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Progress thread for ne

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    Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
    Sorry Ne, I am going to have to ignore your advice for once (twice actually - )

    There is very little point putting anyone on ignore as they can always post on your thread and comments - People quote his comments in their posts so you see them etc I am sure you get my drift Ne

    Ah - Now to business:

    No thats not what i said:

    Clearly the Al has affected your eyesight

    What I said was

    Re-itterating the eyesight problem

    What I posted was a deleted post from yourself (or do you deny it was you?)

    Eyesight is improving-Must be sobering up

    Good effort but no cigar

    Sooo close

    What I said was:

    You missed Epic/threads and attachments

    Getting bored now but will carry on for entertainment value...

    Oh dear - relapsing to Al eyesight again

    Our survey says :

    Its Baclofenman or Sir to you sonny

    Our survey says :

    I dont need to belong to a "gang" (gang? - this is a fucking forum) - get out of the playground and grow up - I dont need a "gang" to make my mind up sonny

    I am confused how you know what I am thinking - Psychic maybe Psychotic more like ( I will leave the sonny off this one - Oh shit I did not )

    Oh FFS SF, I have already told you - For god sake please do me the grace of at least being semi sober when you reply to posts I have spent hours on - Its a little disrespectful to continually expect people to point out the err of your ways when you constantly pretend they dont exist - There is a name for this - Burying - Ne help me out honey - Oh no I got ir - burying your head......- No shit Ne you are going to have to help your fellow gang member (god we are a hard crew the **** and the bitch lol).....- You were fuck all use Ne (I am disbanding the crazy gang now) - I got it on my own - oh yes, Being a arsehole (you call it asshole)

    ITS IN YOUR HEAD YOU FUCKING MORON - And it Baclofenman or Sir to you sonny

    Oh and yes you will have seen my melt down thread last night and yes I am a depresive - But when I am not depressed I can be a right cunt when pressed

    Regards (only because I am a polite Englishman)



      Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
      Spirit, what the hell is wrong with you? You were drunk, weren't you? That is seriously the only explanation for those posts. No wonder you had to quit drinking. It makes you a complete and utter ass. I'm honestly surprised you're still married if you were as much of a drunk as you say you were and it makes you this unpleasant. Please, do yourself and us a favor and PLEASE just go away. Forever. .


        How many of us have to ask you before you just stop posting here? Seriously, I mean it. How many?

        There have been, what, a dozen? More than that, I'd bet. It's shocking that you continue to post here. New, old, regulars and one-timers have all told you point blank that they don't like your input and wish you would leave the meds section. Even Poink came out of the woodwork just to say that.

        What's it going to take before you go away?


          Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
          Also, Serenity. I know you don't want to do it. 6 sentences. That's all I'm asking.

          It's an issue that I'm drinking again...And hard to take advice from someone who isn't completely free and sober. Given the fact that whats-his-name keeps bringing it up, and maintains that he is completely sober but doesn't credit baclofen, I would love to see some stories of the people who have been free for a while.

          Same to you Lost. Or bump if you've already done it.

          Thanks peeps.
          I’ll try, Ne. I’ve been paralyzingly shy here recently, but I’ll say something about my experience with bac. All I know is that before starting bac, my entire life revolved around drinking, all day and all night - a liter and a half of vodka a day. I’ve made very serious attempts to quit over a dozen times, between the seven or so (I lost count) inpatient detoxes I went to, the three outpatient detoxes my psychiatrist was kind enough to prescribe and oversee, and the four or so (also lost count) times that my husband helped me taper off booze by slowly doling out smaller and smaller amounts over the course of several days (while also holding my car keys and wallet). I tried rehab, AA, CBT, Antabuse, campral, meditation, exercise, the list goes on. Nothing worked. Nothing stopped the relentless cravings that eventually made me cave. On bac, I was able to first curtail my drinking, then eventually quit altogether and not miss it even the tiniest bit.

          Being at my switch dose is an unreal experience. I simply don’t have the desire or taste for alcohol that I used to. It’s as though all of that programming in my brain to act in an alcoholic manner has been erased. And it opens up a whole new world for me. In fact, I joined a culinary-focused meetup group recently because I’m trying to come out of my shell. Their next meetup (tonight) is at a bar because the food there is so good. If I were trying to stay sober without bac, I wouldn’t go. I would either be dying with jealousy and resentment the whole night, and not having any fun, or I would be getting drunk and thinking I’m having fun, then waking up and realizing what an ass I am and dying of embarrassment and shame. With bac, I’m just gonna go meet some hopefully great people and have a good time (that’s the hope - I can’t promise my social anxiety won’t kick into high gear and ruin the night, anyway).

          Anyway, that’s what my life is like now on bac. I don’t want to drink and I don’t think about alcohol. It’s unbelievably freeing.


            Originally posted by Lostinspace View Post
            I’ll try, Ne. I’ve been paralyzingly shy here recently, but I’ll say something about my experience with bac. All I know is that before starting bac, my entire life revolved around drinking, all day and all night - a liter and a half of vodka a day. I’ve made very serious attempts to quit over a dozen times, between the seven or so (I lost count) inpatient detoxes I went to, the three outpatient detoxes my psychiatrist was kind enough to prescribe and oversee, and the four or so (also lost count) times that my husband helped me taper off booze by slowly doling out smaller and smaller amounts over the course of several days (while also holding my car keys and wallet). I tried rehab, AA, CBT, Antabuse, campral, meditation, exercise, the list goes on. Nothing worked. Nothing stopped the relentless cravings that eventually made me cave. On bac, I was able to first curtail my drinking, then eventually quit altogether and not miss it even the tiniest bit.

            Being at my switch dose is an unreal experience. I simply don’t have the desire or taste for alcohol that I used to. It’s as though all of that programming in my brain to act in an alcoholic manner has been erased. And it opens up a whole new world for me. In fact, I joined a culinary-focused meetup group recently because I’m trying to come out of my shell. Their next meetup (tonight) is at a bar because the food there is so good. If I were trying to stay sober without bac, I wouldn’t go. I would either be dying with jealousy and resentment the whole night, and not having any fun, or I would be getting drunk and thinking I’m having fun, then waking up and realizing what an ass I am and dying of embarrassment and shame. With bac, I’m just gonna go meet some hopefully great people and have a good time (that’s the hope - I can’t promise my social anxiety won’t kick into high gear and ruin the night, anyway).

            Anyway, that’s what my life is like now on bac. I don’t want to drink and I don’t think about alcohol. It’s unbelievably freeing.
            LIS - That is an incredibly powerful post - This has certainly given me some hope at the start of my journey

            Thank you

            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


              Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
              How many of us have to ask you before you just stop posting here? Seriously, I mean it. How many?

              There have been, what, a dozen? More than that, I'd bet. It's shocking that you continue to post here. New, old, regulars and one-timers have all told you point blank that they don't like your input and wish you would leave the meds section. Even Poink came out of the woodwork just to say that.

              What's it going to take before you go away?
              "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

              "Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions."

              My family has been in this country since 1701 and I do not think that we are going away any time soon. NE, please consider allowing people the opportunity to express their opinions and thoughts without you becoming offended and attacking. Just a thought. --sf/sw333--

              Edit: NE - I am not your enemy; instead, your alcohol IS your enemy, as you already know.


                Lis - its wonderful to read what a difference this has made for you and I really hope you enjoy your evening with the foodies


                  Originally posted by Lostinspace View Post
                  I’ll try, Ne. I’ve been paralyzingly shy here recently, but I’ll say something about my experience with bac. All I know is that before starting bac, my entire life revolved around drinking, all day and all night - a liter and a half of vodka a day. I’ve made very serious attempts to quit over a dozen times, between the seven or so (I lost count) inpatient detoxes I went to, the three outpatient detoxes my psychiatrist was kind enough to prescribe and oversee, and the four or so (also lost count) times that my husband helped me taper off booze by slowly doling out smaller and smaller amounts over the course of several days (while also holding my car keys and wallet). I tried rehab, AA, CBT, Antabuse, campral, meditation, exercise, the list goes on. Nothing worked. Nothing stopped the relentless cravings that eventually made me cave. On bac, I was able to first curtail my drinking, then eventually quit altogether and not miss it even the tiniest bit.

                  Being at my switch dose is an unreal experience. I simply don’t have the desire or taste for alcohol that I used to. It’s as though all of that programming in my brain to act in an alcoholic manner has been erased. And it opens up a whole new world for me. In fact, I joined a culinary-focused meetup group recently because I’m trying to come out of my shell. Their next meetup (tonight) is at a bar because the food there is so good. If I were trying to stay sober without bac, I wouldn’t go. I would either be dying with jealousy and resentment the whole night, and not having any fun, or I would be getting drunk and thinking I’m having fun, then waking up and realizing what an ass I am and dying of embarrassment and shame. With bac, I’m just gonna go meet some hopefully great people and have a good time (that’s the hope - I can’t promise my social anxiety won’t kick into high gear and ruin the night, anyway).

                  Anyway, that’s what my life is like now on bac. I don’t want to drink and I don’t think about alcohol. It’s unbelievably freeing.
                  Thanks so much, Lis, for posting.

                  Hope you had a good night last night! Ed and I had a date night. The first in a loooooong time. It was really lovely. I had 3 glasses of really nice wine with dinner. Let me tell you, I can't wait until I don't want to/need to drink anymore. That stuff is EXPENSIVE.

                  Fill us in on the culinary group. I'm really curious. No need to get all personal...


                    I've taken the following quote from this thread:

                    Originally posted by lex
                    Oh come on SF do you really expect us to believe there are long term baclofen takers who are still heavily drinking after 5+/- years of baclofen?
                    For those that aren't clear, I'm pretty sure that you're being sarcastic. I'm also pretty sure you're referring to me, since I'm the only one around here that has been on baclofen for that long, and I relapsed.

                    You made a similar comment on another thread, but I don't feel like looking it up.

                    I wonder why you think it's okay to make fun of people for relapsing? I wonder why you think it's okay to post something like that without telling the whole story? Do you do that to other people or is it just me? I think I remember you making disparaging comments to and about Lostinspace when she was desperately trying to get sober.

                    Did you wonder how that made her feel? What about my feelings?

                    I was dumb enough to stop taking enough baclofen. I relapsed and it has SUCKED. Do you think your comments help me while I'm trying to get sober again?

                    I'm assuming, since you're so quick to cast judgment and make sarcastic comments here on the meds threads that you have found a way out. It would be such a nice reprieve, a welcome response, if you actually encouraged people. Imagine that?

                    Instead, you're an asshole.

                    But don't get me wrong. You don't hurt my feelings. I'm not scared of you and you aren't going to shut me up. I have a story to tell. Some of it is cautionary. For instance, don't stop taking baclofen or you might relapse, just like I did. If that isn't something that will help people, I don't know what will.

                    In the meantime, until you decide to be a reasonable and kind human being, bugger off. Or at least mind your own damn business.


                      I want to find a post that I wrote on the "Ladies on a Mission" thread. It was around October 4th-8th.

                      I can't figure out how to search it out. Very annoying. Tk? Wth am I missing with the search engine?

                      I click on posts and all I get is threads. Am I being obtuse?


                        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                        I want to find a post that I wrote on the "Ladies on a Mission" thread. It was around October 4th-8th.

                        I can't figure out how to search it out. Very annoying. Tk? Wth am I missing with the search engine?

                        I click on posts and all I get is threads. Am I being obtuse?

                        Simply use google search engine as follows: • "ne/neva eva" "ladies on a mission" oct 2015 •

                        (Lex -Rutroh, you may have accidentally fallen into my arena • wear your thick bullet proof

                        Edit: NE, no one is trying to 'scare' you or cause you harm -other than the beast "Firewater". No one is making "fun of you" Ne. Your friends and others truly only hope that you do regain your sobriety and get back to your old former stubborn self. You deserve and have the right to be FREE and happy.

                        If you get a minute NE, check out this video:


                          Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                          I want to find a post that I wrote on the "Ladies on a Mission" thread. It was around October 4th-8th.

                          I can't figure out how to search it out. Very annoying. Tk? Wth am I missing with the search engine?

                          I click on posts and all I get is threads. Am I being obtuse?
                          I used the "search this thread option" in the "Ladies on a Mission..." thread, with "Ne/Neva Eva" in the User Name field under "advanced search". Here are the results:

                          (that link will expire after 12-24 hours)

                          EDIT: the trick is, there are 2 search buttons, in this case you need to use the top one.

                          TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen



                            Try This one


                            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                              Very weird. I clicked on both of your links (tk and bacman) and they didn't work.

                              Fortunately, or unfortunately, I found the post I was looking for before I read my thread. Thank you guys for the suggestions. I was being pissy on the other thread and I already sort of regret it. But life is full of ragrets and I'm leaving it for the day.

                              I think I just need to get off of MWO for a day! lol. Reading that thread, despite the fact that it was raised from the dead for the best of intentions (and a GREAT post by dundrinkin) really pissed me off.

                              I'd do something productive like take the dog on a walk, but Ed's the only one willing to walk her when it's raining/snowing. And they're out now!


                                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                                Very weird. I clicked on both of your links (tk and bacman) and they didn't work.

                                Fortunately, or unfortunately, I found the post I was looking for before I read my thread. Thank you guys for the suggestions. I was being pissy on the other thread and I already sort of regret it. But life is full of ragrets and I'm leaving it for the day.

                                I think I just need to get off of MWO for a day! lol. Reading that thread, despite the fact that it was raised from the dead for the best of intentions (and a GREAT post by dundrinkin) really pissed me off.

                                I'd do something productive like take the dog on a walk, but Ed's the only one willing to walk her when it's raining/snowing. And they're out now!
                                Mother-Fucker, my link deffo worked, I checked it in the preview pane ( i did not want to look stupid to tk) - Some fucker has mod status here and Im pretty sure I know who it is (no im not telling)


                                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

