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Progress thread for ne

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    Baclofenman - I have SF on ignore. It makes life a lot easier on this forum. He is a past master of trolling and though it is hard to ignore his bile and passive (and not so passive) aggression, it is worth the effort. He was one of my biggest hurdles here when I was trying the baclofen route, nasty excuse for a human being that he is. Anything you post in response to his poison just fuels him.

    Best wishes - and hoping you like the graphics! : )


      Originally posted by Mentium View Post
      Baclofenman - I have SF on ignore. It makes life a lot easier on this forum. He is a past master of trolling and though it is hard to ignore his bile and passive (and not so passive) aggression, it is worth the effort. He was one of my biggest hurdles here when I was trying the baclofen route, nasty excuse for a human being that he is. Anything you post in response to his poison just fuels him.

      Best wishes - and hoping you like the graphics! : )
      Evening Menty

      I am aware that a lot of you have "him" on ignore - I on the other hand look at it from a different perspective - By ignoring him, I feel he has won - Yes on the one hand you dont have to listen (read) his bollox but then the true aim of the troll will have been acomplished IMO - In fairness I enjoy conflict, especially with an idiot so it does bring a "side show" to the rather quiet meds section

      It is such a shame that he is so "Bi-polar", especially when inebriated because a very small minority of his post are a very good read <sigh>

      Graphics are good old bean - Just waiting for the go ahead from die Führerin

      Best Wishes

      I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
      Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


        Bacman-thank you for your kind words about me.:happy2: NE has always been one of my favorite people here and she has always given so unselfishly of her time to help others. It sounds like your doctors in the UK are kind of like they are here...when it comes to addiction, most GPs only know TWO things, and TWO things ONLY: AA and Rehab. That's what my doctor said I should do and I gave her an immediate thumbs down. She had never heard of Baclofen for AL. She wasn't even familiar with NAL, which is called Revia in the medical community here in the States. Funny how we patients educate our doctors, no? ;-)


          Aw, Rusty and bacman, y'all are making me blush.


            Originally posted by Mentium View Post
            ...He was one of my biggest hurdles here when I was trying the baclofen route, nasty excuse for a human being that he is.
            That is the biggest problem. It's not the old timers or the people that have already reached some success with baclofen that he threatens (though I receive many, many emails from old timers and newbies alike about his interference keeping them from participating). It is the fact that when lurkers look here, they see the drama. I actually had a donation for the new forum from someone who hadn't even participated yet because of it! You'd think, that since his purported purpose is to keep alcoholics from dying, he'd stop and let us get the support we need.

            Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
            I agree - Everyone has different goals, I respect those who want their goal to be moderation but it is not what I want or what I want at the end of my journey, which lets face it will be with me for the rest of my life
            Thank all that matters for reason and tolerance. "No going bac man". You're awesome.

            Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
            Ne... :hug: I hope you get relief soon.
            Thanks so much, Mom2. Me, too!

            Originally posted by StuckinLA View Post
            Seriously glad to hear about how much you're connecting with your therapist, Ne. Been there once, and man did it get me out of some dark places - just knowing there was going to be that time once a week to sort of rearrange everything else around.

            Keep yourself busy, and enjoy the folks' place this weekend.
            Thanks, Stuck. I'm glad you understand about the therapist. Can you still see your old therapist?

            I'm in Baltimore now. I am going shopping today, I think. And tomorrow I'm going to go to the American Visionary Art Museum. It's full of art by crazy people, including many who have our particular brain dysfunction. (The museum shows work that is by people who are "without formal training". It's full of art by people like us, as well as people with other more dramatic brain chemistry...dysfunctions.) And maybe I'll see if there's anyone around to have coffee with. Baltimore's our hometown, so there's always someone around I haven't seen in ages. I can't decide how social I want to be.

            Thanks for stopping by. Sorry that Spirit was here spreading his mud all over. Glad you posted anyway. :hug:
            (Forgot the book you sent at home, dammit!)

            Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
            The amount of time it took Baclofen to work was on me as I was not following the regular titration schedule. In retrospect, I should have.
            Don't play the blame game! It takes what it takes! ha! As if I can deal with that right now. I swear, it is SO DAMN HARD to wait 5 days to go up by a mere 20mg. <sigh>

            Thanks everyone for stopping by. Much love to you all.


              Should I try again,God knows.
              I nearly left my job last time so I'm loath to do so


                Ah, yes...I see the drama is still abundant and active. Like many, it's one of the reasons I haven't been participating. NE, will this kind of crap be prohibited on the new forum?

                I would encourage any of you who are impatient with the bac titration to try and get a Rx for Nal! For me, it worked on the first day! I remember not being able to finish one beer!

                I stayed at 40 mgs yesterday and was fine. Had 4 beers during the superbowl and over a period of 6 hours. And, I had some of the best pork ribs I've ever eaten!!!:congratulatory:

                Bacman, Rusty, NE, thanks for your encouragement and advise. I don't plan on going above 80 mg/day with the bac. My goal is to moderate my consumption. And, I remember my days in the 200-300mg/day; I was a zombie! I can't do any work at those levels. NE, I can understand why you want to go back up to that HDB, but I couldn't do it again. Try the Nal with a lower dose of bac.

                Bacman, good for you on being AF! Keep up the good work!
                All the best to you all.


                  Originally posted by nicnak68 View Post
                  Should I try again,God knows.
                  I nearly left my job last time so I'm loath to do so
                  Well, if it means losing your job, then no. But if you can do both, sure. Just make sure you put Spirit on ignore and then you can be free of the angst caused by that! Glad you posted again. I was worried about you.

                  Originally posted by TimberTim View Post
                  Ah, yes...I see the drama is still abundant and active. Like many, it's one of the reasons I haven't been participating. NE, will this kind of crap be prohibited on the new forum?
                  NO WAY! That is one of the (many) driving forces behind the new forum. There will be active moderators (not me) and administrators to make sure that trolling DOES NOT HAPPEN! Period.

                  Which is not to say that we will abandon MWO and let it continue unabated here. That's not going to happen either. The trolling has to stop. It actively HURTS people who are trying to find information and support about baclofen. We would all be remiss if we let Spirit get away with it. But it will be amazing, and much healthier, for us to have a space that is moderated.

                  Originally posted by TimberTim View Post
                  NE, I can understand why you want to go back up to that HDB, but I couldn't do it again. Try the Nal with a lower dose of bac.
                  I will try Nal. I have two thoughts, though, about it. I'm looking forward to it curbing my drinking as I titrate up, which will hopefully make titrating up much easier. But it's the craving that does me in, and I don't know if it will help with that. I remain open to it. I hope it does! Either way, I won't give up being indifferent to alcohol, though, so I plan on taking enough baclofen to make sure that happens.

                  I feel pretty strongly, Tim, that should you decide that's your goal, too (and I'm not saying it should be!) you will find that if you titrate up regularly and with the schedule, the SEs are much, much easier to take. Just wanted to make that point, not because I think you ought to.

                  I'll pick up the Nal tomorrow and begin the next grand experiment.

                  Thanks for stopping by.



                    Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post

                    As I have always maintained - Everyones journey is different and these are my rules, no one elses - If they help some one else great, if not so be it

                    Cured? - Are you fucking joking - There is no cure (as you put it) - For me it is dealing with the underlying issues which lead to drinking being the final outcome - I am an abstainer, not a moderator - I dont want to drink socially - I dont want to drink at all - Yes some want to moderate, I dont - Is that a problem for you?

                    Not at all - I still fancy a drink, but Baclofen lets me not allow the obsessional demand to drink bug me

                    To take posting advise off a Troll who' sole aim is do disrupt other peoples threads is quite frankly insane. If you want to spout your shit, I suggest you start your own thread - Idiot

                    Well thats where you are wrong - As usual - To catagorically put your mind at ease, Baclofen has not "cured" me - I still fancy a drink, far less that I used to mind - But as I have said on MANY occasions - I can switch the thought off, when pre Baclofen it always got the better of me

                    Carl - In view of the personal issues you claim to be experiencing I have been lenient on you - But if you ever try to mug me off again I will out you big time - In the meantime I would suggest you look at this post to see where your drunken postings have let you down

                    I see you have subsequently removed the post but just to refresh your memory[ATTACH=CONFIG]2196[/ATTACH] Posted after having been caught with your pants down again

                    I would suggest you spend more time on your Drones and a little less on disrupting a very useful forum - To most of us anyway

                    Regards for now



                      Dear Bacman -if you are threating to cause me and my family harm by whatever means, including "outing" me (exposing my identity), then I can only please ask that you do not do this. Not only is the threat to cause harm illegal, the actual doing so is an illegal act in the United States and I am certain that it is illegal where you live. If you do not like someone, their comments, or their opinions, you simply ignore them. You have threatened to cause intentional harm to me and my family. This is simply not acceptable behavior -regardless.

                      I do hope others realize that they could possibly become an intended target of yours someday -likewise. This just happens to be the reality of online forums Where the members have no accountability for their actions.


                        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                        This just happens to be the reality of online forums Where the members have no accountability for their actions.
                        Oh, the bloody irony of that statement coming from the man who has taken absolutely no responsibility for his words for years.


                          Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                          Dear Bacman -if you are threating to cause me and my family harm by whatever means, including "outing" me (exposing my identity), then I can only please ask that you do not do this. Not only is the threat to cause harm illegal, the actual doing so is an illegal act in the United States and I am certain that it is illegal where you live. If you do not like someone, their comments, or their opinions, you simply ignore them. You have threatened to cause intentional harm to me and my family. This is simply not acceptable behavior -regardless.

                          I do hope others realize that they could possibly become an intended target of yours someday -likewise. This just happens to be the reality of online forums Where the members have no accountability for their actions.
                          noun, psychiatry
                          A person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.


                            including "outing" me (exposing my identity)

                            You know, I only half understand the anonymity of this, or any forum. What is there to hide? "Hi, I'm Tim, and I'm an alcoholic". So what! Who cares? There are millions like me. What is there to "out", dude? I posted my own picture and where I live. For me, there is nothing to "out".

                            Unless, of course, Spirit Free has something to hide. Come on, man! What's the deal?

                            The reason I come to this, or any forum, is to be able to expose the lies that I have a tough time facing myself. And to seek companionship and advise from others who know what I'm going through. And most of all, to not be judged! My wife and my parents don't understand because their not alcoholics. They could never understand.

                            Only you, my friends, know what it's like. And I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you.


                              Ne: thank you for your advice! I'll go slower on my intake. I've been at 400mg for a few days now and have very few SEs.

                              Hey, let us know how the Nal works for you! As always, I wish you great success!


                                TT- you make a good point as to the futility of anonymity, but I for one am not there yet! lex

