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Progress thread for ne

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    Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
    Spirit, why are you doing that? It's kinda annoying.
    This type of post is known as Hypophora I think Ne


    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


      Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
      I had gone up quite quickly before and I found it ok,I also came down at breakneck speed and it did me no harm.We are all different.I hate that I'm drinking again.But seeing alcohol services on Friday so going to ask about Nalmefene
      AFAIK - Nalmefene is only prescibed as part of a rehabilitation programme - Which means you will need to attend councilling, which in itself is not a problem as you already see alcohol service but i thought I would point this out


      I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
      Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
        Spirit, why are you doing that? It's kinda annoying.
        This might explain it:

        Originally posted by Cassander View Post
        Spirit, my friend. Given that this is, fundamentally, a support board, I must ask you: Are you ok? Are you sober? Do you need some help and support, yourself? Your belligerence here has been growing and growing over the past months, well past normal, and your circle of friends and allies, once many here, is diminishing to the vanishing point. This is ordinarily not a good sign for an alcoholic. I have no wish to argue with you or hurt you or criticize you. After all we, each one of us here, of all people, lives in her or his own glass house. Please let us know, publicly or privately, if we can possibly be of any help. Cass
        Originally posted by kuya
        This is a classic example of passive aggressive behaviour masquerading as concern. SF you need to take a step back and really look at yourself.

        You are now on ignore.
        Originally posted by Spellers
        spirit free or whatever his name is clearly a troll. those of us checking in now and again can clearly see this.
        Originally posted by Poink View Post
        I almost never come here because of what SF has done to the group, so I would love to be included in your new group. What SF fails to understand is that we are here because we can't stop drinking. Many of us have spent years trying. I have been thru several rehabs. We are all looking for something that kills the beast so that our willpower will be sufficient. If you don't need the help that meds might provide, you ought to stay the fuck out of this forum. Yeah, that means you, Spirit Troll.
        Originally posted by LadyLush View Post
        Wow spirit,
        I thought you left? No, I know you did, at least twice. Do you really think anybody here thinks you are genuine? Do you have any idea how disruptive you are to people struggling to get a grip on this disease? You left the Meds site, stick to your nonsense rambling think you know it all posts and leave. I am still trying to figure out where the dislike button is? But dislike is much too gentle for a troll like you. Stick to your asinine last post and keep your word.
        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
        Honestly, Spirit, I didn't really believe that you were drinking again but your last post has quite convinced me. Either that or you are suffering from some sort of dementia. I'm actually starting to get worried. Should I call you or your wife just to make sure you're okay?
        Originally posted by Xadrian View Post
        I haven't been posting and reading the forum much for over a year and it was sad to see that the narcistic, egoistic, know-it-all wisecrack Dr. SpitFire MD. still is messing-up the place, even more than before. This is also one of the reasons I'm not around here anymore. So he can be very proud of himself by achieving that.
        He knows what I think about him, so there's no need to repeat it, but it is pretty much in agreement with what most of you think about him.
        I only hope that he will not pull any innocent first time visitors over here into believing what he calls the truth, so maybe giving some reply now and then, would not be such a bad idea.
        Originally posted by guillaume View Post
        PS, just to make sure I am very clear to the troll spiritfree, spiritwolf, or whatever, my best bet is you already have blood on your hands, in this last year there will have been somebody unbeknownst to us that came looking for help but got scarred away by your actions on these forums with lethal consequences. Spirit, like you like to say, just my opinion.
        Originally posted by JanCan View Post
        It's not what you say or your opinion that angers people. It's how you say it.

        Originally posted by Poink View Post
        Ne, I wasn't suggesting that you intended to shut the Med section down. SF has already done that. When the few who come here find a new site, this section will shut itself down.

        I joined Lo0p's site, but without him it seemed to peter out. Haven't been there in a long time.

        The sad thing is that this used to be a wonderful place for open exchange of ideas and sources and experiences, but also of hope and support.

        Oh well, hope to see some of you down the road.
        Originally posted by YouKayBee View Post
        I agree with quite a lot of what you post SF, but it's the way you do it that I find harmful and distasteful.
        Originally posted by _serenity_ View Post
        I've been wondering the same thing. The troll displays such typical drunk behavior, I can't think of any other rational explanation. Why else would someone post so much random, inexplicable hostility towards an unassuming stranger, only to delete the mean words later?
        Originally posted by Mentium
        Please, just for once, don't feed the (sick) troll. I suspect mental illness here.
        Originally posted by bleep View Post
        Dude, you are a toxic individual. Fucking give it a break, and let this site return to the haven it used to be. Just stop.
        Originally posted by bleep View Post
        Fuck me, every time I look you are arguing with somebody Spirit. The arguments never serve a purpose, they never make the the forum a nicer place and they seem to irritate everyone except you and the one or two people who don't realise what is going on and briefly side with you. It seems to me that almost every regular poster in the meds section seems be in a constant state of disagreement with you, perhaps take a step back and wonder why?

        Please give it a rest.
        Originally posted by beckty View Post
        What's wrong with this person, spirit wolf? Why the continual drum beat?
        Originally posted by kronkcarr View Post
        Up until spirit started posting abstinence as the only way we had no trouble with people in the meds section being abstinent or using TSM to moderate or baclofen to have a drink and not crave another. This section was quite lively. It seems counterproductive that I've found My Way Out and am happy and have a life I've never imagined and I'm told I am wrong and don't have it right.
        Originally posted by bkyogagurl View Post
        Anyway.. I don't really care and I have put Spirit on my ignore list so I don't have to see his posts. Done.
        Drama on the threads is not something I need.
        Originally posted by Lostinspace View Post
        I am very sorry to all. Especially to the newcomer. (helpmequit: you're still invited to PM me if you're for real). I don't feel safe here at all anymore. I'm out. I'll see y'all soon, when I get my wits back about me. Until then, I apologize. I. Just. Can't. With all this crap. I'm out.
        Originally posted by dundrinkn View Post
        That turned out to be the shortest "break from the Med boards" ever, Spirit. Try it again, please. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you mean well, and if so, you will butt out of this thread.
        Originally posted by Lostinspace View Post
        Mentium - Unfortunately, Ne's right that the recent flurry of activity that started when spirit took a break from the forum is the most action this forum has seen in a long time.
        Originally posted by Stevo
        Geez SF,seriously dude what you are saying you will do is just malicious beyond comprehension.Really,why would you want to destroy what Ne is trying to build as a positive foundation for her future?

        I never say much but this morning I woke up to 3 or 4 new pages of what I can only be described as soap opera type drama and your behaviour has only regressed to that of a vindictive teenager.

        You usually hold it together even under fire but I am completely blown away by where this has now gone.
        Originally posted by MeJustMe View Post
        The only things I will say further on this discussion is firstly by anyone replying to Spirit's posts they are just providing entertainment for him, and adding fuel to the fire. Nothing is gained for anyone here or the newcomer to this forum. All they will see is the friction. Let the tumbleweeds roll past Spirit's posts and the message will be clear; his posts are fractious at best.
        Originally posted by fennel View Post
        I started my own forum because of unbridled bullying on this one. I'm really sad to see that things are devolving once again. I wish you much success with your own forum and I hope you will come back once in a while to update us.
        I have a feeling that your nemesis is going to be desperately lost once you're posting seems that he lives to harass the baclofen folks.
        Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
        Fen,im sure he'll find another target pretty quickly
        Originally posted by kronkcarr View Post
        Oh Please. I'm tired of the fighting. sf, please stop.
        Originally posted by SKendall View Post
        Someone told me to have a quick look over here. S.F. does write grammatically correct., etc. But looking at this objectively it would appear that his intent is on needling people. He knows that he's annoying, but still persists. Loves defending himself in the "noble" manner of "helping" people.

        Loves writing about himself in a very narcissistic way.

        I don't think he's working for any recovery forum just loves the attention.

        Through the years on this forum we have had many people who have aliases and cause trouble. Some are still drinking and others need a different kind of help.

        Since it would appear he enjoys needling people, why allow it. Ignore him, his taunts and don't respond to his posts - just don't even read them. I know some have a lot of free hours in the day but they can be spent better than reading his posts.
        Originally posted by lex View Post
        I have no special feelings for SF, but I do tend to rally to the side of the underdog, and until just yesterday I had been perceiving SF as the underdog. But SF's most recent comments do make me question his bona fides.
        TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


          And the Oscar goes to ..........


            I'm not on nal


              Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
              I'm not on nal
              No - I am aware of that - I was just pointing out that AFAIK Nalfemene in the UK (maybe not scotland) is only available as part of a "large" programme

              Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
              .But seeing alcohol services on Friday so going to ask about Nalmefene
              No worries - I would be very interested how you get on


              I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
              Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                Thanks for posting that. You've forgotten several people. Otter and bacman come to mind. Also some of the other oldtimers. ...dundrinkin and stuckinla...I'm sure the list goes on and on and on. Not that it does much good, since he's clearly reading the same stuff we are and still continues to post things that disgust or dismay everyone.

                It's kind of alarming to see it all in one place. I can't imagine how that would make me feel. I know I would be very uncomfortable about continuing to post anything. It's hard to tell if he's drunk or crazy or both.


                  Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
                  I had gone up quite quickly before and I found it ok,I also came down at breakneck speed and it did me no harm.We are all different.I hate that I'm drinking again.But seeing alcohol services on Friday so going to ask about Nalmefene
                  What about naltrexone? I ask just because naltrexone is cheaper, so maybe more likely to be prescribed? I'm not sure about how it works in the UK.

                  Selincro (nalmefene) is brand new, right? So still under patent and probably $$$.

                  Best of luck, no matter what.

                  I hope that you'll keep posting, particularly if you get one of the two meds!


                    Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
                    And the Oscar goes to ..........
                    Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
                    Thanks Nicnak... I would like to thank.......:welldone:


                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                      Gosh. I've been off here for a month or so and there sure is a lot of the same old stuff going on. Ne, many pages back you asked for success stories. I started bac 12/12/12. I'm not sure of my stop date--maybe sometime in 12/15. I am thrilled with how I'm living. I truly feel that my brain has rewired and healed.

                      I don't think I'm always so good at describing how I feel but I'll give it a go. The last 4 or so months on bac I was anxious and wasn't able to settle myself. I drank very little and that wasn't an issue. After stopping bac I'm calm and have no desire to over drink or drink alone nightly. I may have a beer after a long run, but I no longer think of alcohol as an escape from stress, boredom or a bad day.

                      I started running which has helped lots. This led to better nutrition and better sleep habits. I'm not sure if I ever did much to make my life healthy before now. I'm grateful to Dr Ameisen for his book. Life's pretty darn fine. Thanks to all of you here who helped me.


                        Thanks, Kronk.

                        Yes, it is the same old stuff. We've battled the same issues for years because there isn't any moderation or administration on this forum. I've had enough.

                        I've actually been working on a new forum. I have created a gofundme page to pay for a real one...Not a free site, but a real actual forum with active oversight.

                        It's a little nerve-wracking. Kind of like throwing a party and wondering if anyone is going to come. I'm going to send emails and PMs for the Gofundme. I really hope you guys will come to the party and help me raise the money! (Fingers are crossed.)


                          Me,Nalmefene is actually licensed in the uk to be prescribed by the local alcohol and drug agencies (not the gp)...but as per when I went on Friday they don't prescribe it,just counselling....excuse my French but it's all bollocks!


                            Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
                            Me,Nalmefene is actually licensed in the uk to be prescribed by the local alcohol and drug agencies (not the gp)...but as per when I went on Friday they don't prescribe it,just counselling....excuse my French but it's all bollocks!
                            How is it that they don't prescribe it? That's awful. Gawd, I hate it that there are ANY places where those who have alcoholism go to get help don't offer medications. That's so ridiculous in this day and age. Aaaaargh!

                            I'm so sorry, Nic. Hope you can get help elsewhere.


                              Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
                              Me,Nalmefene is actually licensed in the uk to be prescribed by the local alcohol and drug agencies (not the gp)...but as per when I went on Friday they don't prescribe it,just counselling....excuse my French but it's all bollocks!
                              Hi - French aside, it can be prescribed by your GP - Whether or not they will is another kettle of fish
                              The guidance is further backed up here - but as I mentioned in my earlier post, it is not without attending a course of "psychosocial support" (not my phrase) - I am sure if you "google" your local authority you will find the same - Not Dorset, unless you live in Dorset of course

                              Of course the problem is persuading the GP to go ahead - GP's do have a duty of care and I would mention this if you feel you are not getting anywhere - Have you asked your GP?

                              I am not sure if you have read one of my previous posts on a separate thread - If not I will précis it for you - I have been taking Baclofen for about a month now but a months worth costs me $350.00, which is a good deal of money to anyone, who has probably pissed away all of their money - I informed my GP that I was taking non scripted Baclofen and explained to her how it was effecting me - She, like my Cardiologist was happy that I was finding something that was helping me - I cheekily asked her if she would prescribe this for me and to my amazement she smiled and said she would think about it if I sent her some evidence of its effectiveness - Which is incredible - Fucking incredible - Excuse my French too (I have a bad habit of bad language)

                              So to summarise - If you GP is not going to help you - Find another with an AL bent - You may get a surprise - Try google = GP in [your area] specialising in Alcoholism

                              Feel free to PM me if you like


                              I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                              Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                                Thanks for posting that. You've forgotten several people. Otter and bacman come to mind. Also some of the other oldtimers. ...dundrinkin and stuckinla...I'm sure the list goes on and on and on. Not that it does much good, since he's clearly reading the same stuff we are and still continues to post things that disgust or dismay everyone.

                                It's kind of alarming to see it all in one place. I can't imagine how that would make me feel. I know I would be very uncomfortable about continuing to post anything. It's hard to tell if he's drunk or crazy or both.

