who practiced harm reduction...

                              Maybe some of the newbies/lurkers haven't read it though. I'll look for it later.


                                Actually, accurate information about baclofen needs to be posted in a thread and bumped to the top. Not just the list of studies, but what they actually say. Especially that one.

